this image contains text
.g@g. ,gg,
, , spinalgammaasciipariah **
, ,l ,g3
.g@@33gg@33 ,2 .gP 7@g.
,jlgggl ,g@P 7m l
l,g3@g., :l g g
.g@g.ll,g@, ,
l l ll WP 7g. yy yggg
l l lggl gggg l
l, ,@,WWW
@l3@gggg,u@33@g., l
,l, ,, ,l
ll WW2@gu@2,@3@gu@
.g@@g, ,g3
l,WWWjllgggy yyy@3g.
W@,WW@g@g@ l,
WW2@gggg@ ,
W .gg lgg
: : lll,
, WW,WWP,@g
---dividersareforlamers----- ------- ------- ----- --- -- any requests to pariah@erols.com, i only charge for 100+ line asciis, and
its rare that anyone wants a 100 line ascii.. this will be my last release
with noname i really have gotten myself into a lot of problems with groups..
, , spinalgammaasciipariah **
, ,l ,g3
.g@@33gg@33 ,2 .gP 7@g.
,jlgggl ,g@P 7m l
l,g3@g., :l g g
.g@g.ll,g@, ,
l l ll WP 7g. yy yggg
l l lggl gggg l
l, ,@,WWW
@l3@gggg,u@33@g., l
,l, ,, ,l
ll WW2@gu@2,@3@gu@
.g@@g, ,g3
l,WWWjllgggy yyy@3g.
W@,WW@g@g@ l,
WW2@gggg@ ,
W .gg lgg
: : lll,
, WW,WWP,@g
---dividersareforlamers----- ------- ------- ----- --- -- any requests to pariah@erols.com, i only charge for 100+ line asciis, and
its rare that anyone wants a 100 line ascii.. this will be my last release
with noname i really have gotten myself into a lot of problems with groups..
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