this image contains text
C N! ,Ss, .
,s . ,s l7
, s 7Ss,
,sS7 ,s 7Ss, , s
, .,sS 7 ,sS
. ,sS , s ,7
,sSy ,s , s. ,b, . s
7 y . 77
7S, ,s l ,sS7
,Sby, s s .*
.*. ,7
once again, here we are, hitting hard for another month,
this is gettingpretty exciting to be a part of. thin
gs just keep getting better and better, it
s really hard to believe the advancement of our artists, and
the quality of the
packs .. its just cool. who wouldve thought that when m
e and polymorph got
together in early june, and decided upon starting an invite
only ascii group, itwouldve come this far?.. yeah, s
o we hit some rocks and i lost touch with poly,its a
ll good! were here now.. and no one seems to be com
plaining. the one
thing that no one has left me alone about is looking like s
oap too much ..ARGHthis isnt a bad thing, because if
we look like soap, we must look pretty good but th
e feeling of originality which we had in the first p
ack sort of began
diminishing, BUT.. were making moves, MAD moves, so be afra
id.. and check the
funk in this paq out.. because its crazy, but, other than a
few down things we
had some serious kick ass stuff go on. youll like find out
later... and stuff.
first of all, blatz the sysop of SCUM has handed his boa
rd onto me,
therefore making me the sysop, so thats cool, and it should
be up within the
next couple weeks, so catch me and ask for the phone number,
itll be on a smartdial line.. over at mistaBOOMs p
lace, so if he needs the phone, too bad for youbut, i
ts all good, check it out and stuff.
new members, well, we invited a couple worthy artists in
, and they
accepted, and they were pixel pusher, pariah, revert and ill
william. welcome
to the tribe boys. on a sad note, flame left the group to p
ursue other things,
he was a valued member, and had my back the whole time he kn
ew about noname, so
like much love to you man. also creaping death decided to g
o and do something
stupid, what you ask?.. join acid, there you go, he had to l
eave us , its ok man, well miss you and stuff.
our web page is up at http://wizy.uit.net/fear and our F
TP site is at
wizy.uit.net and login noname and just enter your email ad
ress, thats all i
can figure out about the stupid thing, anyone who knows how
to run an FTP site,
please come and talk to me
its that time of the year, its hallows eve once again.
so being the
pagans me and discyple are, we have decided to give you som
e serious lyrics..
we started a little like this:
. .. .:/ halloween you say, is a very happy day fo
r me and nay-thun
cuz hes got a ray-gun like ronald raegan, cuz hes
a pagan
and were not fakin, ill cook you like bacon, and
then we flip like pumpkins, and well make yo
u shake that rumpkin
like rumplestiltskin, but like rip van winkle, i c
atch 40
winks, i live next to some chinks, who have mad cuba
n linx,
and promote dinks cuz their hookers, and were like
on 21 jump street but were not like johnny depp, that
prep, and he can take his pretty boy self, and rel
ease yo
delf, ill start the shit in guelph, where ever the f
uck that
is, you should mind your own biz, s0ap cant see the
funk, your momma gets top bunk, and then it comes crash
ing down
like TWA, were blowing up in the east, but were from
the west
and were on a kwest..phunk, weve got the best phunk,
for your
system and your sister, ill bet you mister.. that you m
iss your
momma, trauma, ill blow up like the uni-bomba, and th
en well drop like a helicopter, or maybe a cho
pper, like were yan can
cook, but were not asian, and were not fazing, becau
se were
inserting phear into you and your fucking s0ap crew.
jeah, mad freestyle, dumb but funny as shit, while were
on the matter,
i hereby challenge the s0ap sons to freestylee duals, catch
me on IRC to set up the time and place.. sarkazm, you
r mine.
umm.. the thirteenth halo is back up, you can call it up
ld if you want
the number is 403-252-7694, the sysop is our own 4degrees, w
ho has not yet
submitted ascii to the group, but its ok, i know someday he
will, and itll be
all good. i already told you about SCUM, so blah.
anyways, on our on-going quest to not look like anyone e
lse, i decided
to throw the member list and everything all into one this mo
nth and see how
people react, so ill include like a member list and board l
ist and shit, so
imma use a different header for sure, actually no, check thi
s out.
*** noname brand ascii is the following artists
cain, discyple, savage dragon, spinsane, 4degrees, liqui
d s0ap, aCk,
nytmare, x3nocide, risu, blindman, erupt, c4nnibal, pixel pu
sher, mistaboom,
rheostatic, haji, polymorph, fear, pariah, midnight judge, r
evert, and ill
william. these guys make the group what it is, although it
really sucks when
i have to hold the paqs back because you dont all have ascii
. therefore i wontbe holding the ppaq and wait for
you, that easy for me, and its easy for you,
so like if you dont have ascii one paq, youll have more the
next, cool? there,
umm, say word to the new guys if you catch em on irc and
stuff.. and bugthe guys with no work. word is bond.
were also looking for a telecom guy to do confs for
us, and were always looking for new members, so wel
l include a way
for you all to reach us, cool idea by me, a mAILING lIST. wo
rd. here comes, i
tried it, but it never worked, umm.. maybe ill include it i
n another file.
SEPARATE NOTE: Savage Dragon is an absolutle moron, for real
, his name sounds
like something you put on your spaghetti. if i dont find hi
m for this paq, im
going to rape him.
slap discyple for his lack of ascii if you see him, and
anyone else who
didnt submit, tell them they all deserve beats.. and they W
ILL get those beats.yeah, i have absolutely nothing e
lse to say in this, and i cant find any of the
ss, so like.. thats it for this month, and well catch you a
ll next month. word.
noname in full effect, hopefully, next month.
/cain fucker, hurry up and release this shit.
reach us at: cain - cain@bbs.nexes.com
discyple - samiss@bc1.com
spinsane - carne@luna.cas.usf.edu
savage drgn - dfarrer@sentex.net
/signoff.. bye.
hold it..
noname cat ev-non00.asc
ev.aCiD!aSC/ / / // / noname brand asc
n o n a m e b r
a n d
ok now bye for real.
C N! ,Ss, .
,s . ,s l7
, s 7Ss,
,sS7 ,s 7Ss, , s
, .,sS 7 ,sS
. ,sS , s ,7
,sSy ,s , s. ,b, . s
7 y . 77
7S, ,s l ,sS7
,Sby, s s .*
.*. ,7
once again, here we are, hitting hard for another month,
this is gettingpretty exciting to be a part of. thin
gs just keep getting better and better, it
s really hard to believe the advancement of our artists, and
the quality of the
packs .. its just cool. who wouldve thought that when m
e and polymorph got
together in early june, and decided upon starting an invite
only ascii group, itwouldve come this far?.. yeah, s
o we hit some rocks and i lost touch with poly,its a
ll good! were here now.. and no one seems to be com
plaining. the one
thing that no one has left me alone about is looking like s
oap too much ..ARGHthis isnt a bad thing, because if
we look like soap, we must look pretty good but th
e feeling of originality which we had in the first p
ack sort of began
diminishing, BUT.. were making moves, MAD moves, so be afra
id.. and check the
funk in this paq out.. because its crazy, but, other than a
few down things we
had some serious kick ass stuff go on. youll like find out
later... and stuff.
first of all, blatz the sysop of SCUM has handed his boa
rd onto me,
therefore making me the sysop, so thats cool, and it should
be up within the
next couple weeks, so catch me and ask for the phone number,
itll be on a smartdial line.. over at mistaBOOMs p
lace, so if he needs the phone, too bad for youbut, i
ts all good, check it out and stuff.
new members, well, we invited a couple worthy artists in
, and they
accepted, and they were pixel pusher, pariah, revert and ill
william. welcome
to the tribe boys. on a sad note, flame left the group to p
ursue other things,
he was a valued member, and had my back the whole time he kn
ew about noname, so
like much love to you man. also creaping death decided to g
o and do something
stupid, what you ask?.. join acid, there you go, he had to l
eave us , its ok man, well miss you and stuff.
our web page is up at http://wizy.uit.net/fear and our F
TP site is at
wizy.uit.net and login noname and just enter your email ad
ress, thats all i
can figure out about the stupid thing, anyone who knows how
to run an FTP site,
please come and talk to me
its that time of the year, its hallows eve once again.
so being the
pagans me and discyple are, we have decided to give you som
e serious lyrics..
we started a little like this:
. .. .:/ halloween you say, is a very happy day fo
r me and nay-thun
cuz hes got a ray-gun like ronald raegan, cuz hes
a pagan
and were not fakin, ill cook you like bacon, and
then we flip like pumpkins, and well make yo
u shake that rumpkin
like rumplestiltskin, but like rip van winkle, i c
atch 40
winks, i live next to some chinks, who have mad cuba
n linx,
and promote dinks cuz their hookers, and were like
on 21 jump street but were not like johnny depp, that
prep, and he can take his pretty boy self, and rel
ease yo
delf, ill start the shit in guelph, where ever the f
uck that
is, you should mind your own biz, s0ap cant see the
funk, your momma gets top bunk, and then it comes crash
ing down
like TWA, were blowing up in the east, but were from
the west
and were on a kwest..phunk, weve got the best phunk,
for your
system and your sister, ill bet you mister.. that you m
iss your
momma, trauma, ill blow up like the uni-bomba, and th
en well drop like a helicopter, or maybe a cho
pper, like were yan can
cook, but were not asian, and were not fazing, becau
se were
inserting phear into you and your fucking s0ap crew.
jeah, mad freestyle, dumb but funny as shit, while were
on the matter,
i hereby challenge the s0ap sons to freestylee duals, catch
me on IRC to set up the time and place.. sarkazm, you
r mine.
umm.. the thirteenth halo is back up, you can call it up
ld if you want
the number is 403-252-7694, the sysop is our own 4degrees, w
ho has not yet
submitted ascii to the group, but its ok, i know someday he
will, and itll be
all good. i already told you about SCUM, so blah.
anyways, on our on-going quest to not look like anyone e
lse, i decided
to throw the member list and everything all into one this mo
nth and see how
people react, so ill include like a member list and board l
ist and shit, so
imma use a different header for sure, actually no, check thi
s out.
*** noname brand ascii is the following artists
cain, discyple, savage dragon, spinsane, 4degrees, liqui
d s0ap, aCk,
nytmare, x3nocide, risu, blindman, erupt, c4nnibal, pixel pu
sher, mistaboom,
rheostatic, haji, polymorph, fear, pariah, midnight judge, r
evert, and ill
william. these guys make the group what it is, although it
really sucks when
i have to hold the paqs back because you dont all have ascii
. therefore i wontbe holding the ppaq and wait for
you, that easy for me, and its easy for you,
so like if you dont have ascii one paq, youll have more the
next, cool? there,
umm, say word to the new guys if you catch em on irc and
stuff.. and bugthe guys with no work. word is bond.
were also looking for a telecom guy to do confs for
us, and were always looking for new members, so wel
l include a way
for you all to reach us, cool idea by me, a mAILING lIST. wo
rd. here comes, i
tried it, but it never worked, umm.. maybe ill include it i
n another file.
SEPARATE NOTE: Savage Dragon is an absolutle moron, for real
, his name sounds
like something you put on your spaghetti. if i dont find hi
m for this paq, im
going to rape him.
slap discyple for his lack of ascii if you see him, and
anyone else who
didnt submit, tell them they all deserve beats.. and they W
ILL get those beats.yeah, i have absolutely nothing e
lse to say in this, and i cant find any of the
ss, so like.. thats it for this month, and well catch you a
ll next month. word.
noname in full effect, hopefully, next month.
/cain fucker, hurry up and release this shit.
reach us at: cain - cain@bbs.nexes.com
discyple - samiss@bc1.com
spinsane - carne@luna.cas.usf.edu
savage drgn - dfarrer@sentex.net
/signoff.. bye.
hold it..
noname cat ev-non00.asc
ev.aCiD!aSC/ / / // / noname brand asc
n o n a m e b r
a n d
ok now bye for real.
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