this image contains text
...emmjays 1096 colly... for noname...
hey there, ive just joined noname.. im really happy about it, cause it has
alot of potential... i hope that yallz gonna apreciate my work with the group.
if ya have any requests, im open to em... but i might say no if im too busy,
so just e-mail me at mj@focus.ftn.net, and ill be more than happy to help ya
out with any old skewl phont. -emmjay!?
...cenobyte for schtroumph or sumthin...
------------/. / -: : i . .------------ // l/ - l i l :/
0O / / / --
-----/----- :- -: . -: --------------- : / l ,/ i : i i :
. , mjay?! .
c e n oO / b i t e
...perpetual bliss for shadow byte...
: ..pERPETUAL bLISS, pH34R eET! opd by shadow byte.. :
...elusive for u0...
: ..eLUSIVE, kICKIN eET eEN nINE sIX.. :
...epoch for god knows who?...
: e P 0O / C h :
: / -emmjay?!:
...paroxysm for infrared...
: P a r o x y s M :
...kl0wn for spasms friend...
----------/---l----i,/ kL0WN - emmjay?!,/-------
...valium diz for ds...
. .Valium Issue 3. .
i - / /,
,/ i :: ,/
:: vALIUMtHIRDiSSUEpH34RiT ::mjay
...juice for some old compo...
/ -: i - - /
0O / / ,/ ,//+
...noname for gn0name, duh!...
// : - . l/ -: -
:- ,/ i ,/ ,/
----------------l,/-----l-----,/--,/------------ : -emmjay?!:
...sonic temple fer my bud spasm...
// - :/ . -: l/ -
i: ,/ ,/l i
s/ ol,/ nl,/i c/
t e m p l e , o p d b y s p a s m
thatd be the end i guess, i made hell lot more of shit, but im trying to
release the best one.. i havent been releasing for over 4 months.
so enjoy my work or just dont look at eet, eh... yah.. -mjay?!
hey there, ive just joined noname.. im really happy about it, cause it has
alot of potential... i hope that yallz gonna apreciate my work with the group.
if ya have any requests, im open to em... but i might say no if im too busy,
so just e-mail me at mj@focus.ftn.net, and ill be more than happy to help ya
out with any old skewl phont. -emmjay!?
...cenobyte for schtroumph or sumthin...
------------/. / -: : i . .------------ // l/ - l i l :/
0O / / / --
-----/----- :- -: . -: --------------- : / l ,/ i : i i :
. , mjay?! .
c e n oO / b i t e
...perpetual bliss for shadow byte...
: ..pERPETUAL bLISS, pH34R eET! opd by shadow byte.. :
...elusive for u0...
: ..eLUSIVE, kICKIN eET eEN nINE sIX.. :
...epoch for god knows who?...
: e P 0O / C h :
: / -emmjay?!:
...paroxysm for infrared...
: P a r o x y s M :
...kl0wn for spasms friend...
----------/---l----i,/ kL0WN - emmjay?!,/-------
...valium diz for ds...
. .Valium Issue 3. .
i - / /,
,/ i :: ,/
:: vALIUMtHIRDiSSUEpH34RiT ::mjay
...juice for some old compo...
/ -: i - - /
0O / / ,/ ,//+
...noname for gn0name, duh!...
// : - . l/ -: -
:- ,/ i ,/ ,/
----------------l,/-----l-----,/--,/------------ : -emmjay?!:
...sonic temple fer my bud spasm...
// - :/ . -: l/ -
i: ,/ ,/l i
s/ ol,/ nl,/i c/
t e m p l e , o p d b y s p a s m
thatd be the end i guess, i made hell lot more of shit, but im trying to
release the best one.. i havent been releasing for over 4 months.
so enjoy my work or just dont look at eet, eh... yah.. -mjay?!
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