this image contains text
,y y,.,qYYp,.
! ,Yc, y.
,Y p ,yy y,.
iy, , ! y Yc, ,y
. yY , , ,cY
y ,cycy .
y y . , yY,y,c, y,
y,.,y .,y. ! Yy, Yc,,c
sps Yc,cc
! y
iq, Yc, . yY
.bitching ..x
. yY
ill start with my bitching first.
1. cain didnt use my .nfo from las
t month .. i actually got off my lazy azz and
did some shit .. and then he didnt use it. stupid
faggot. -- leads me to 2.
2. cain is still gay.
3. i got a god damn virus and los
t some of my work .. i dont know how much ill ha
ve in the pack .. at least 3. :
4. cain made a god damn app g
en for and invite only grewp. i will nev
er let him forget that. stupid faggot. --
read 2.
5. cant think of anymore yet .. ill add
the rest on later.
.gre3tingz ..x
1. should this be 1 or 6
? hmmm ..
7. id like to take this opportunity to s
ay how much greetings suck. greetings
suck a lot.
8. confused you with the s yet?
4. greetings: the guy who started gre
etingz - die.
discyple - you have ereet skills.
cain - haha.
my keyboard - without you .. there would be no
.newz ..x
5. ummm .. some shit about alumni
or something.
6. cain is a donkey.
12. im confused with the s now
159. i keep saying next month i
ll do more .. well .. this time im gonna try
and mean it. : last month .. i got a life
.. this month .. i got a virus
and kept my life er some shit like that.
.stuff ..x
1. we are invite only .. meaning you cant apply .. we will
invite you to join.
2. the character is strictly prohibited in any ascii.
3. saying of the month noname has a name
noname has a name
the end of sds part of the
.nfo .. noname has a name
... and the begginning of cains diddy .. whir
1. hi there, im like the presidents choice type g
uy .. anyways, lotsa stuff to
get through .. so let uZZ bEGIN.
.new members ..x
100,008,89. fLAME - joined up this mon
th to kick it with us yellow box head
type niggaz.. he brings this killer new school style, c
heck out his
shit .. its awesome.
8. sPINSANE - and i had all these elite c
hats about noname, and he decided that
we were the rIGHTy0 direction to go!.. hes got some nic
e stuff
this pack, be sure and check it out.
48. lIQUID s0AP - a local guy to me, b
rings a new school style like no other,
with some neat colors, and some nice fonts, check it ou
t this
2. l1Nt - picked him up for these cool
new school styles .. again like no other, expect
to see awesome shit from him man!
4. 4degrees - 4degrees, a local motherfuckin
g weed smoking sysop type guy, who
rocks the new school pictcha scene.. and his fonts are
killer too, phear him.
6. zinCbOY - aka rheostatic, joins as a mascotar
t occasionally type guy.. his
shit is cool, and he is tew.
34. plastique - plastique comes from oil.
. and he brings a neat0 stylee, check
check it out in this months pack.
8whodoweappreciate?. thats all the new guys ..
check the stuff out, its the
shit y0e.
.bad news ..x
78. yeah, bad news.. we had a couple guys leave t
his month, feral and mekong
left because of mad disputes and shit, well miss you gu
ys, your welcome
back when shit cools down.
and thats all for bad stuff, now .. last month polym
orph left, and discyple
was promoted to ss, and some slack went around from my f
ace about polymorph, but we talked and everything
is cool now.. he left, and that pisses me off,
cuz this was his idea, and i though he should have SOMET
HING to do with it.. so.. along comes the next top
.alumni ..x
1003. yezzzah!.. alumni peoples, and their our be
stest friends, or our late and
great members.. so this is where polymorph comes
in, he is the first to
sit on our round table of ex-h0mies.. and we give nuff r
espect if he ever
decides to come back, cuz hes got neato styles, and 3 se
niors never hurt
anyone. peace out bro.
.funny stuff ..x
1. savage dragon is a loser and needs his ba
lls cut off cuz he fucks his cat
too much, haha.. dork, find a friend.. hehe.
6. discyple is afraid of being embarrased in
an info file, so he refuses to
in them, everyone on IRC should call him a shmuck, his e
mail adress is:
sammiss@bc1.com, email him and bitch at him.
9. noname got taken over by a bunch of fags .. c
uz we changed the topic too
men + men sacreligious, i know! im a bible thump
er! --- referring to
cain .. for more info, check the cap included in the pac
k noname.txt
87. im running out of things to say .. hehe, fuck
tH353 nUMB3R5 aRE c0NFUS1N6
mY aS5
100. hmm .. i think its time for a header change
.. yep, its is.
Pc .c
.c9 c
9cP c9c
c. c
c 9c
c sss. s
Pc c
9cc.9c. c
1. neat0 header eh?.. recolored because it didnt
match the color motif, but i
think it was pointless.. cuz i donut have anything else
to say .. oh yeah
savage dragon isnt really a dragon, hes a white
boy who thinks he chinese,
and you know what?.. he gave his computer the virus, aft
er i TOLD him that
computer sex was bad for you, now his computer has H
IV. fuck man, when will
you listen to me?.. YOU CANNOT FUCK A 3 INCH FLOPPY
270. and one more thing.. discyple WILL h
ave a little diddy in the info file
next month, guranteed. yeah, thanks for downloading us
this month..
and always remember! WERE THE CHEAPEST ASCII ON THE
BOX FLAVAH FLAVE. peace out.
emerging from the fog with our fucked up dialog
ue.. phear the funk.
-caincain@bbs.nexes.com -- - - compla
ints, compliments, and fan mail.
-savage dragondfarrer@sentex.net -- - -
send him mean and nasty mail, ok?
-discyplesamiss@bc1.com -- - - dont tal
k to him, hes afraid of info files.
.. . . MXMCVII . . ..
. . noname brand ascii ..
! ,Yc, y.
,Y p ,yy y,.
iy, , ! y Yc, ,y
. yY , , ,cY
y ,cycy .
y y . , yY,y,c, y,
y,.,y .,y. ! Yy, Yc,,c
sps Yc,cc
! y
iq, Yc, . yY
.bitching ..x
. yY
ill start with my bitching first.
1. cain didnt use my .nfo from las
t month .. i actually got off my lazy azz and
did some shit .. and then he didnt use it. stupid
faggot. -- leads me to 2.
2. cain is still gay.
3. i got a god damn virus and los
t some of my work .. i dont know how much ill ha
ve in the pack .. at least 3. :
4. cain made a god damn app g
en for and invite only grewp. i will nev
er let him forget that. stupid faggot. --
read 2.
5. cant think of anymore yet .. ill add
the rest on later.
.gre3tingz ..x
1. should this be 1 or 6
? hmmm ..
7. id like to take this opportunity to s
ay how much greetings suck. greetings
suck a lot.
8. confused you with the s yet?
4. greetings: the guy who started gre
etingz - die.
discyple - you have ereet skills.
cain - haha.
my keyboard - without you .. there would be no
.newz ..x
5. ummm .. some shit about alumni
or something.
6. cain is a donkey.
12. im confused with the s now
159. i keep saying next month i
ll do more .. well .. this time im gonna try
and mean it. : last month .. i got a life
.. this month .. i got a virus
and kept my life er some shit like that.
.stuff ..x
1. we are invite only .. meaning you cant apply .. we will
invite you to join.
2. the character is strictly prohibited in any ascii.
3. saying of the month noname has a name
noname has a name
the end of sds part of the
.nfo .. noname has a name
... and the begginning of cains diddy .. whir
1. hi there, im like the presidents choice type g
uy .. anyways, lotsa stuff to
get through .. so let uZZ bEGIN.
.new members ..x
100,008,89. fLAME - joined up this mon
th to kick it with us yellow box head
type niggaz.. he brings this killer new school style, c
heck out his
shit .. its awesome.
8. sPINSANE - and i had all these elite c
hats about noname, and he decided that
we were the rIGHTy0 direction to go!.. hes got some nic
e stuff
this pack, be sure and check it out.
48. lIQUID s0AP - a local guy to me, b
rings a new school style like no other,
with some neat colors, and some nice fonts, check it ou
t this
2. l1Nt - picked him up for these cool
new school styles .. again like no other, expect
to see awesome shit from him man!
4. 4degrees - 4degrees, a local motherfuckin
g weed smoking sysop type guy, who
rocks the new school pictcha scene.. and his fonts are
killer too, phear him.
6. zinCbOY - aka rheostatic, joins as a mascotar
t occasionally type guy.. his
shit is cool, and he is tew.
34. plastique - plastique comes from oil.
. and he brings a neat0 stylee, check
check it out in this months pack.
8whodoweappreciate?. thats all the new guys ..
check the stuff out, its the
shit y0e.
.bad news ..x
78. yeah, bad news.. we had a couple guys leave t
his month, feral and mekong
left because of mad disputes and shit, well miss you gu
ys, your welcome
back when shit cools down.
and thats all for bad stuff, now .. last month polym
orph left, and discyple
was promoted to ss, and some slack went around from my f
ace about polymorph, but we talked and everything
is cool now.. he left, and that pisses me off,
cuz this was his idea, and i though he should have SOMET
HING to do with it.. so.. along comes the next top
.alumni ..x
1003. yezzzah!.. alumni peoples, and their our be
stest friends, or our late and
great members.. so this is where polymorph comes
in, he is the first to
sit on our round table of ex-h0mies.. and we give nuff r
espect if he ever
decides to come back, cuz hes got neato styles, and 3 se
niors never hurt
anyone. peace out bro.
.funny stuff ..x
1. savage dragon is a loser and needs his ba
lls cut off cuz he fucks his cat
too much, haha.. dork, find a friend.. hehe.
6. discyple is afraid of being embarrased in
an info file, so he refuses to
in them, everyone on IRC should call him a shmuck, his e
mail adress is:
sammiss@bc1.com, email him and bitch at him.
9. noname got taken over by a bunch of fags .. c
uz we changed the topic too
men + men sacreligious, i know! im a bible thump
er! --- referring to
cain .. for more info, check the cap included in the pac
k noname.txt
87. im running out of things to say .. hehe, fuck
tH353 nUMB3R5 aRE c0NFUS1N6
mY aS5
100. hmm .. i think its time for a header change
.. yep, its is.
Pc .c
.c9 c
9cP c9c
c. c
c 9c
c sss. s
Pc c
9cc.9c. c
1. neat0 header eh?.. recolored because it didnt
match the color motif, but i
think it was pointless.. cuz i donut have anything else
to say .. oh yeah
savage dragon isnt really a dragon, hes a white
boy who thinks he chinese,
and you know what?.. he gave his computer the virus, aft
er i TOLD him that
computer sex was bad for you, now his computer has H
IV. fuck man, when will
you listen to me?.. YOU CANNOT FUCK A 3 INCH FLOPPY
270. and one more thing.. discyple WILL h
ave a little diddy in the info file
next month, guranteed. yeah, thanks for downloading us
this month..
and always remember! WERE THE CHEAPEST ASCII ON THE
BOX FLAVAH FLAVE. peace out.
emerging from the fog with our fucked up dialog
ue.. phear the funk.
-caincain@bbs.nexes.com -- - - compla
ints, compliments, and fan mail.
-savage dragondfarrer@sentex.net -- - -
send him mean and nasty mail, ok?
-discyplesamiss@bc1.com -- - - dont tal
k to him, hes afraid of info files.
.. . . MXMCVII . . ..
. . noname brand ascii ..
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