this image contains text
,sss,, . Ys
Ys ,.:. s, :
,S y
hello! how are you today?
good day, evening, afternoon, whichever.. welcome back to another
month of
noname brand ascii. it hasnt exactly been a month, its been 2 w
eeks since
our last pack. why are we releasing so soon? to get back on trac
k with months
and stuff. yeah, we had a rough 2 weeks, of which i wasnt here
for, yeah.
we have been insulted for looking like s0ap, errgh, i lov
e s0ap and everything
but, my intentions were not to look alike, but to look good, so i
f their are
hard feelings with any of the s0ap people, then wh00p, cuz no one
at noname
cares anymore. now! onto bigger and better things! ..
new members, and yes.. a WHQ
whirred, this month we got some kick ass new members, well start
it off with
4degrees, a great new school logo artist, who does real w
ell mixing small pics
into his work, also the sysop of the thirteenth halo in
403, which will be our
new WHQ, if you want the number, get a hold of me, ill hook you u
p. now we moveonto zincboy akarheostatic joins
up to be a mascot, ld, do an ascii every
once in a whilke type of guy, he has a nice new school style. ne
xt we have an
amiga/x artist from 604, feral joins up with a killer sty
le, as only the second
ami/x guy in noname! .. and last but not least wholesale dest
ruction joins up toshow you guys his k-rad mix of ami/
x and pc ascii. welcome one and all.
hehe, an appgen in a +i group?
hehe, yep.. silly me, in all my excitement, decided that an appge
n would be
neato and spiffy, so i raced to wizy and asked him to cod
e us an appgen! and
so he did, and i stuck it in the paq.. and hehe, i remember that
we were invite
only 20 mins after i released it.. oh i have a quote!
savgdrgn./ you idiot, your put an appgen in the pack?..
your an IDIOT.
yeah, thanks man.. i lub you too . anyways, so, with a conclus
ion to my
idiocy, noname brand ascii WILL stay invite only, hah, th
as so funny.
senior re-roll
yep, our esteemed senior staff member polymorph has dissa
peared, i believe he
has started his own group named label. he said in the in
fo file of the paq
that he quit all his other afillz, and the scene to run label, wh
ich pissed me
off. so, with an open staff position.. we welcome discyple
to fill in this
next month
thanks for paying attention, and have fun with the paq, now that
weve released
this, were back on track with the months, and should release on o
r around augustthe first. thanks for viewing.
./ catchy noname brand phrase of the month: noname
brand! the kind in the
yellow box!!
n0name br4nd
asc1i arti5ts
Ys ,.:. s, :
,S y
hello! how are you today?
good day, evening, afternoon, whichever.. welcome back to another
month of
noname brand ascii. it hasnt exactly been a month, its been 2 w
eeks since
our last pack. why are we releasing so soon? to get back on trac
k with months
and stuff. yeah, we had a rough 2 weeks, of which i wasnt here
for, yeah.
we have been insulted for looking like s0ap, errgh, i lov
e s0ap and everything
but, my intentions were not to look alike, but to look good, so i
f their are
hard feelings with any of the s0ap people, then wh00p, cuz no one
at noname
cares anymore. now! onto bigger and better things! ..
new members, and yes.. a WHQ
whirred, this month we got some kick ass new members, well start
it off with
4degrees, a great new school logo artist, who does real w
ell mixing small pics
into his work, also the sysop of the thirteenth halo in
403, which will be our
new WHQ, if you want the number, get a hold of me, ill hook you u
p. now we moveonto zincboy akarheostatic joins
up to be a mascot, ld, do an ascii every
once in a whilke type of guy, he has a nice new school style. ne
xt we have an
amiga/x artist from 604, feral joins up with a killer sty
le, as only the second
ami/x guy in noname! .. and last but not least wholesale dest
ruction joins up toshow you guys his k-rad mix of ami/
x and pc ascii. welcome one and all.
hehe, an appgen in a +i group?
hehe, yep.. silly me, in all my excitement, decided that an appge
n would be
neato and spiffy, so i raced to wizy and asked him to cod
e us an appgen! and
so he did, and i stuck it in the paq.. and hehe, i remember that
we were invite
only 20 mins after i released it.. oh i have a quote!
savgdrgn./ you idiot, your put an appgen in the pack?..
your an IDIOT.
yeah, thanks man.. i lub you too . anyways, so, with a conclus
ion to my
idiocy, noname brand ascii WILL stay invite only, hah, th
as so funny.
senior re-roll
yep, our esteemed senior staff member polymorph has dissa
peared, i believe he
has started his own group named label. he said in the in
fo file of the paq
that he quit all his other afillz, and the scene to run label, wh
ich pissed me
off. so, with an open staff position.. we welcome discyple
to fill in this
next month
thanks for paying attention, and have fun with the paq, now that
weve released
this, were back on track with the months, and should release on o
r around augustthe first. thanks for viewing.
./ catchy noname brand phrase of the month: noname
brand! the kind in the
yellow box!!
n0name br4nd
asc1i arti5ts
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