this image contains text
,dP,Pbg,yay!!.. welcome
to noname brand ascii!..,ggd
P,d::.: gg 7P
ggd gg l:gd gg ?gggg gg b,
7 g ?
! b! 7! ?7 ,d! ,y
? ggd
P ?P b : .,d ,d: dlP
? P
bbP ?dP 7 yd,,dP !,ydb
b,P y
d: lby ,d ydb, P?: l
: ,ggd
,,d l : ,yb? :::dl :b,b dl :Pd
l l ?
P P ? ? bb, P ,?ymmdyyP
?b yy ?P,ggg gdbggdbggggd bgggggggggdbg
P gg,7yy::
,gd ii ?
7 ?
ll b,?
7 l b,
7 hi, how are yew today!?
well.. my dream is kind of coming true,
i am starting a 100 ascii groupand im doing it all o
n my fucking own.. this pack consists of NO other members
,except savage dragon and polymorph, but they are slackers
, so smack them whenyou see them. otherwise, no one ev
en knows were releasing this, and i hope wekind make a m
ark on the ascii scene.. cuz its pretty small. starting
an asciigroup and trying to keep up to s0ap, trank, oil a
nd whoever is very unforseeablebut i think we have potenti
al. yy
lalala.. invite only?.. yessir
yAY!! were an invite only group, so we know that whoever
we invite in isgonna produce, if they join.. we encourage
new school artists, with not too muchcolor, but amiga/x is
fucking elite like shit so.. any one who does
ascii isgonna be asked to join, if their good.. yAY!!.
yy ,
gr33ts for you, gr33ts for me
well.. first i guess some group greets!!.. noname
shouts out to: tran
k, soap, basic, endow, kts, acid!ascii, ?
remorse, iesus.. all the groups that tried to s
uceed in the 7ascii scene
.. and the ones who are, yay for you. personal greet
s 7go out to every respected ascii artist in t
he scene, and to all my peeps7you know who you are
, everyone in 403!, 306!, 204!.. and well, my mom and
my dad and my sister!!.. wooop, there thi
s months greets.
gg ,d my daydream for the day
that this k-radical ascii group actually goes fu
rther than threereleases, cuz i have this thing, when i
get to three, it dies or merges.. fuckedeh?.. anyways.. i
daydream of good things, no offense but i wanna be bigger
and, better than trank, and you never know, i
t might happen some day.. well seeb,..
what happens i guess!.. anyways, here we come.. go vi
ew ,b, the paq.. and have p
hun. see you by the next release..
7 which by the way we have no phuc
king idea when it ,P
will be .. so.. lates. gg now
.. i completely , overesti
mated how much i had to type.. fUx..
,dP this pack is sponso
red by the letter A a
nd the ,dP number 8.. tha
nks for viewing once again.. and se
e you next month. lates ag
ain.. yay.
1 l
, /bk cain.. 1l
l . *** signoff everything by
cain ll : li
savage dragon takin over
welcome section
welcome c.
okay .. now that cain is
done bitching about umm .. everything, its my turn.
:he told you about the i
nvite rule .. so dont waste our ti
me asking if you canjoin
unless your name is mr. self destruct ..
i only have 10 min to write out this so
i wont have too much k0olio ascii shitf
illing around here .. he says not too muc
h colour, but colour ascii
roc errrrox0rs
.. do it.. i like it, pl3az me not hi
m. next time you see HIM slap himar
ound. .
. . c
. c cP
c. .c
9 c.
greetings .. the dumb3st thin
g ive ever heard of .. why greet people? Stupi
dif you ask me. gre3tz: savage
dragon - you rule .c
: my sock - you smell
c c.
: cain - you do too 9
P c.
c. P9
c. c c
9okay .. now i
ll do a little apology to umm .. you. i barely did an
ything tohelp cain out wi
th this paq .. not that he told m3 much abou
t anything :.ill get up
of my kne3z now .. stop kissing yer god damn sh
oes.. they are prettynice t
hough .. ahh .. fuckit. .
. cP .c
later section
c. 97c.
Pc . c
later .c79
.c 9P P9P
w doesnt colour l
ook MUCH better than
boring old WHITE?
damn right ...
,dP,Pbg,yay!!.. welcome
to noname brand ascii!..,ggd
P,d::.: gg 7P
ggd gg l:gd gg ?gggg gg b,
7 g ?
! b! 7! ?7 ,d! ,y
? ggd
P ?P b : .,d ,d: dlP
? P
bbP ?dP 7 yd,,dP !,ydb
b,P y
d: lby ,d ydb, P?: l
: ,ggd
,,d l : ,yb? :::dl :b,b dl :Pd
l l ?
P P ? ? bb, P ,?ymmdyyP
?b yy ?P,ggg gdbggdbggggd bgggggggggdbg
P gg,7yy::
,gd ii ?
7 ?
ll b,?
7 l b,
7 hi, how are yew today!?
well.. my dream is kind of coming true,
i am starting a 100 ascii groupand im doing it all o
n my fucking own.. this pack consists of NO other members
,except savage dragon and polymorph, but they are slackers
, so smack them whenyou see them. otherwise, no one ev
en knows were releasing this, and i hope wekind make a m
ark on the ascii scene.. cuz its pretty small. starting
an asciigroup and trying to keep up to s0ap, trank, oil a
nd whoever is very unforseeablebut i think we have potenti
al. yy
lalala.. invite only?.. yessir
yAY!! were an invite only group, so we know that whoever
we invite in isgonna produce, if they join.. we encourage
new school artists, with not too muchcolor, but amiga/x is
fucking elite like shit so.. any one who does
ascii isgonna be asked to join, if their good.. yAY!!.
yy ,
gr33ts for you, gr33ts for me
well.. first i guess some group greets!!.. noname
shouts out to: tran
k, soap, basic, endow, kts, acid!ascii, ?
remorse, iesus.. all the groups that tried to s
uceed in the 7ascii scene
.. and the ones who are, yay for you. personal greet
s 7go out to every respected ascii artist in t
he scene, and to all my peeps7you know who you are
, everyone in 403!, 306!, 204!.. and well, my mom and
my dad and my sister!!.. wooop, there thi
s months greets.
gg ,d my daydream for the day
that this k-radical ascii group actually goes fu
rther than threereleases, cuz i have this thing, when i
get to three, it dies or merges.. fuckedeh?.. anyways.. i
daydream of good things, no offense but i wanna be bigger
and, better than trank, and you never know, i
t might happen some day.. well seeb,..
what happens i guess!.. anyways, here we come.. go vi
ew ,b, the paq.. and have p
hun. see you by the next release..
7 which by the way we have no phuc
king idea when it ,P
will be .. so.. lates. gg now
.. i completely , overesti
mated how much i had to type.. fUx..
,dP this pack is sponso
red by the letter A a
nd the ,dP number 8.. tha
nks for viewing once again.. and se
e you next month. lates ag
ain.. yay.
1 l
, /bk cain.. 1l
l . *** signoff everything by
cain ll : li
savage dragon takin over
welcome section
welcome c.
okay .. now that cain is
done bitching about umm .. everything, its my turn.
:he told you about the i
nvite rule .. so dont waste our ti
me asking if you canjoin
unless your name is mr. self destruct ..
i only have 10 min to write out this so
i wont have too much k0olio ascii shitf
illing around here .. he says not too muc
h colour, but colour ascii
roc errrrox0rs
.. do it.. i like it, pl3az me not hi
m. next time you see HIM slap himar
ound. .
. . c
. c cP
c. .c
9 c.
greetings .. the dumb3st thin
g ive ever heard of .. why greet people? Stupi
dif you ask me. gre3tz: savage
dragon - you rule .c
: my sock - you smell
c c.
: cain - you do too 9
P c.
c. P9
c. c c
9okay .. now i
ll do a little apology to umm .. you. i barely did an
ything tohelp cain out wi
th this paq .. not that he told m3 much abou
t anything :.ill get up
of my kne3z now .. stop kissing yer god damn sh
oes.. they are prettynice t
hough .. ahh .. fuckit. .
. cP .c
later section
c. 97c.
Pc . c
later .c79
.c 9P P9P
w doesnt colour l
ook MUCH better than
boring old WHITE?
damn right ...
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