P Yb YPY@m,
Y@m, lb. Yb mPaPY@m, ,a@PY@m,
y lb :l YPPl lbP jP
Y : :l jb, fear :l l : l ,aP
,d: jP lPj jP jPjy lP,: lb
,dP, ,P,a jbdP,@mmmm@P, ,dP Y@mmm@P
,Pj@mm@P jP ,P
,P P
l noname brand l
umm. ugly. sorry, 10 minz of work. : better
one in next pack. promise. uhmm. almost. ltr.
uhm. some logos for noname brand. joined yesterday so havent had much time
to doodle stuff. greets to cain, 9lives, creeping death, abnormal + rest
want a logo? fear@mailbox.swipnet.se, have something to trade. nO jUAREZ!
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