this image contains text
Date : 12/09/99 . Time : 12:00
DiSKs : 01 .
N O i R
rAD!s P R E S E N T S.
Noir 1999 ArtPack
Type : Art/Pack
Size : 3,2 MegaBytes
OS : Windows, DOS, Linux, Unix, BeOS
- Release Information -
Welcome to the noir artpack for 11/99!
First of all, we want to apologize for the delay
of this Artpack, which was caused by a server move.
I-dea i-dea.de had to switched off the webserver,
since it produced to much traffic. We want to thank
I-dea for the wonderful hosting service we received.
Noir.org finally found a new home, thank you very much
ron4711 for the hospitality.
We have recruited a new member, welcome abroad levicieux.
On the other side we have to say goodbye to gozo and
daatje, good luck for your artistic careers.
Please check out the completely re-worked Noir forum
available at www.noir.org/forum it might provide
you with some assistance if you have questions
concerning general arts, specific questions in common
software products or just for plain discussion.
Have nice Holidays, dont be too scared of Y2k, now
just sit back and enjoy this new Artpack.
The Noir Art Entertainment Team
- Group Members -
cyberd cyberd@noir.org
bweasel bweasel@noir.org
dzeni dzeni@noir.org
ryan ryan@noir.org
thesolo thesolo@noir.org
- artists -
hive hive@noir.org
death bringer deathbr@noir.org
ladikatz ladi@noir.org
merchant merchant@noir.org
rival rival@noir.org
thesolo thesolo@noir.org
xrascalx xrascalx@noir.org
shojin shojin@noir.org
h0mbre hombre@noir.org
dzeni dzeni@noir.org
fsmart fsmart@noir.org
Plecxus plecxus@noir.org
atomic playboy atomicp@noir.org
ort port@noir.org
levicieux levicieux@noir.org
nimbus4 nimbus4@noir.org
shea shea@noir.org
von reagan von@reagan.com
ryan ryan@noir.org
badpeon badpeon@noir.org
ron4711 ron4711@noir.org
- distro -
the badlands isdn/analog +49 911 695947
sysop is bad peon http://i.am/badlands
- Information noir99 -
Noir is here to bring you what you need.
If your an artist come to noir on efnet
or take a look at the instructions given
in the html to join.
cro lAYOUt hEADER bY. rAD!s
nfO UPdATED ON 12/09/99
c NOiR 1 9 9 9
footer by port
::.M+ : :+.:*@ M .++..
+ *M* + * MQ :M+ .* M M+
+K: :+M : KK M :M. ++ M* :K*
. @Q +: :M +M M . 0K*M+
:+ :M. M@ *M *Q +..0* M
M M *. .Q MK +M
:.. @ .*K+: +K:. :: .KK.
DiSKs : 01 .
N O i R
rAD!s P R E S E N T S.
Noir 1999 ArtPack
Type : Art/Pack
Size : 3,2 MegaBytes
OS : Windows, DOS, Linux, Unix, BeOS
- Release Information -
Welcome to the noir artpack for 11/99!
First of all, we want to apologize for the delay
of this Artpack, which was caused by a server move.
I-dea i-dea.de had to switched off the webserver,
since it produced to much traffic. We want to thank
I-dea for the wonderful hosting service we received.
Noir.org finally found a new home, thank you very much
ron4711 for the hospitality.
We have recruited a new member, welcome abroad levicieux.
On the other side we have to say goodbye to gozo and
daatje, good luck for your artistic careers.
Please check out the completely re-worked Noir forum
available at www.noir.org/forum it might provide
you with some assistance if you have questions
concerning general arts, specific questions in common
software products or just for plain discussion.
Have nice Holidays, dont be too scared of Y2k, now
just sit back and enjoy this new Artpack.
The Noir Art Entertainment Team
- Group Members -
cyberd cyberd@noir.org
bweasel bweasel@noir.org
dzeni dzeni@noir.org
ryan ryan@noir.org
thesolo thesolo@noir.org
- artists -
hive hive@noir.org
death bringer deathbr@noir.org
ladikatz ladi@noir.org
merchant merchant@noir.org
rival rival@noir.org
thesolo thesolo@noir.org
xrascalx xrascalx@noir.org
shojin shojin@noir.org
h0mbre hombre@noir.org
dzeni dzeni@noir.org
fsmart fsmart@noir.org
Plecxus plecxus@noir.org
atomic playboy atomicp@noir.org
ort port@noir.org
levicieux levicieux@noir.org
nimbus4 nimbus4@noir.org
shea shea@noir.org
von reagan von@reagan.com
ryan ryan@noir.org
badpeon badpeon@noir.org
ron4711 ron4711@noir.org
- distro -
the badlands isdn/analog +49 911 695947
sysop is bad peon http://i.am/badlands
- Information noir99 -
Noir is here to bring you what you need.
If your an artist come to noir on efnet
or take a look at the instructions given
in the html to join.
cro lAYOUt hEADER bY. rAD!s
nfO UPdATED ON 12/09/99
c NOiR 1 9 9 9
footer by port
::.M+ : :+.:*@ M .++..
+ *M* + * MQ :M+ .* M M+
+K: :+M : KK M :M. ++ M* :K*
. @Q +: :M +M M . 0K*M+
:+ :M. M@ *M *Q +..0* M
M M *. .Q MK +M
:.. @ .*K+: +K:. :: .KK.
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