this image contains text
NOiR 8
weird way of life
hello to NOIR fiveninetyeight
at first i want to welcome fsmart, Nimbus4 and HIVE to our crew!
fsmart: a 3d artist who already was already known of chats in noir.
and now he joined to our crew and im very happy to welcome him!
Nimbus4: a talented 3d modeller who joined a group for the first time.
of course hes able to learn and he will! good luck, n4!
HIVE: THE logo artist! he already made one logo 2 packs ago released as a pic of ez, well this was our mistake.. and now hes even
well its very hot outside, even here in germany, and i hope this is the
only reason for that weve only got that little number of pics this month!
and thats also the reason that we release that late this time, but i
cant be mad on our members, because the weather really is wonderfull!
i hope this will change in the fall of this year :
and now to the bad news:
we dismissed mebae, kaotik, castman and dwofc because of inactivity and lit quality of their previous released work!
cyberd brustkern@gmx.net
black weasel bweasel@bigfoot.com
dzeni dzeni@inecco.net
vga leader cyberd
3d leader dzeni raptor
music leader shojin
* new member * inactivity warning
vga section
cyberd brustkern@gmx.net
-EZ- Zer0Kewl@Videotron.ca
* HIVE unknown yet!
Jor joralac@netquest.com
merchant merchant@enslaver.com
overdose carnova@hotmail.com
the solo thesolo@voicenet.com
3d section
bmxmen bmxmen@mindspring.com
cyberd brustkern@gmx.net
daatje webmaster@gfxzone.com
death bringer deana01@mcnet.es
dzeni dzeni@inecco.net
* fsmart ok@scarabeus.de
gozo gozo@urc.bl.ac.yu
Jaguar marknowak@geocities.com
Jor joralac@netquest.com
Magic98 magicman1997@iname.com
merchant merchant@enslaver.com
* Nimbus4 owinkler@osnabrueck.netsurf.de
overdose carnova@hotmail.com
raptor tornado@voicenet.com
DEElite DEEx@GMX.de
shojin tsunami@gmx.net
special members
von reagan von@reagan.com
whq drastic +o pandur
+49 2203-87662 analog
+49 2203-982058 isdn
+49 2203-982068 isdn
ehq brain damage +o warhawk
+49 0221-4994017 analog
+49 0221-4973937 isdn
ghq stonehendge +o aqua
+49 6196-940490 analog/isdn
distro unreal bbs +o the avenger
+55 11-5585-3396 analog
distro The Badlands +o bad peon
+49 911-6959 478 analog
+49 911-6959 477 isdn
+49 911-6959 474 isdn
distro Eternal Flame +o public enemy +v midnight
+381 21-612039 3 nodes
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOiR 05/98 Informationletter // NOiR HomePage http://noir98.home.ml.org
weird way of life
hello to NOIR fiveninetyeight
at first i want to welcome fsmart, Nimbus4 and HIVE to our crew!
fsmart: a 3d artist who already was already known of chats in noir.
and now he joined to our crew and im very happy to welcome him!
Nimbus4: a talented 3d modeller who joined a group for the first time.
of course hes able to learn and he will! good luck, n4!
HIVE: THE logo artist! he already made one logo 2 packs ago released as a pic of ez, well this was our mistake.. and now hes even
well its very hot outside, even here in germany, and i hope this is the
only reason for that weve only got that little number of pics this month!
and thats also the reason that we release that late this time, but i
cant be mad on our members, because the weather really is wonderfull!
i hope this will change in the fall of this year :
and now to the bad news:
we dismissed mebae, kaotik, castman and dwofc because of inactivity and lit quality of their previous released work!
cyberd brustkern@gmx.net
black weasel bweasel@bigfoot.com
dzeni dzeni@inecco.net
vga leader cyberd
3d leader dzeni raptor
music leader shojin
* new member * inactivity warning
vga section
cyberd brustkern@gmx.net
-EZ- Zer0Kewl@Videotron.ca
* HIVE unknown yet!
Jor joralac@netquest.com
merchant merchant@enslaver.com
overdose carnova@hotmail.com
the solo thesolo@voicenet.com
3d section
bmxmen bmxmen@mindspring.com
cyberd brustkern@gmx.net
daatje webmaster@gfxzone.com
death bringer deana01@mcnet.es
dzeni dzeni@inecco.net
* fsmart ok@scarabeus.de
gozo gozo@urc.bl.ac.yu
Jaguar marknowak@geocities.com
Jor joralac@netquest.com
Magic98 magicman1997@iname.com
merchant merchant@enslaver.com
* Nimbus4 owinkler@osnabrueck.netsurf.de
overdose carnova@hotmail.com
raptor tornado@voicenet.com
DEElite DEEx@GMX.de
shojin tsunami@gmx.net
special members
von reagan von@reagan.com
whq drastic +o pandur
+49 2203-87662 analog
+49 2203-982058 isdn
+49 2203-982068 isdn
ehq brain damage +o warhawk
+49 0221-4994017 analog
+49 0221-4973937 isdn
ghq stonehendge +o aqua
+49 6196-940490 analog/isdn
distro unreal bbs +o the avenger
+55 11-5585-3396 analog
distro The Badlands +o bad peon
+49 911-6959 478 analog
+49 911-6959 477 isdn
+49 911-6959 474 isdn
distro Eternal Flame +o public enemy +v midnight
+381 21-612039 3 nodes
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOiR 05/98 Informationletter // NOiR HomePage http://noir98.home.ml.org
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