this image contains text
NOiR 7
time to jump!
hello to NOIR fourninetyeight
at first i want to welcome Magic98 and DEElite to our crew!
Magic98: a very talented person who got invited by us to noir!
im very happy to have him in our crew!
DEElite: a musician who practises making music since 15! years, started
with the c64 and now tracking with fasttracker. he applied by
the normal way ...
well, summer is coming and its getting hot outside, so that our
members get lazy .. but dont be sad,
well still try to release every month with enough art you like!
since our last pack got no good rating by our friends and members, i
decided to increase our quality control. that means some of the graphics
our members gave me to put them into the pack, arent in it now! it was a
hard decision for me, but a unfortunately a necessary! :
and there is also a bad news left:
- www.gfxzone.com - gfxzone, our webserver, is in progression!
they have many problems with their server, so u might
get errors or a slow transfer! please change your
bookmark or favorites entry to
http://noir98.home.ml.org to keep yourself up-to-date!
to apply to NOIR please use the noirapp.exe and send the file noir.app,
and at least 2 examples of your work, to brustkern@gmx.net .
this time thanks go out to spock of silicon records for his guest
appearance and an apology to hive, because his pic ez-graf.jpg got
released as a pic by ez in our last pack! :
raptor tornado@voicenet.com
cyberd brustkern@gmx.net
black weasel bweasel@gmx.net
dzeni dzeni@inecco.net
vga leader cyberd
3d leader dzeni raptor
music leader shojin
* new member * inactivity warning
vga section
cyberd brustkern@gmx.net
dr.bunson mebae@geocities.com
-EZ- Zer0Kewl@Videotron.ca
* Jor joralac@netquest.com
* kaotik kaotik@mindless.com
merchant merchant@enslaver.com
overdose carnova@hotmail.com
the solo thesolo@voicenet.com
3d section
bmxmen bmxmen@mindspring.com
cyberd brustkern@gmx.net
daatje webmaster@gfxzone.com
death bringer deana01@mcnet.es
dr.bunson mebae@geocities.com
* dwofc jsmith@widomaker.com
dzeni dzeni@inecco.net
gozo gozo@urc.bl.ac.yu
Jaguar marknowak@geocities.com
Jor joralac@netquest.com
* Magic98 magicman1997@iname.com
merchant merchant@enslaver.com
overdose carnova@hotmail.com
raptor tornado@voicenet.com
* castman levikNYC@worldnet.att.net
* DEElite DEEx@GMX.de
* kaotik kaotik@mindless.com
shojin seti@gmx.net
special members
daatje webmaster@gfxzone.com
von reagan von@reagan.com
whq drastic +o pandur
+49 2203-87662 analog
+49 2203-982058 isdn
+49 2203-982068 isdn
ehq brain damage +o warhawk
+49 0221-4994017 analog
+49 0221-4973937 isdn
ghq stonehendge +o aqua
+49 6196-940490 analog/isdn
distro unreal bbs +o the avenger
+55 11-5585-3396 analog
distro The Badlands +o bad peon
+49 911-6959 478 analog
+49 911-6959 477 isdn
+49 911-6959 474 isdn
distro Eternal Flame +o public enemy +v midnight
+381 21-612039 3 nodes
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOiR 04/98 Informationletter // NOiR HomePage http://noir98.home.ml.org
time to jump!
hello to NOIR fourninetyeight
at first i want to welcome Magic98 and DEElite to our crew!
Magic98: a very talented person who got invited by us to noir!
im very happy to have him in our crew!
DEElite: a musician who practises making music since 15! years, started
with the c64 and now tracking with fasttracker. he applied by
the normal way ...
well, summer is coming and its getting hot outside, so that our
members get lazy .. but dont be sad,
well still try to release every month with enough art you like!
since our last pack got no good rating by our friends and members, i
decided to increase our quality control. that means some of the graphics
our members gave me to put them into the pack, arent in it now! it was a
hard decision for me, but a unfortunately a necessary! :
and there is also a bad news left:
- www.gfxzone.com - gfxzone, our webserver, is in progression!
they have many problems with their server, so u might
get errors or a slow transfer! please change your
bookmark or favorites entry to
http://noir98.home.ml.org to keep yourself up-to-date!
to apply to NOIR please use the noirapp.exe and send the file noir.app,
and at least 2 examples of your work, to brustkern@gmx.net .
this time thanks go out to spock of silicon records for his guest
appearance and an apology to hive, because his pic ez-graf.jpg got
released as a pic by ez in our last pack! :
raptor tornado@voicenet.com
cyberd brustkern@gmx.net
black weasel bweasel@gmx.net
dzeni dzeni@inecco.net
vga leader cyberd
3d leader dzeni raptor
music leader shojin
* new member * inactivity warning
vga section
cyberd brustkern@gmx.net
dr.bunson mebae@geocities.com
-EZ- Zer0Kewl@Videotron.ca
* Jor joralac@netquest.com
* kaotik kaotik@mindless.com
merchant merchant@enslaver.com
overdose carnova@hotmail.com
the solo thesolo@voicenet.com
3d section
bmxmen bmxmen@mindspring.com
cyberd brustkern@gmx.net
daatje webmaster@gfxzone.com
death bringer deana01@mcnet.es
dr.bunson mebae@geocities.com
* dwofc jsmith@widomaker.com
dzeni dzeni@inecco.net
gozo gozo@urc.bl.ac.yu
Jaguar marknowak@geocities.com
Jor joralac@netquest.com
* Magic98 magicman1997@iname.com
merchant merchant@enslaver.com
overdose carnova@hotmail.com
raptor tornado@voicenet.com
* castman levikNYC@worldnet.att.net
* DEElite DEEx@GMX.de
* kaotik kaotik@mindless.com
shojin seti@gmx.net
special members
daatje webmaster@gfxzone.com
von reagan von@reagan.com
whq drastic +o pandur
+49 2203-87662 analog
+49 2203-982058 isdn
+49 2203-982068 isdn
ehq brain damage +o warhawk
+49 0221-4994017 analog
+49 0221-4973937 isdn
ghq stonehendge +o aqua
+49 6196-940490 analog/isdn
distro unreal bbs +o the avenger
+55 11-5585-3396 analog
distro The Badlands +o bad peon
+49 911-6959 478 analog
+49 911-6959 477 isdn
+49 911-6959 474 isdn
distro Eternal Flame +o public enemy +v midnight
+381 21-612039 3 nodes
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOiR 04/98 Informationletter // NOiR HomePage http://noir98.home.ml.org
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