this image contains text
Date : 03/14/99 . Time : 12:00
DiSKs : 01 .
N O i R
rAD!s P R E S E N T S.
Noir 2000 ArtPack
Type : Art/Pack
Size : 3,2 MegaBytes
OS : Windows, DOS, Linux, Unix, BeOS
- Release Information -
Welcome to Noir Art Entertainment Artpack issue 04/2k
we are back - i think - and almost nothing has changed.
two new artists joined us. w4 and LordCreeper and i think
you can prepare to see some good art from them in the future.
unfortunately we have to say goodbye to ort, who left us
and whom we wish much fun aswell as success in his life.
some guest releases were sent in by Rus deathbr@noir.org
and Catbonescatbones@acid.org, thanks alot guys.
we also want to greet and thank the staff from romple.com,
which became quite well known in the artscene since its
opening some months ago. they do reviews, interviews and
group aswell as artist rankings. be sure to check it out!
thats it for now. if youve got questions or want to apply
mail cyberd@noir.org or bweasel@noir.org or thesolo@noir.org.
have much fun with the pack..
The Noir Art Entertainment Team
- Group Members -
cyberd cyberd@noir.org
bweasel bweasel@noir.org
dzeni dzeni@noir.org
ryan ryan@noir.org
thesolo thesolo@noir.org
- artists -
hive hive@noir.org
death bringer deathbr@noir.org
ladikatz ladi@noir.org
merchant merchant@noir.org
rival rival@noir.org
thesolo thesolo@noir.org
xrascalx xrascalx@noir.org
shojin shojin@noir.org
h0mbre hombre@noir.org
LordCreepa lc@noir.org
fsmart fsmart@noir.org
Plecxus plecxus@noir.org
atomic playboy atomicp@noir.org
w4 w4@noir.org
levicieux levicieux@noir.org
nimbus4 nimbus4@noir.org
shea shea@noir.org
von reagan von@reagan.com
ryan ryan@noir.org
badpeon badpeon@noir.org
ron4711 ron4711@noir.org
- distro -
the badlands isdn/analog +49 911 695947
sysop is bad peon http://i.am/badlands
- Information noir2000 -
Noir is here to bring you what you need.
If your an artist come to noir on efnet
or take a look at the instructions given
in the html to join.
cro lAYOUt hEADER bY. rAD!s
nfO UPdATED ON 03/14/00
c NOiR Y 2 K
footer by port
::.M+ : :+.:*@ M .++..
+ *M* + * MQ :M+ .* M M+
+K: :+M : KK M :M. ++ M* :K*
. @Q +: :M +M M . 0K*M+
:+ :M. M@ *M *Q +..0* M
M M *. .Q MK +M
:.. @ .*K+: +K:. :: .KK.
DiSKs : 01 .
N O i R
rAD!s P R E S E N T S.
Noir 2000 ArtPack
Type : Art/Pack
Size : 3,2 MegaBytes
OS : Windows, DOS, Linux, Unix, BeOS
- Release Information -
Welcome to Noir Art Entertainment Artpack issue 04/2k
we are back - i think - and almost nothing has changed.
two new artists joined us. w4 and LordCreeper and i think
you can prepare to see some good art from them in the future.
unfortunately we have to say goodbye to ort, who left us
and whom we wish much fun aswell as success in his life.
some guest releases were sent in by Rus deathbr@noir.org
and Catbonescatbones@acid.org, thanks alot guys.
we also want to greet and thank the staff from romple.com,
which became quite well known in the artscene since its
opening some months ago. they do reviews, interviews and
group aswell as artist rankings. be sure to check it out!
thats it for now. if youve got questions or want to apply
mail cyberd@noir.org or bweasel@noir.org or thesolo@noir.org.
have much fun with the pack..
The Noir Art Entertainment Team
- Group Members -
cyberd cyberd@noir.org
bweasel bweasel@noir.org
dzeni dzeni@noir.org
ryan ryan@noir.org
thesolo thesolo@noir.org
- artists -
hive hive@noir.org
death bringer deathbr@noir.org
ladikatz ladi@noir.org
merchant merchant@noir.org
rival rival@noir.org
thesolo thesolo@noir.org
xrascalx xrascalx@noir.org
shojin shojin@noir.org
h0mbre hombre@noir.org
LordCreepa lc@noir.org
fsmart fsmart@noir.org
Plecxus plecxus@noir.org
atomic playboy atomicp@noir.org
w4 w4@noir.org
levicieux levicieux@noir.org
nimbus4 nimbus4@noir.org
shea shea@noir.org
von reagan von@reagan.com
ryan ryan@noir.org
badpeon badpeon@noir.org
ron4711 ron4711@noir.org
- distro -
the badlands isdn/analog +49 911 695947
sysop is bad peon http://i.am/badlands
- Information noir2000 -
Noir is here to bring you what you need.
If your an artist come to noir on efnet
or take a look at the instructions given
in the html to join.
cro lAYOUt hEADER bY. rAD!s
nfO UPdATED ON 03/14/00
c NOiR Y 2 K
footer by port
::.M+ : :+.:*@ M .++..
+ *M* + * MQ :M+ .* M M+
+K: :+M : KK M :M. ++ M* :K*
. @Q +: :M +M M . 0K*M+
:+ :M. M@ *M *Q +..0* M
M M *. .Q MK +M
:.. @ .*K+: +K:. :: .KK.
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