this image contains text
Creations From the Dark Side 3 -*- The Shining Darkness ANSI Artists 95
TSD3.ZIP : ANSI/Art Pack 3 ANSIs : 18 207338 bytes
Release Date: January 1st, 1995 RIPs : 2 28541 bytes
.ZIP Size : 112939 bytes MODs : n/a
Packaged by : Burning Rage TSD Total Art: 20 228116 bytes
TSD - January 1995
Well after a very interesting series of events here we are. The January
Compilation of TSD Art. Much work has been put into getting this pack
out on time and in good repair. Many people have spent endless hours into
the production of what you see here. This is our first pack in one year
and since we went through major changes theres bound to be plenty
of errors. Also, as we are still in the planning stages, there are many gray
areas which still have to be ironed out.
We are presently looking for a Canadian Head Quarters as well as
Distro. Sites. Your board must fit the following qualifications:
i Strong User Base
ii Decent Affiliations
iii Respectable Nets
Also, we are looking for new and talented artists to join TSD. If you feel
you could help us in this area, please apply using our application generator.
One last thing, our old junky viewer is included in this pack, but for the
last time. Look for our new viewer in our next pack.
Greetz n shit.
Burning Rage - We said it.. We did it.. :
Treason - Dont say one word!
Pnakotic - Just wait and see...
ansi - Remember its been a year
iCE/ACiD/UNiON - please be gentle
TiC - 403 is ours for the taking!
MCA - y0 r /-r4! f/ 0fF
Stranger / TSD Senior
TSD3.ZIP : ANSI/Art Pack 3 ANSIs : 18 207338 bytes
Release Date: January 1st, 1995 RIPs : 2 28541 bytes
.ZIP Size : 112939 bytes MODs : n/a
Packaged by : Burning Rage TSD Total Art: 20 228116 bytes
TSD - January 1995
Well after a very interesting series of events here we are. The January
Compilation of TSD Art. Much work has been put into getting this pack
out on time and in good repair. Many people have spent endless hours into
the production of what you see here. This is our first pack in one year
and since we went through major changes theres bound to be plenty
of errors. Also, as we are still in the planning stages, there are many gray
areas which still have to be ironed out.
We are presently looking for a Canadian Head Quarters as well as
Distro. Sites. Your board must fit the following qualifications:
i Strong User Base
ii Decent Affiliations
iii Respectable Nets
Also, we are looking for new and talented artists to join TSD. If you feel
you could help us in this area, please apply using our application generator.
One last thing, our old junky viewer is included in this pack, but for the
last time. Look for our new viewer in our next pack.
Greetz n shit.
Burning Rage - We said it.. We did it.. :
Treason - Dont say one word!
Pnakotic - Just wait and see...
ansi - Remember its been a year
iCE/ACiD/UNiON - please be gentle
TiC - 403 is ours for the taking!
MCA - y0 r /-r4! f/ 0fF
Stranger / TSD Senior
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