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strychnine/iGo c 1995 LoGo
NAiLZ is a couriering group based in the 2o1 area. We courier basically threethings. We courier art, music, and cool bootee things we find of the internet.If you would like NAiLZ to courier for your art group, logon to Erebus usingthe account INDIGO pw: APPLY. You can leave email to the staff and tell us allda cool things about yourself that would make us want to have YOU in NAiLZ.Dont let the extremely small member list and site list deceive you. We have asmall group on purpose. I intend to keep NAiLZ organized. We wont be takingany more one line nj boards, and we will probably accept at maximum one morenj courier. Only 2 distro sites per area code. gergoff nailz prez igo senior ascii nailz sites Erebus 2o1.762.1363 world head quarters sysOp: gergoff Wolf Pack 514.276.3893 canada head quarters sysOp: wolf lord Infinity 2o1.379.4694 courier head quarters sysOp: lurch The DarkSide 2o1.743.7792 distribution site sysOp: mad monk nailz members gergoff ........................................................... president crazy diamond ................................................ senior courier wolf lord ................................................ canada coordinator steelflight ...................................................... nj courier sigma ............................................................ nj courier nailz affils NAiLZ is the official couriering group for the ansi groups INDiGO and TSD. If you would like NAiLZ to courier for YOUR ansi group, call the nailz world headquarters at 2o1.762.1373. Leave a comment to the staff telling them all your information and where you can be reached. Thanks a lot. nailz
NAiLZ is a couriering group based in the 2o1 area. We courier basically threethings. We courier art, music, and cool bootee things we find of the internet.If you would like NAiLZ to courier for your art group, logon to Erebus usingthe account INDIGO pw: APPLY. You can leave email to the staff and tell us allda cool things about yourself that would make us want to have YOU in NAiLZ.Dont let the extremely small member list and site list deceive you. We have asmall group on purpose. I intend to keep NAiLZ organized. We wont be takingany more one line nj boards, and we will probably accept at maximum one morenj courier. Only 2 distro sites per area code. gergoff nailz prez igo senior ascii nailz sites Erebus 2o1.762.1363 world head quarters sysOp: gergoff Wolf Pack 514.276.3893 canada head quarters sysOp: wolf lord Infinity 2o1.379.4694 courier head quarters sysOp: lurch The DarkSide 2o1.743.7792 distribution site sysOp: mad monk nailz members gergoff ........................................................... president crazy diamond ................................................ senior courier wolf lord ................................................ canada coordinator steelflight ...................................................... nj courier sigma ............................................................ nj courier nailz affils NAiLZ is the official couriering group for the ansi groups INDiGO and TSD. If you would like NAiLZ to courier for YOUR ansi group, call the nailz world headquarters at 2o1.762.1373. Leave a comment to the staff telling them all your information and where you can be reached. Thanks a lot. nailz
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