this image contains text
2022 Resurrection Pack
Freedom Truck So this dude was parked not all that far
from my house honkin and that was annoying!
Slava Ukraini! I threw this together a couple nights after
// Russia invaded Ukraine, and for the record
fuck Putin. Special ANSI Operation.
Uhura The leading lady of science fiction for me, Im a huge
Trekkie, and wanted to mess with alternate color
pallettes and also to try out that dithered pixel art
style. I was pretty happy with how it turned out,
and might make a few more of this style.
Flags When I first started drawing again I wanted a simple
project to get back into the hang of using Moebius,
so I made these.
Starfighters When I was done with the flags I decided I
needed to practice shading so I made these.
Obviously I am a big Star Wars fan, but these
are also heavily inspired by Tradewars 2002. //
Blur Logos These two logos are original ANSIs I produced in
the 90s. While the raw files have been lost, I
was able to extract them from the e-mag in PNG
// format and wanted to include them here so they
display on my artist page.
About me
I made a load of ANSIs from 91-95, many of which hung
on many 613 Ottawa BBS and appeared in GaMMA, Blur and //
CoMA packs and mags. By 1997 I had gotten distracted from
ANSI drawing, and all of my originals were lost when my
// parents computer where they had all been drawn failed
horribly and suddenly. There were no backups. By the time
it really sunk in that my art had been lost, most of the
hosting BBSs had long since shut down.
Sometime prior to 2022 I discovered a few of my old
ANSIs on the 16 colors archive, and Hawk Hubbards BBS,
The Black Flag. Finding these again and remembering the
good old days lead me to pick up Moebius and start drawing
again. I started with simple things like the flags, then
the starfighters to get back into the hang of it before //
moving onto more complex pieces.
// Since then I have reconnected with what turns out to be
a very vibrant ANSI, text mode and pixel art community.
After reaching a milestone with my art I decided it was
time to publish it to 16colors, and since they only accept
packs well, here we are! //
Wow I cant believe you read this far! There is a serious
likelyhood that you are the first and only human being to
have done so - be proud! If you think my art is cool, check
it out on 16colors, and on OpenSea which I also publish it
to because I think NFTs are kinda interesting. Those and
other social media links below.
Oh yea! Worth mentioning that Im pretty badly color blind,
so if my color selection ever seems off, or odd - now you know
why! I draw what I see!
16colors: https://16colo.rs/artist/nitron
OpenSea: https://opensea.io/-NiTRON-?tabcreatedcollections
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ANSiNiTRON
// Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ansinitron/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/flankerzer0 //
Shout Outs
Cuz thats how we fukkin did it!
The Old Crew
Praying Mantis .......... You started it all for me man!
The Lich ........... Dont stick your sock in the modem!
// Armored Saint ............ You made a difference, thanks
Astar .............................. Bringing the beats! //
Future Assassin .......... NAiD Apraxia crew, represent!
Nailz .... Nemesis and mentor, hope we cross paths again
Lord Jazz ......................... My original ANSI god
king88mob ............ Oh my god, yes I am Surak Khoteth
Brian ................................ I owe you thrice!
Eli ...... Thank god for that Tim Hortons, miss you man!
The New Crew
Hawk Hubbard .... Yarrrrr! Three cheers for the Captain!
tainted .............................. Were not worthy!
warpus .................... Im coming for you, Lazarus! //
TheKnight .................. Dude Im comin in for a hug
savage ................. thanks for hookin a brother up!
// the other Nitron ........ Theres two of us? Cool ascii!
blocktronics crew ... thx for the welcome inspiration!
Freedom Truck So this dude was parked not all that far
from my house honkin and that was annoying!
Slava Ukraini! I threw this together a couple nights after
// Russia invaded Ukraine, and for the record
fuck Putin. Special ANSI Operation.
Uhura The leading lady of science fiction for me, Im a huge
Trekkie, and wanted to mess with alternate color
pallettes and also to try out that dithered pixel art
style. I was pretty happy with how it turned out,
and might make a few more of this style.
Flags When I first started drawing again I wanted a simple
project to get back into the hang of using Moebius,
so I made these.
Starfighters When I was done with the flags I decided I
needed to practice shading so I made these.
Obviously I am a big Star Wars fan, but these
are also heavily inspired by Tradewars 2002. //
Blur Logos These two logos are original ANSIs I produced in
the 90s. While the raw files have been lost, I
was able to extract them from the e-mag in PNG
// format and wanted to include them here so they
display on my artist page.
About me
I made a load of ANSIs from 91-95, many of which hung
on many 613 Ottawa BBS and appeared in GaMMA, Blur and //
CoMA packs and mags. By 1997 I had gotten distracted from
ANSI drawing, and all of my originals were lost when my
// parents computer where they had all been drawn failed
horribly and suddenly. There were no backups. By the time
it really sunk in that my art had been lost, most of the
hosting BBSs had long since shut down.
Sometime prior to 2022 I discovered a few of my old
ANSIs on the 16 colors archive, and Hawk Hubbards BBS,
The Black Flag. Finding these again and remembering the
good old days lead me to pick up Moebius and start drawing
again. I started with simple things like the flags, then
the starfighters to get back into the hang of it before //
moving onto more complex pieces.
// Since then I have reconnected with what turns out to be
a very vibrant ANSI, text mode and pixel art community.
After reaching a milestone with my art I decided it was
time to publish it to 16colors, and since they only accept
packs well, here we are! //
Wow I cant believe you read this far! There is a serious
likelyhood that you are the first and only human being to
have done so - be proud! If you think my art is cool, check
it out on 16colors, and on OpenSea which I also publish it
to because I think NFTs are kinda interesting. Those and
other social media links below.
Oh yea! Worth mentioning that Im pretty badly color blind,
so if my color selection ever seems off, or odd - now you know
why! I draw what I see!
16colors: https://16colo.rs/artist/nitron
OpenSea: https://opensea.io/-NiTRON-?tabcreatedcollections
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ANSiNiTRON
// Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ansinitron/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/flankerzer0 //
Shout Outs
Cuz thats how we fukkin did it!
The Old Crew
Praying Mantis .......... You started it all for me man!
The Lich ........... Dont stick your sock in the modem!
// Armored Saint ............ You made a difference, thanks
Astar .............................. Bringing the beats! //
Future Assassin .......... NAiD Apraxia crew, represent!
Nailz .... Nemesis and mentor, hope we cross paths again
Lord Jazz ......................... My original ANSI god
king88mob ............ Oh my god, yes I am Surak Khoteth
Brian ................................ I owe you thrice!
Eli ...... Thank god for that Tim Hortons, miss you man!
The New Crew
Hawk Hubbard .... Yarrrrr! Three cheers for the Captain!
tainted .............................. Were not worthy!
warpus .................... Im coming for you, Lazarus! //
TheKnight .................. Dude Im comin in for a hug
savage ................. thanks for hookin a brother up!
// the other Nitron ........ Theres two of us? Cool ascii!
blocktronics crew ... thx for the welcome inspiration!
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