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n1tro - we are the true gods among you
Hello and welcome to Nitros 1st release, Nitro is a bunch of
fine artists who has accomplished a delicated style of art
Nitro was born following a fight of wackie wkz and polygon
with the reaper tr, nitro currently includes 5 members and
and one founder wackie, we would like to announce nitro as
a fine group, in which her artists has developed a new style
of oldskool, using old and new artists as one, the group will
release on monthly basis, in the 1st of each month, the packs
will include *only* oldskool, weve decided to deal only with
oldskool because we think the true spirit, and art is in there
and not in any other kind of art, if youd like to join us just
subscribe your works by email to wackie at wackie@newmail.net
- polygon and wackie.
n1tro - we are the true gods among you
Hello and welcome to Nitros 1st release, Nitro is a bunch of
fine artists who has accomplished a delicated style of art
Nitro was born following a fight of wackie wkz and polygon
with the reaper tr, nitro currently includes 5 members and
and one founder wackie, we would like to announce nitro as
a fine group, in which her artists has developed a new style
of oldskool, using old and new artists as one, the group will
release on monthly basis, in the 1st of each month, the packs
will include *only* oldskool, weve decided to deal only with
oldskool because we think the true spirit, and art is in there
and not in any other kind of art, if youd like to join us just
subscribe your works by email to wackie at wackie@newmail.net
- polygon and wackie.
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