this image contains text
do not smoke! please wear your seatbelts! no not stand!
trip simulation will start in a few lines, please be patient...
l spf//
nitrAW?! //l
------ --- nitrO peOple
A nitro laboratories productions ::
: :: spfntro
pressents :
After a dark night...
After a quiet night...
when the sun will rise...
it will be hot...
heat like never been before...
behind the possible heat...
human body will freak out...
nature CHAOS will appear...
the nature will pay us back...
will destroy us, as we did to it...
payback time, nobody will stay alive...
not one animal, not one life...
not even one, BUT...
spi7fires artworks, under nitro cover, proudly pressents
his first pure oldskool artpack, since ever.
his latest askees for nitroPACK 001 ::
g*77*g .*77*g.
// 7: 7 7 :7
ll ll
eArth : . :
--- 7 : i 7 ---
spfl l l l l
:7 7: -- wOrm
...noone BUT the earthworms....
an oldskool weeds Askee collection named Earthworms.
spf // //
:: :::: indexxx
planet vod zoop nitro
nitro joint mimic nitro fileid
spi7fire /me is beginning...
::::: O . ::. wOt? planet vod
// ,-------, :::::: :::: whO? iph
spf : :x:::: : ::::..: :::x::
--- - plAnetvod
300 ::::: O . ::. wOt? zoop
// ,-------, :::::: :::: whO? wackie
X spf
zOOp x
ownerwackie .
::::: O . ::. wOt? nitro
// ,-------, :::::: :::: whO? mem file
....::xx::................. :::::: by? spi7fire
:::::: ::::::....:::::: nasone
usnitro . //
: : / NaSspf
::::: O . ::. wOt? nitro
// ,-------, :::::: :::: whO? wackie
l spf//
nitrAW?! //l
400 : :
::::: O . ::. wOt? meemeek
// ,-------, :::::: :::: whO? nobody
spf //
: //ATOmimic. :
::::: O . ::. wOt? neatro
// ,-------, :::::: :::: whO? fileid.diz
spf /
nitroGEN art pack numero Uno. we
entered the world, with hope to wipe
some beeg asses. oldskool weeds ONLY.
//ntro001 -+-
well, thats my cOllie, find me in nitroGEN on efnet
as spi7fire or spi7gOnee :.
mail my ass in spi7fire@hotmail.com.
grEEts to the world too many people.
peace, and WATCH out from the worms... :.
and - nitro will one day bite asses, give it a chance.
trip simulation will start in a few lines, please be patient...
l spf//
nitrAW?! //l
------ --- nitrO peOple
A nitro laboratories productions ::
: :: spfntro
pressents :
After a dark night...
After a quiet night...
when the sun will rise...
it will be hot...
heat like never been before...
behind the possible heat...
human body will freak out...
nature CHAOS will appear...
the nature will pay us back...
will destroy us, as we did to it...
payback time, nobody will stay alive...
not one animal, not one life...
not even one, BUT...
spi7fires artworks, under nitro cover, proudly pressents
his first pure oldskool artpack, since ever.
his latest askees for nitroPACK 001 ::
g*77*g .*77*g.
// 7: 7 7 :7
ll ll
eArth : . :
--- 7 : i 7 ---
spfl l l l l
:7 7: -- wOrm
...noone BUT the earthworms....
an oldskool weeds Askee collection named Earthworms.
spf // //
:: :::: indexxx
planet vod zoop nitro
nitro joint mimic nitro fileid
spi7fire /me is beginning...
::::: O . ::. wOt? planet vod
// ,-------, :::::: :::: whO? iph
spf : :x:::: : ::::..: :::x::
--- - plAnetvod
300 ::::: O . ::. wOt? zoop
// ,-------, :::::: :::: whO? wackie
X spf
zOOp x
ownerwackie .
::::: O . ::. wOt? nitro
// ,-------, :::::: :::: whO? mem file
....::xx::................. :::::: by? spi7fire
:::::: ::::::....:::::: nasone
usnitro . //
: : / NaSspf
::::: O . ::. wOt? nitro
// ,-------, :::::: :::: whO? wackie
l spf//
nitrAW?! //l
400 : :
::::: O . ::. wOt? meemeek
// ,-------, :::::: :::: whO? nobody
spf //
: //ATOmimic. :
::::: O . ::. wOt? neatro
// ,-------, :::::: :::: whO? fileid.diz
spf /
nitroGEN art pack numero Uno. we
entered the world, with hope to wipe
some beeg asses. oldskool weeds ONLY.
//ntro001 -+-
well, thats my cOllie, find me in nitroGEN on efnet
as spi7fire or spi7gOnee :.
mail my ass in spi7fire@hotmail.com.
grEEts to the world too many people.
peace, and WATCH out from the worms... :.
and - nitro will one day bite asses, give it a chance.
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