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c vectorus of NiMBUs
Pc-Express 1.xx
1.2 Gigs Online
1 Node 206.874.ASK!
Sysops: Hell Raiser / Arch Angel
0-7 Day Warez / Console . Hpcav / Text File Support
No Ratios for Ld users / Low Ratios for Locals
mature users only - Lamers need not apply
xx.1 sserpxE-cP
enilnO sgiG 2.1
!KSA.478.602 edoN 1
legnA hcrA / resiaR lleH :sposyS
troppuS eliF txeT / vacpH . elosnoC / zeraW yaD 7-0
slacoL rof soitaR woL / sresu dL rof soitaR oN
ylppa ton deen sremaL - ylno sresu erutam
Pc-Express 1.xx
1.2 Gigs Online
1 Node 206.874.ASK!
Sysops: Hell Raiser / Arch Angel
0-7 Day Warez / Console . Hpcav / Text File Support
No Ratios for Ld users / Low Ratios for Locals
mature users only - Lamers need not apply
Call CASTLEVANIA BBS! vectorus is the sysop, vectorus fucking rox
call castlevania bbs if your cool, 206-783-3506, smoke lotz of pot
vectorus@accessone.com - ansi cordinator of NiMBUS productions - c 1995.
Pc-Express 1.xx
1.2 Gigs Online
1 Node 206.874.ASK!
Sysops: Hell Raiser / Arch Angel
0-7 Day Warez / Console . Hpcav / Text File Support
No Ratios for Ld users / Low Ratios for Locals
mature users only - Lamers need not apply
xx.1 sserpxE-cP
enilnO sgiG 2.1
!KSA.478.602 edoN 1
legnA hcrA / resiaR lleH :sposyS
troppuS eliF txeT / vacpH . elosnoC / zeraW yaD 7-0
slacoL rof soitaR woL / sresu dL rof soitaR oN
ylppa ton deen sremaL - ylno sresu erutam
Pc-Express 1.xx
1.2 Gigs Online
1 Node 206.874.ASK!
Sysops: Hell Raiser / Arch Angel
0-7 Day Warez / Console . Hpcav / Text File Support
No Ratios for Ld users / Low Ratios for Locals
mature users only - Lamers need not apply
Call CASTLEVANIA BBS! vectorus is the sysop, vectorus fucking rox
call castlevania bbs if your cool, 206-783-3506, smoke lotz of pot
vectorus@accessone.com - ansi cordinator of NiMBUS productions - c 1995.
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