this image contains text
Zup nigz...Well da premier pack is FINALLY out... With a litt
le help
from muh friendz on ansi :. I would have to say that the 5
16 people
are the LAZIEST m0 f0s in the US when it comes to gettin read
y for a pack
Datz why dis pack is sooo late! Well Id have to thank Zith fo
r putting
up wit NiMBUS for the past months in its planning phaze...tha
nx for not
dropping uz! Vein..you are the man when it comez to organizin
Mistawho...well what can i say bout you? Thanx for da support
Well there are more thanx but fuck dat...this iznt a thank yo
u card.
Welp, in the last few dayz, we acquired a few more anzi artis
tz who didnt
have enuf time to contribute so well see their work in da ne
xt pack.
One thing I noticed is that we have way too many distroz and
will have to
drop 5 or 6 boardz within da next month. Were definatly acce
pting more
coderz and ansi/vga artists wo if ya wanna join...use da app
m0 f0!
l8tz all
Matrixx NiMBUS Founder/Senior
e-mail: asivakum@engws1.ic.sunysb.edu
irc: mxshv
board: Warlocks Domain NiMB WHQ
greetz to: vengeance, tg, narcolept, mistawho, spawn, vein, zith,
def ha, ma
ete, fx, shiva, jihad, cia, all ex-escape membahz and venom!
Zup nigz...Well da premier pack is FINALLY out... With a litt
le help
from muh friendz on ansi :. I would have to say that the 5
16 people
are the LAZIEST m0 f0s in the US when it comes to gettin read
y for a pack
Datz why dis pack is sooo late! Well Id have to thank Zith fo
r putting
up wit NiMBUS for the past months in its planning phaze...tha
nx for not
dropping uz! Vein..you are the man when it comez to organizin
Mistawho...well what can i say bout you? Thanx for da support
Well there are more thanx but fuck dat...this iznt a thank yo
u card.
Welp, in the last few dayz, we acquired a few more anzi artis
tz who didnt
have enuf time to contribute so well see their work in da ne
xt pack.
One thing I noticed is that we have way too many distroz and
will have to
drop 5 or 6 boardz within da next month. Were definatly acce
pting more
coderz and ansi/vga artists wo if ya wanna join...use da app
m0 f0!
l8tz all
Matrixx NiMBUS Founder/Senior
e-mail: asivakum@engws1.ic.sunysb.edu
irc: mxshv
board: Warlocks Domain NiMB WHQ
greetz to: vengeance, tg, narcolept, mistawho, spawn, vein, zith,
def ha, ma
ete, fx, shiva, jihad, cia, all ex-escape membahz and venom!
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