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c Y B e R - a M i S h g U i D e
f e B 2 o 2 3
heRe iS aNoTheR iNsTaLlmeNt of My aTteMpT t0 PusH baCk aGaiNst
tHe MaDneSs tHat iS tHe ModeRn tehNoloGicaL lanDscaPe.
i tHiNk i siLl ne3d to fiLl iN s0me bLanKs h3Re, buT sHouLd Be eNouGh nhg.ddns.net
foR y0u To s3e wHeRe i aM goiNg.
wHy aRe s0 maNy liVez waSteD uSinG soCiaL meDiA?
fRieNdS doNt leT fRieNds uSe wiNdoWs.
caN We n0T maKe a gooD moVie/aLbuM/viDeo gaMe aNy moRe?
doeS eVerYtHing haVe to Be aBout poStuRing?
we haVe a soCieTy tHat iS seLf ceNteRed. fR0m a pResiDent sTaRtinG nhggroupnhg
waRz to pRoteCt hiS moNey lauNdeRing sCheMe, to tHe teeN giRl at
posTing pHot0s ov heRseLf f0r inTerNet poiNtS. gmail
tHese are my iDeaZ. com
f e B 2 o 2 3
heRe iS aNoTheR iNsTaLlmeNt of My aTteMpT t0 PusH baCk aGaiNst
tHe MaDneSs tHat iS tHe ModeRn tehNoloGicaL lanDscaPe.
i tHiNk i siLl ne3d to fiLl iN s0me bLanKs h3Re, buT sHouLd Be eNouGh nhg.ddns.net
foR y0u To s3e wHeRe i aM goiNg.
wHy aRe s0 maNy liVez waSteD uSinG soCiaL meDiA?
fRieNdS doNt leT fRieNds uSe wiNdoWs.
caN We n0T maKe a gooD moVie/aLbuM/viDeo gaMe aNy moRe?
doeS eVerYtHing haVe to Be aBout poStuRing?
we haVe a soCieTy tHat iS seLf ceNteRed. fR0m a pResiDent sTaRtinG nhggroupnhg
waRz to pRoteCt hiS moNey lauNdeRing sCheMe, to tHe teeN giRl at
posTing pHot0s ov heRseLf f0r inTerNet poiNtS. gmail
tHese are my iDeaZ. com
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