this image contains text
nocturnal holocaust!
info file designed by liithn
text was written by crucifier
Finally, the premier art pack from Nocturnal Holocaust!
The content of this pack is rather limited, but this release is merely
a way of showing the level of quality for which nh! stands for and to
atract new artists to join our group for upcoming art releases.
Since our last release snuff/splatter pack 2 we have gained a couple
of artists and affiltated boards, which we are very satisfied with.
Except releasing art packs, nh! will be designing ppes and similar for
a couple of quite well known and quality groups, so keep your eyes open
for these upcoming releases!
a p p l y i n g
If you wish to join nh!, this can be done by:
Calling our WHQ, Freezing Moon, and login with name NOCTURNAL
and password HOLOCAUST. What to do after that should be obvious.
Emailing Crucifier, crucifierevolution@hammar.pp.se
Talking to Crucifier on IRC
An applyer should be available in our next pack!
For reasons unknown, some people have begun to spread lies about nh!,
saying that we are some sort of a political group, which is, of course,
total bullshit. We are not more political than any other art group, nor
is it possible for me to control what the other members political as-
pects are.
So a very big FUCK OFF to the people spreading these lies, check your
facts before you open your mouths you pathetic wimps!
X-con/bpcgnx: Infernal hails to you, thanks for support!
Java/morbid: Your ascii rules man! Where the HELL are you? :
Azagthoth: Thanks for spreading this pack.
Spellbinder/acid: Our 1 fan Yes, you WILL get your snuffmovies
Wiz/tea: Din BRDA rullar :
Felony/rtsog: Splatter rules forever!
Thor/tea: Ozzy for president!
Zaico/cna: Cheezus, are you ever sober? : Thanks for GREAT ansi!
Insider/cna: Do NOT stop drawing ansi! :
Tito/cna: Brother Maynard, bring forth the holy handgrenade!
Eddie/rebelssect: Cemetary fucking rules!
Quik/bpc: Good luck with Manzon :
Princip: Your board is PURE fucking CULT!
Greets also to all nh! members as well as all hardrockers out there!
internet crew
name abbreviation specialization
crucifier cf irc
heinrich HnR irc/www/usenet
morbid crew
name abbreviation specialization
crucifier cf txt/gfx
heinrich HnR txt/gfx
fenrir fen txt
name abbreviation specialization
fenrir fen asc/ans
looney ! asc
leprosy lY! asc
night warrior NW! asc
heinrich HnR vga
liithn ln layout coordinator
more artists wanted, apply at freezing moon
nh! boards
name system operator position number
freezing moon crucifier whq +46-8-7412229
interchange princip amiga hq +46-purecult!
skumma bilder bbs heinrich member board +46-8-59088937
pagan winter looney member board +46-8-notupyet
itching desire wiz dist site +46-8-6265711
grind liithn dist site +46-8-7479632
we are willing to become affilated with good boards, apply at freezing moon
info file designed by liithn
text was written by crucifier
Finally, the premier art pack from Nocturnal Holocaust!
The content of this pack is rather limited, but this release is merely
a way of showing the level of quality for which nh! stands for and to
atract new artists to join our group for upcoming art releases.
Since our last release snuff/splatter pack 2 we have gained a couple
of artists and affiltated boards, which we are very satisfied with.
Except releasing art packs, nh! will be designing ppes and similar for
a couple of quite well known and quality groups, so keep your eyes open
for these upcoming releases!
a p p l y i n g
If you wish to join nh!, this can be done by:
Calling our WHQ, Freezing Moon, and login with name NOCTURNAL
and password HOLOCAUST. What to do after that should be obvious.
Emailing Crucifier, crucifierevolution@hammar.pp.se
Talking to Crucifier on IRC
An applyer should be available in our next pack!
For reasons unknown, some people have begun to spread lies about nh!,
saying that we are some sort of a political group, which is, of course,
total bullshit. We are not more political than any other art group, nor
is it possible for me to control what the other members political as-
pects are.
So a very big FUCK OFF to the people spreading these lies, check your
facts before you open your mouths you pathetic wimps!
X-con/bpcgnx: Infernal hails to you, thanks for support!
Java/morbid: Your ascii rules man! Where the HELL are you? :
Azagthoth: Thanks for spreading this pack.
Spellbinder/acid: Our 1 fan Yes, you WILL get your snuffmovies
Wiz/tea: Din BRDA rullar :
Felony/rtsog: Splatter rules forever!
Thor/tea: Ozzy for president!
Zaico/cna: Cheezus, are you ever sober? : Thanks for GREAT ansi!
Insider/cna: Do NOT stop drawing ansi! :
Tito/cna: Brother Maynard, bring forth the holy handgrenade!
Eddie/rebelssect: Cemetary fucking rules!
Quik/bpc: Good luck with Manzon :
Princip: Your board is PURE fucking CULT!
Greets also to all nh! members as well as all hardrockers out there!
internet crew
name abbreviation specialization
crucifier cf irc
heinrich HnR irc/www/usenet
morbid crew
name abbreviation specialization
crucifier cf txt/gfx
heinrich HnR txt/gfx
fenrir fen txt
name abbreviation specialization
fenrir fen asc/ans
looney ! asc
leprosy lY! asc
night warrior NW! asc
heinrich HnR vga
liithn ln layout coordinator
more artists wanted, apply at freezing moon
nh! boards
name system operator position number
freezing moon crucifier whq +46-8-7412229
interchange princip amiga hq +46-purecult!
skumma bilder bbs heinrich member board +46-8-59088937
pagan winter looney member board +46-8-notupyet
itching desire wiz dist site +46-8-6265711
grind liithn dist site +46-8-7479632
we are willing to become affilated with good boards, apply at freezing moon
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