this image contains text
the fourth nerp package.
news, things that you all should know
okay warriors, here we go.
alot of things happend, and when i say alot, i mean alot. the merge thingy
with fire didnt turn out the way we suspected it to do, so, nerp is back
in business, and we will stay here for a long while, at least as long as
any of the artists in nerp is interested to keep the group alive.
alecs left us to take care of his life outside the computer scene, we wish
him all the best, and we all hope you will be back with us later. we had fun
didnt we? ahwellps, life goes on, and now when we are back, many of the the
old artists are with us again, but also a couple of members that are new to
nerp is releasing with us from now and on.
holystone: a very talented new ascii artist. since hes swede and i know him
quite well, hell help me with things that i cant handle myself.
welcome friends! bizzarro
members, people that are affilted with nerp
bizzarro ........... ansi ... council ..... mikael.aspling@usa.net
dfuse .............. ansi .................. dfuse@hotmail.com
haddock ............ ansi .................. president@poffelipoff.com
holystone .......... ascii .. council ...... holystone@technologist.com
ize ................ ansi .................. ize@geocities.com
konami ............. ansi ... council ...... pokey@idirect.com
mendator ................ ... internet ..... karl.ringman@
milkmang ........... ansi .................. milkman@mindless.com
pandur ............. ansi ... internet ..... pandur@koeln.netsurf.de
tarot .............. ansi .................. raami@sci.fi
toot ............... ansi .................. to7@zetnet.co.uk
vader .............. ansi ... internet ..... vader@gim.net
ville .............. ansi .................. ville@geocities.com
dissosance avenge. ansi guest ..........
zalt awe ......... ansi guest ..........
alecs ...................................... alecs@gerlts.de
mice ....................................... mikkol@icon.fi
riddler .................................... riddler@iname.com
the absent spinsister ...................... oscar@snakebite.com
wave ....................................... wave@sci.fi
zircus ..................................... zircus@goodnet.com
boards, systems that are affilted with nerp
icebreaker world hq ...... stridh and bizzarro +46-8-7392182
nerp web internet hq ..... pandur ............ NERP.LLAMALAND.ML.ORG
lunchbox swedish hq ...... milkmang .......... +46-060-80022
funfair finnish hq ....... wave .............. +NOT-ONLINE
free coke canadian hq .... tna ............... +1-514-254-4516
slam city norwegian hq ... dark lord ......... +47-22-509492
special sauce us hq ...... samurai ........... +1-NOT-ONLINE
trauma belgium hq ........ thrasher .......... +32-16-620922
org. kaos/2 australian hq. krisis ............ +61-2-98761536
the fourth nerp album, a new insane pack
designed by alecs and bizzarro
the fourth nerp package.
news, things that you all should know
okay warriors, here we go.
alot of things happend, and when i say alot, i mean alot. the merge thingy
with fire didnt turn out the way we suspected it to do, so, nerp is back
in business, and we will stay here for a long while, at least as long as
any of the artists in nerp is interested to keep the group alive.
alecs left us to take care of his life outside the computer scene, we wish
him all the best, and we all hope you will be back with us later. we had fun
didnt we? ahwellps, life goes on, and now when we are back, many of the the
old artists are with us again, but also a couple of members that are new to
nerp is releasing with us from now and on.
holystone: a very talented new ascii artist. since hes swede and i know him
quite well, hell help me with things that i cant handle myself.
welcome friends! bizzarro
members, people that are affilted with nerp
bizzarro ........... ansi ... council ..... mikael.aspling@usa.net
dfuse .............. ansi .................. dfuse@hotmail.com
haddock ............ ansi .................. president@poffelipoff.com
holystone .......... ascii .. council ...... holystone@technologist.com
ize ................ ansi .................. ize@geocities.com
konami ............. ansi ... council ...... pokey@idirect.com
mendator ................ ... internet ..... karl.ringman@
milkmang ........... ansi .................. milkman@mindless.com
pandur ............. ansi ... internet ..... pandur@koeln.netsurf.de
tarot .............. ansi .................. raami@sci.fi
toot ............... ansi .................. to7@zetnet.co.uk
vader .............. ansi ... internet ..... vader@gim.net
ville .............. ansi .................. ville@geocities.com
dissosance avenge. ansi guest ..........
zalt awe ......... ansi guest ..........
alecs ...................................... alecs@gerlts.de
mice ....................................... mikkol@icon.fi
riddler .................................... riddler@iname.com
the absent spinsister ...................... oscar@snakebite.com
wave ....................................... wave@sci.fi
zircus ..................................... zircus@goodnet.com
boards, systems that are affilted with nerp
icebreaker world hq ...... stridh and bizzarro +46-8-7392182
nerp web internet hq ..... pandur ............ NERP.LLAMALAND.ML.ORG
lunchbox swedish hq ...... milkmang .......... +46-060-80022
funfair finnish hq ....... wave .............. +NOT-ONLINE
free coke canadian hq .... tna ............... +1-514-254-4516
slam city norwegian hq ... dark lord ......... +47-22-509492
special sauce us hq ...... samurai ........... +1-NOT-ONLINE
trauma belgium hq ........ thrasher .......... +32-16-620922
org. kaos/2 australian hq. krisis ............ +61-2-98761536
the fourth nerp album, a new insane pack
designed by alecs and bizzarro
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