this image contains text
nerp pack 3
@ the christmas party @
welcome to our christmas pack!
not much happened since the last pack, we gained a new member
and lost
nobody were proud to present you another proof of our qualit
i included some member profiles in this pack, zipped in !prof
happy christmas a good new year,
christmas is here, its cold outside and people are rushing aro
und to finish
all the stuff that should be done before christmas eve.
im sitting in front
of my computer and thinking what ive done this year, nothing m
uch. to be
precise, nothing important at all, just drawing a couple of ans
is and ive
also made some new friends.
this pack was very much inspired from the blendxms.zip, damn i
loved blend
hi ville :. i had some problems with my email and irc access
, so we lost
stuff from riddler, sorry about that riddler. well, that was al
l from me, so
have a nice christmas and a happy new year, bye bye.
putrid carcass joined our ansi ranks, welcome to our te
am pal.
getting active again and also in the leader position is me
ndator, so you
can mail him instead of bizzarro or me . oh, and seraphim
decided to give up
the best position in nerp, the cheerleader, and joined as artis
t under the
name konami - his new nick.
oh, and thanks to absent im-outta-scene
spinsister and shaft for guesting.
alecs ........... leader/ansi .........
..... alecs@gmx.net
bizzarro ........ leader/ansi .........
..... bizzarro@hotmail.com
mendator ........ leader/ansi .........
..... drynwhyl@innocent.com
mice ............ senior/ascii ........
..... mice@fan.net
absent spinsister guest ....................
dfuse ........... ansi .....................
haddock ......... ansi ................
..... president@poffelipoff.com
ize ............. ansi ........
............. ize@geocities.com
konami .......... ansi .....................
leo! ............ ansi ................
..... leo@biosys.net
mice ............ ascii ....................
milkmang ........ ansi ...........
.......... milkman@mindless.com
noah ............ ansi ........
............. noah666@hotmail.com
pandur .......... ansi/webmaster ......
..... pandur@koeln.netsurf.de
putrid carcass .. ansi ...........
.......... pc@twisted.ml.org
riddler ......... ansi ........
............. riddler@4u.net
risubisu ........ ascii ....................
shaft ........... guest ....................
tarot ........... ansi ........
............. raami@sci.fi
toot ............ ansi ........
............. to7@zetnet.co.uk
vader ........... bot boy .....
............. vader@gim.net
ville ........... ansi ........
............. ville@fan.net
wave ............ ascii ..........
.......... wave@sci.fi
zircus .......... ansi ................
..... zircus@goodnet.com
sarcasm world hq ......... alecs
......... +49-531-13714
icebreaker leader board .. bizzarro
...... +46-8-7392182
nerp web internet hq ..... pandur
lunchbox swedish hq ...... milkmang
...... +46-060-80022
funfair finnish hq ....... wave
.......... +NOT-ONLINE
free coke canadian hq .... tna
........... +1-514-254-4516
slam city norwegian hq ... dark lo
rd ..... +47-22-509492
special sauce us hq ...... samurai ..
..... +1-NOT-ONLINE
trauma belgium hq ........ thrashe
r ...... +32-16-620922
org. kaos/2 australian hq krisis ......
.. +61-2-98761536
the third nerp album, a christmas edition.
whole design by alecs.
have a look on the fourth nerp pack , avaiable in your
local gallery around march.
@ the christmas party @
welcome to our christmas pack!
not much happened since the last pack, we gained a new member
and lost
nobody were proud to present you another proof of our qualit
i included some member profiles in this pack, zipped in !prof
happy christmas a good new year,
christmas is here, its cold outside and people are rushing aro
und to finish
all the stuff that should be done before christmas eve.
im sitting in front
of my computer and thinking what ive done this year, nothing m
uch. to be
precise, nothing important at all, just drawing a couple of ans
is and ive
also made some new friends.
this pack was very much inspired from the blendxms.zip, damn i
loved blend
hi ville :. i had some problems with my email and irc access
, so we lost
stuff from riddler, sorry about that riddler. well, that was al
l from me, so
have a nice christmas and a happy new year, bye bye.
putrid carcass joined our ansi ranks, welcome to our te
am pal.
getting active again and also in the leader position is me
ndator, so you
can mail him instead of bizzarro or me . oh, and seraphim
decided to give up
the best position in nerp, the cheerleader, and joined as artis
t under the
name konami - his new nick.
oh, and thanks to absent im-outta-scene
spinsister and shaft for guesting.
alecs ........... leader/ansi .........
..... alecs@gmx.net
bizzarro ........ leader/ansi .........
..... bizzarro@hotmail.com
mendator ........ leader/ansi .........
..... drynwhyl@innocent.com
mice ............ senior/ascii ........
..... mice@fan.net
absent spinsister guest ....................
dfuse ........... ansi .....................
haddock ......... ansi ................
..... president@poffelipoff.com
ize ............. ansi ........
............. ize@geocities.com
konami .......... ansi .....................
leo! ............ ansi ................
..... leo@biosys.net
mice ............ ascii ....................
milkmang ........ ansi ...........
.......... milkman@mindless.com
noah ............ ansi ........
............. noah666@hotmail.com
pandur .......... ansi/webmaster ......
..... pandur@koeln.netsurf.de
putrid carcass .. ansi ...........
.......... pc@twisted.ml.org
riddler ......... ansi ........
............. riddler@4u.net
risubisu ........ ascii ....................
shaft ........... guest ....................
tarot ........... ansi ........
............. raami@sci.fi
toot ............ ansi ........
............. to7@zetnet.co.uk
vader ........... bot boy .....
............. vader@gim.net
ville ........... ansi ........
............. ville@fan.net
wave ............ ascii ..........
.......... wave@sci.fi
zircus .......... ansi ................
..... zircus@goodnet.com
sarcasm world hq ......... alecs
......... +49-531-13714
icebreaker leader board .. bizzarro
...... +46-8-7392182
nerp web internet hq ..... pandur
lunchbox swedish hq ...... milkmang
...... +46-060-80022
funfair finnish hq ....... wave
.......... +NOT-ONLINE
free coke canadian hq .... tna
........... +1-514-254-4516
slam city norwegian hq ... dark lo
rd ..... +47-22-509492
special sauce us hq ...... samurai ..
..... +1-NOT-ONLINE
trauma belgium hq ........ thrashe
r ...... +32-16-620922
org. kaos/2 australian hq krisis ......
.. +61-2-98761536
the third nerp album, a christmas edition.
whole design by alecs.
have a look on the fourth nerp pack , avaiable in your
local gallery around march.
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