this image contains text
hello and welcome
hello and welcome
to the second nerp album..
this second improve of our art came out quite well - and late.
this pack has a little delay because of the summer, where nearl
y all the nerp
members took a break and lied in on a towel on the beach, with
some chicks
around them.
basicly, i wanted to include some member profiles in this pack,
but i didnt
get to finish the html-stuff. every member who didnt notice th
is please contactme.
and last but not least, pandur set up a homepage under ner
so have a look at it on your next surf through the internet..
have a look at the member changes, have a look on the art and h
ave fun,
ohwell.. ive dont have the time to draw so much nowayadays si
nce i play
waterpolo six times a week.. but im doing my best.. im lettin
g alecs
running nerp mostly.. so.. if you would like to complain, then
talk to him.. :
.. wellps.. thats it.. and oscar if you see this.. i hope you
ll change
your mind and get back to us.. later fellows..
and the last and sad thing is..
Night Daemon, 1980 to 1997.
wed like to say that were sorry for what happened to ND.
he was always the gentle person, saying hi and shit, compare t
o other ass-
holes. hope youre happy where ever you might be.
-the nerp staff
member change
as you may have already heard, drynwhyl dropped h
is leader-status for his
real life, and he made me - with bizzarro of course - to th
e new leader.
he did also change his nick - to mendator.
we added dfuse, discofunk 1974, ha
ddock, leonardo and pandur to our ansi
ranks. im sure theyre all a perfect addition to our team.
and last but not least id like to welcome seraphim
as an official cheer
leader. g
word this months to our guests, aqua, burps
, the 4th discyple,
thrasher and the knight.
our members..
alecs ........... leader/ansi ...........
... alecs@gmx.net
bizzarro ........ leader/ansi ...........
... bizzarro@hotmail.com
mice ............ senior/ascii ..........
... mice@fan.net ascii
mendator ........ retired leader/ansi ...
... drynwhyl@innocent.com
seraphim ........ official cheer l
eader .... pokey@idirect.com
aqua ............ guest .......
............. aqua@innocent.com
burps ........... guest .................
... zonex@dma.be
dfuse ........... ansi ........
............. dfuse@hotmail.com
discofunk 1974 .. ansi/ascii .......
........ kellod@idirect.com
haddock ......... ansi .............
........ president@poffelipoff.com
ize ............. ansi ........
............. ize@geocities.com
leo! ............ ansi ........
............. leo@biosys.net
mice ............ ascii .......
............. mice@fan.net
milkmang ........ ansi ..................
... milkman@mindless.com
noah ............ ansi ........
............. noah666@hotmail.com
pandur .......... ansi/webmaster
........... pandur@koeln.netsurf.de
riddler ......... ansi ........
............. riddler@4u.net
risubisu ........ ascii ............
........ rek-onez@pacbell.net
samurai ......... guest .................
tarot ........... ansi ........
............. raami@sci.fi
the 4th discyple guest .................
... echo@globalsurf.net
the knight ...... guest ............
........ the.knight@netlink.be
toot ............ ansi ........
............. to7@zetnet.co.uk
thrasher ........ guest .......
............. thrasher@netlink.be
vader ........... bot boy .....
............. vader@gim.net
ville ........... ansi ........
............. ville@fan.net
wave ............ ascii .................
... wave@sci.fi
zircus .......... ansi ........
............. zircus@goodnet.com
affiliated boards..
icebreaker world hq ...... bizzarro .
..... +46-8-7392182
sarcasm european hq ...... alecs ....
..... +49-531-13714
nerp page internet hq .... pandur ...
..... nerp.llamaland.ml.org
grape swedish hq ......... milkman ..
..... +46-060-80022
funfair finnish hq ....... wave .....
free coke canadian hq .... tna ......
..... +1-514-254-4516
slam city norwegian hq ... ...............
trauma belgium hq ........ thrasher .
..... +32-16-620922
org. kaos/2 australian hq krisis ...
..... +61-2-98761536
the end
drynwhyl what do you guys think of changing the
drynwhyl because this group aint the same as they
drynwhyl I thought of a weird name: nerp
drynwhyl its short.. cool! :
the second nerp album.
logo by samurai, design by alecs.
watch out for the winter album, avaiable in
your local gallery
around christmas.
hello and welcome
hello and welcome
to the second nerp album..
this second improve of our art came out quite well - and late.
this pack has a little delay because of the summer, where nearl
y all the nerp
members took a break and lied in on a towel on the beach, with
some chicks
around them.
basicly, i wanted to include some member profiles in this pack,
but i didnt
get to finish the html-stuff. every member who didnt notice th
is please contactme.
and last but not least, pandur set up a homepage under ner
so have a look at it on your next surf through the internet..
have a look at the member changes, have a look on the art and h
ave fun,
ohwell.. ive dont have the time to draw so much nowayadays si
nce i play
waterpolo six times a week.. but im doing my best.. im lettin
g alecs
running nerp mostly.. so.. if you would like to complain, then
talk to him.. :
.. wellps.. thats it.. and oscar if you see this.. i hope you
ll change
your mind and get back to us.. later fellows..
and the last and sad thing is..
Night Daemon, 1980 to 1997.
wed like to say that were sorry for what happened to ND.
he was always the gentle person, saying hi and shit, compare t
o other ass-
holes. hope youre happy where ever you might be.
-the nerp staff
member change
as you may have already heard, drynwhyl dropped h
is leader-status for his
real life, and he made me - with bizzarro of course - to th
e new leader.
he did also change his nick - to mendator.
we added dfuse, discofunk 1974, ha
ddock, leonardo and pandur to our ansi
ranks. im sure theyre all a perfect addition to our team.
and last but not least id like to welcome seraphim
as an official cheer
leader. g
word this months to our guests, aqua, burps
, the 4th discyple,
thrasher and the knight.
our members..
alecs ........... leader/ansi ...........
... alecs@gmx.net
bizzarro ........ leader/ansi ...........
... bizzarro@hotmail.com
mice ............ senior/ascii ..........
... mice@fan.net ascii
mendator ........ retired leader/ansi ...
... drynwhyl@innocent.com
seraphim ........ official cheer l
eader .... pokey@idirect.com
aqua ............ guest .......
............. aqua@innocent.com
burps ........... guest .................
... zonex@dma.be
dfuse ........... ansi ........
............. dfuse@hotmail.com
discofunk 1974 .. ansi/ascii .......
........ kellod@idirect.com
haddock ......... ansi .............
........ president@poffelipoff.com
ize ............. ansi ........
............. ize@geocities.com
leo! ............ ansi ........
............. leo@biosys.net
mice ............ ascii .......
............. mice@fan.net
milkmang ........ ansi ..................
... milkman@mindless.com
noah ............ ansi ........
............. noah666@hotmail.com
pandur .......... ansi/webmaster
........... pandur@koeln.netsurf.de
riddler ......... ansi ........
............. riddler@4u.net
risubisu ........ ascii ............
........ rek-onez@pacbell.net
samurai ......... guest .................
tarot ........... ansi ........
............. raami@sci.fi
the 4th discyple guest .................
... echo@globalsurf.net
the knight ...... guest ............
........ the.knight@netlink.be
toot ............ ansi ........
............. to7@zetnet.co.uk
thrasher ........ guest .......
............. thrasher@netlink.be
vader ........... bot boy .....
............. vader@gim.net
ville ........... ansi ........
............. ville@fan.net
wave ............ ascii .................
... wave@sci.fi
zircus .......... ansi ........
............. zircus@goodnet.com
affiliated boards..
icebreaker world hq ...... bizzarro .
..... +46-8-7392182
sarcasm european hq ...... alecs ....
..... +49-531-13714
nerp page internet hq .... pandur ...
..... nerp.llamaland.ml.org
grape swedish hq ......... milkman ..
..... +46-060-80022
funfair finnish hq ....... wave .....
free coke canadian hq .... tna ......
..... +1-514-254-4516
slam city norwegian hq ... ...............
trauma belgium hq ........ thrasher .
..... +32-16-620922
org. kaos/2 australian hq krisis ...
..... +61-2-98761536
the end
drynwhyl what do you guys think of changing the
drynwhyl because this group aint the same as they
drynwhyl I thought of a weird name: nerp
drynwhyl its short.. cool! :
the second nerp album.
logo by samurai, design by alecs.
watch out for the winter album, avaiable in
your local gallery
around christmas.
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