this image contains text
nerp 001
Welcome to pack one from Nerp...
Nerp is actually nh! with a new name and new philosophy. We will
not release monthly, we release when the seniors feel like it, and when we
have enough stuff. Iv been quite busy before this pack, I worked daytimes
and was REALLY tired in the evenings. On the weekend I partied alot and
spent some time without computers so there wasnt much time left for
drawing ansi or working with our homepage I have the idea for the homepage
ready, I just have to make the actual webpage now. Next release I hope to
have more logos and maybe even a few full-length pics.
If you want to apply to nerp just send a email to one of the
seniors, alecs, bizzarro, drynwhyl if you are an ansi artist and mice if
you are an ascii artist, telling a bit about yourself and including some of
your art.
Okey, I suck at writing info files, this is one of my first actually,
even though I was leader of blend r.i.p for a while. Well, go look at the
art now!
//drynwhyl - drynwhyl@innocent.com
Hello.. not to much to say.. just that i think this will turn out
quite well.. without drynwhyl it would never been possible at all.. thanx
drynwhyl.. : ive been busy trying to find a group where id feel
comfortable except from nerp.. ive tried fusion, cia and echo.. and left
fusion and cia after a real short while.. sorry fellows.. if you care at
all.. thats it.. enjoy the package..
I think that theres not alot to say here but Im rather proud of the
group itself and I want to thank all the guys who made nerp to what it is.
Special thanks go to drynwhyl and bizzarro, for being friends and helping me
a lot with the senior position.
Hi, its Mice speaking. Our beloved ascii senior or something...
And welcome to nerp premier pack. I hop... KNOW this pack rules
Anyway, I was called here to speak something about us and our visions.
Nerp Ascii division is not yet big, acctually we are just starting,
but we try to get big, even tough quality comes before quanty. We are trying
to brake the great wall between ansi and ascii groups.. Why cant a group
release ansi and ascii at the same time?! Yeah, so now Im looking for you,
yeah you. If you feel like you have some ascii skills and want to get out
out of your sucky ascii-only group doesnt meant that all ascii-only groups
suck!!@@, then make the move and mail me your apply to MIKKOL@ICON.FI
Only newschoolers allowed.. wasnt my decision, tho.. Nobody wants
oldschool nowdays.. but anyway, lets continue
Whats the point to release ascii only? If somebody doesnt like
ascii so much, i can bet he wont download ascii only packs. Anyway if a
cool ascii in some ansiascii pack can get his intresity, he will prolly
see that artists asciis in future too.. and.. You ask, whats the point?
Go figure
Anyway ascii groups quality and quanty has fell to bottom like a
rock lately and many groups have died.. Remorse is acctually dominating
ascii scene today, because not many of others try to make the competition
out of it. I hope we will. So, this try wont work without you once again.
All im asking is you to join our fresh and new group, hang on our irc
channel + have lot of fun. Have fun while it still is possible. If you wont
join, come even check our channel nerp.
//captain Mice, over and out...
the end
sorry for the poor design of the info file, I did another info file
that sucked so I deleted it and this was all I hade time for. /dryn
Welcome to pack one from Nerp...
Nerp is actually nh! with a new name and new philosophy. We will
not release monthly, we release when the seniors feel like it, and when we
have enough stuff. Iv been quite busy before this pack, I worked daytimes
and was REALLY tired in the evenings. On the weekend I partied alot and
spent some time without computers so there wasnt much time left for
drawing ansi or working with our homepage I have the idea for the homepage
ready, I just have to make the actual webpage now. Next release I hope to
have more logos and maybe even a few full-length pics.
If you want to apply to nerp just send a email to one of the
seniors, alecs, bizzarro, drynwhyl if you are an ansi artist and mice if
you are an ascii artist, telling a bit about yourself and including some of
your art.
Okey, I suck at writing info files, this is one of my first actually,
even though I was leader of blend r.i.p for a while. Well, go look at the
art now!
//drynwhyl - drynwhyl@innocent.com
Hello.. not to much to say.. just that i think this will turn out
quite well.. without drynwhyl it would never been possible at all.. thanx
drynwhyl.. : ive been busy trying to find a group where id feel
comfortable except from nerp.. ive tried fusion, cia and echo.. and left
fusion and cia after a real short while.. sorry fellows.. if you care at
all.. thats it.. enjoy the package..
I think that theres not alot to say here but Im rather proud of the
group itself and I want to thank all the guys who made nerp to what it is.
Special thanks go to drynwhyl and bizzarro, for being friends and helping me
a lot with the senior position.
Hi, its Mice speaking. Our beloved ascii senior or something...
And welcome to nerp premier pack. I hop... KNOW this pack rules
Anyway, I was called here to speak something about us and our visions.
Nerp Ascii division is not yet big, acctually we are just starting,
but we try to get big, even tough quality comes before quanty. We are trying
to brake the great wall between ansi and ascii groups.. Why cant a group
release ansi and ascii at the same time?! Yeah, so now Im looking for you,
yeah you. If you feel like you have some ascii skills and want to get out
out of your sucky ascii-only group doesnt meant that all ascii-only groups
suck!!@@, then make the move and mail me your apply to MIKKOL@ICON.FI
Only newschoolers allowed.. wasnt my decision, tho.. Nobody wants
oldschool nowdays.. but anyway, lets continue
Whats the point to release ascii only? If somebody doesnt like
ascii so much, i can bet he wont download ascii only packs. Anyway if a
cool ascii in some ansiascii pack can get his intresity, he will prolly
see that artists asciis in future too.. and.. You ask, whats the point?
Go figure
Anyway ascii groups quality and quanty has fell to bottom like a
rock lately and many groups have died.. Remorse is acctually dominating
ascii scene today, because not many of others try to make the competition
out of it. I hope we will. So, this try wont work without you once again.
All im asking is you to join our fresh and new group, hang on our irc
channel + have lot of fun. Have fun while it still is possible. If you wont
join, come even check our channel nerp.
//captain Mice, over and out...
the end
sorry for the poor design of the info file, I did another info file
that sucked so I deleted it and this was all I hade time for. /dryn
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