this image contains text
Written by White Ire - Nemesis Sr Staff
Well, the time has come to release out first packet. Nemesis has gone
through thick and thin within these past two months. We have suffered losss,
and have benifited greatly through the actions of a few new members. It
started out back in Early May, when Black Ire the former Legacy Senior
decided to disband the group, and go lead a social life. I at the time was
not a member, just a good friend, and a consolidator at the time. When he
left, he stated he wanted the group to go down. Now Morbid Angel, Former Sr.,
and Desolate Zombie iCK decided to carry on the groups artwork. Unfortun-
atly Black Ire did not want them using the Legacy Name. He wanted it to rest
in peace. Lord knows why he did this, Legacy had the best potential out there
for an artgroup. I heard all of this when Black Ire told me he was leaving
since I had to find a Co-sysop to replace him on my board. Thus, Morbid Angel
and i came to speak. I helped out the group, and was offered Vice President.
At this time we had no name. A few days later Morbid Angel and Desolate Zombie
had chosen the name Nemesis. After this the group went into full effect. The
old group Legacy had basically split into 2 main groups. Valiant, and Nemesis.
Alot of good artists went to Valiant, and i wish them luck. After about a
month, Morbid Angel finally decides to kick Desolate Zombie out of the group.
It was a mutual agreement between him, and the other executives in the group.
This is where we filtered out the good and the bad. We cut our art level down
in half completly in quantity but doubled in quality. Some people went to ACiD
Looking for a bigger name they stated... AHEM Rawhead Rex, but none that
i know of went to iCE :. So now were the new Legacy, weve got a great pack
Greets goes out to:
Black Ire - Definatly first on the list here I still cant believe
youre back, and with iCE?!?! Anyhow Good luck with em, and
KEEP your word that you gave me! :
Morbid Angel - If it would not be for him, me and Nightstalker would
be nowhere.
Nightstalker - Youre too fat! :
Hologram - Thanks for helping us out. Now that summers almost upon
us you can start drawing.. RIGHT!
Black Spyrit - Greets... Im waiting for ya to call me....
Randall Flag - Cool guy, who lives in Italy.
Golgotha - Dont really understand why you left, but good luck, and
you are welcome back!
Liquid Nitro - Same as above :
Dr.Tongue - Same as above : :
Written by Morbid Angel
Hello all, last day before the pack comes out and some more news has
happened in Nemesis. Unfortunately Nightstalkers motherboard blew up and
he wont get it back for a while since hes paying for it, the day before the
pack also. So i will have to send him the pack on a floppy so he can look
at it on another computer since he doesnt have a modem. This had happened
with White Ire on his two week vacation, so that left me as the only Exec.
or Sr Member to finish the pack. Except for Hologram, but he wasnt home
when i called. Probably out DJing but i wont rip on him because of that
anymore. Nemesis usually gets word to all their artists a couple times a
week, but i know i havent spoken to Xenophobe or the Canadiens in a bit
since my phone bill is already grueling and i dont use codes, especially
after Chriss situation. So i hope you enjoy this pack, there will be
many more to follow, including a Nemesis magazine quarterly and the
Nemesis coding group, CORE, run by Amroth. Just so you know, we didnt
code the VGAs except for one DI did without thinking :, for a reason.
Many peoples monitors are incompatible with many VGAs HL for Example,
so we would have to release the gifs anyways. So we will show off our
coding skills in the Magazine and in the Demo. Also,Smooth has also been
raised to Ansi President through hard work in Nemesis, keep it up guy.
Anyways, Later Everyone!
Smooth: Keep it up, your artwork is kicking some royal ass!
Good luck with the baby guy!
H. Lecter: the only Acid member that thinks Rad Man is a stupid
retard but is still in Acid.
Xenophobe: I keep calling your bbs buts its busy, must be some
board. That Thunderdome ansi kicked ass btw!
Hologram: I know you changed your handle, but i like your old
better : Stop listening to that crap dude and call
me and help me with the darn mag! :
Spot: Sorry I havent been able to get in touch with you lately,
your VGAs are looking sweet!
Nightstalker: Good luck man, hope you get your computer
back! you have done a lot for the group, too bad
you will be out of the scene for a bit..
White Ire: Now that you are on vacation, i am really noticing
all the work you were doing! get back soon :
Golgotha: Really dont know why you left, but good luck wherever
you are.
DyInHell: I hope you get into Future Crew dude.
Sonic: Whats up man? Did you ever finish that VGA muhahaha
Andrew Nice: Hey dude, you are the shortest Trial in nemesis
Black Ire: Too bad you left Legacy, I really enjoyed being Sr
in your group. If you ever get a chance, give me a
Valiant: Good Luck guys, you have some really awesome people
in your group, hope you can pull it all together and
have an awesome pack.
Zed Nitro: Big slayer fan! Thats a guaranteed greet!
Fusion: Big Metal, another guaranteed greet!
danzig: Nice handle, had to call you and make sure you werent
a poser like the local one around 708.
Cyber-X: Hope ZAP, the ansi couriering group goes awesome,
its a really cool idea.
Darkened Emnity: Obv is kicking some ass! Glad to be running it.
Nightshade: Your fonts are getting pretty awesome, keep it up.
Israfel: Nice board guy, one of the best looking boards i have
seen, along with Sea tac astronomy. not a paid
And a special thanks to everyone that has stayed with us through
thick and thin! Later All!
Well, the time has come to release out first packet. Nemesis has gone
through thick and thin within these past two months. We have suffered losss,
and have benifited greatly through the actions of a few new members. It
started out back in Early May, when Black Ire the former Legacy Senior
decided to disband the group, and go lead a social life. I at the time was
not a member, just a good friend, and a consolidator at the time. When he
left, he stated he wanted the group to go down. Now Morbid Angel, Former Sr.,
and Desolate Zombie iCK decided to carry on the groups artwork. Unfortun-
atly Black Ire did not want them using the Legacy Name. He wanted it to rest
in peace. Lord knows why he did this, Legacy had the best potential out there
for an artgroup. I heard all of this when Black Ire told me he was leaving
since I had to find a Co-sysop to replace him on my board. Thus, Morbid Angel
and i came to speak. I helped out the group, and was offered Vice President.
At this time we had no name. A few days later Morbid Angel and Desolate Zombie
had chosen the name Nemesis. After this the group went into full effect. The
old group Legacy had basically split into 2 main groups. Valiant, and Nemesis.
Alot of good artists went to Valiant, and i wish them luck. After about a
month, Morbid Angel finally decides to kick Desolate Zombie out of the group.
It was a mutual agreement between him, and the other executives in the group.
This is where we filtered out the good and the bad. We cut our art level down
in half completly in quantity but doubled in quality. Some people went to ACiD
Looking for a bigger name they stated... AHEM Rawhead Rex, but none that
i know of went to iCE :. So now were the new Legacy, weve got a great pack
Greets goes out to:
Black Ire - Definatly first on the list here I still cant believe
youre back, and with iCE?!?! Anyhow Good luck with em, and
KEEP your word that you gave me! :
Morbid Angel - If it would not be for him, me and Nightstalker would
be nowhere.
Nightstalker - Youre too fat! :
Hologram - Thanks for helping us out. Now that summers almost upon
us you can start drawing.. RIGHT!
Black Spyrit - Greets... Im waiting for ya to call me....
Randall Flag - Cool guy, who lives in Italy.
Golgotha - Dont really understand why you left, but good luck, and
you are welcome back!
Liquid Nitro - Same as above :
Dr.Tongue - Same as above : :
Written by Morbid Angel
Hello all, last day before the pack comes out and some more news has
happened in Nemesis. Unfortunately Nightstalkers motherboard blew up and
he wont get it back for a while since hes paying for it, the day before the
pack also. So i will have to send him the pack on a floppy so he can look
at it on another computer since he doesnt have a modem. This had happened
with White Ire on his two week vacation, so that left me as the only Exec.
or Sr Member to finish the pack. Except for Hologram, but he wasnt home
when i called. Probably out DJing but i wont rip on him because of that
anymore. Nemesis usually gets word to all their artists a couple times a
week, but i know i havent spoken to Xenophobe or the Canadiens in a bit
since my phone bill is already grueling and i dont use codes, especially
after Chriss situation. So i hope you enjoy this pack, there will be
many more to follow, including a Nemesis magazine quarterly and the
Nemesis coding group, CORE, run by Amroth. Just so you know, we didnt
code the VGAs except for one DI did without thinking :, for a reason.
Many peoples monitors are incompatible with many VGAs HL for Example,
so we would have to release the gifs anyways. So we will show off our
coding skills in the Magazine and in the Demo. Also,Smooth has also been
raised to Ansi President through hard work in Nemesis, keep it up guy.
Anyways, Later Everyone!
Smooth: Keep it up, your artwork is kicking some royal ass!
Good luck with the baby guy!
H. Lecter: the only Acid member that thinks Rad Man is a stupid
retard but is still in Acid.
Xenophobe: I keep calling your bbs buts its busy, must be some
board. That Thunderdome ansi kicked ass btw!
Hologram: I know you changed your handle, but i like your old
better : Stop listening to that crap dude and call
me and help me with the darn mag! :
Spot: Sorry I havent been able to get in touch with you lately,
your VGAs are looking sweet!
Nightstalker: Good luck man, hope you get your computer
back! you have done a lot for the group, too bad
you will be out of the scene for a bit..
White Ire: Now that you are on vacation, i am really noticing
all the work you were doing! get back soon :
Golgotha: Really dont know why you left, but good luck wherever
you are.
DyInHell: I hope you get into Future Crew dude.
Sonic: Whats up man? Did you ever finish that VGA muhahaha
Andrew Nice: Hey dude, you are the shortest Trial in nemesis
Black Ire: Too bad you left Legacy, I really enjoyed being Sr
in your group. If you ever get a chance, give me a
Valiant: Good Luck guys, you have some really awesome people
in your group, hope you can pull it all together and
have an awesome pack.
Zed Nitro: Big slayer fan! Thats a guaranteed greet!
Fusion: Big Metal, another guaranteed greet!
danzig: Nice handle, had to call you and make sure you werent
a poser like the local one around 708.
Cyber-X: Hope ZAP, the ansi couriering group goes awesome,
its a really cool idea.
Darkened Emnity: Obv is kicking some ass! Glad to be running it.
Nightshade: Your fonts are getting pretty awesome, keep it up.
Israfel: Nice board guy, one of the best looking boards i have
seen, along with Sea tac astronomy. not a paid
And a special thanks to everyone that has stayed with us through
thick and thin! Later All!
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