this image contains text
what is nectar?
the common
honeybee takes nectar from a flower to
make honey. this is a metaphorfor what this scen
e-related thing is.
nectar is the first ever ansi font competi
tion. it is held weekly, with the
dates being in the info file. the actual process is
quite simple:
- people wishing to participate assemble i
n channel nectar about 15 minutes
before the competition starts.
- a random person is chosen to pick the fo
nt to be drawn ie Jive Soda or
something. newt picks the person. a ran
dom number is used..
- the font to be done may be anything. it
is up to the artist to work with what
is given to make an appropria
te font. for example, take something like
free coke.. the artist then has many o
ptions, such as fc or perhaps even
a pictorial of a coke can. shrug..
- artists then have 45 minutes
to draw, kick, scream, etc. at the conclusion of
the allocated time, you MUST
send your work to nootropic. late entries wil
not be accepted sorry, i have a schedul
e to keep with these things..
- i will then package the fonts i receive
in a zip to be distributed to all
persons that are competing. the ansis wi
ll be renamed and sigs will be era
to make the entire thing anonymous
. people wont just choose a font because
its their friends.
- contestants will view the fonts, and sel
ect their 3 favorite. *3*..
. you then
/msg nootropic your choices. i will tall
y them up, fix up the pack, add the
appropriate info files and such, and the
pack will be released roughly an
hour and 15 minutes after the compo had started,
barring difficulties with
my provider or something i use hacked accounts.
so theres the process. follow it exactly please, a
s these things tend to be
an organizational nightmare.
when does nectar take place?
nectar take
s place every saturday at 7:00 PM, Eastern Standa
rd Time.
heres a handy all-purpose map. anyone can use thi
s for whatever they like.. goahead and edit it..
stuff. itd make a nice way to list sites.....
my geography teacher would cringe.
red noot
i was bored..
where can i find the finished compos?
all finishe
d compos are released in packs with a summary of
who won, etc. you
can find these on arpeggio.res.cmu.edu/incoming or
that is it..
if you have
any comments or suggestions, find me on the irc
nootropic or on
my board jive soda, 905-569-9492..
compos are every saturday at 7pm!
the common
honeybee takes nectar from a flower to
make honey. this is a metaphorfor what this scen
e-related thing is.
nectar is the first ever ansi font competi
tion. it is held weekly, with the
dates being in the info file. the actual process is
quite simple:
- people wishing to participate assemble i
n channel nectar about 15 minutes
before the competition starts.
- a random person is chosen to pick the fo
nt to be drawn ie Jive Soda or
something. newt picks the person. a ran
dom number is used..
- the font to be done may be anything. it
is up to the artist to work with what
is given to make an appropria
te font. for example, take something like
free coke.. the artist then has many o
ptions, such as fc or perhaps even
a pictorial of a coke can. shrug..
- artists then have 45 minutes
to draw, kick, scream, etc. at the conclusion of
the allocated time, you MUST
send your work to nootropic. late entries wil
not be accepted sorry, i have a schedul
e to keep with these things..
- i will then package the fonts i receive
in a zip to be distributed to all
persons that are competing. the ansis wi
ll be renamed and sigs will be era
to make the entire thing anonymous
. people wont just choose a font because
its their friends.
- contestants will view the fonts, and sel
ect their 3 favorite. *3*..
. you then
/msg nootropic your choices. i will tall
y them up, fix up the pack, add the
appropriate info files and such, and the
pack will be released roughly an
hour and 15 minutes after the compo had started,
barring difficulties with
my provider or something i use hacked accounts.
so theres the process. follow it exactly please, a
s these things tend to be
an organizational nightmare.
when does nectar take place?
nectar take
s place every saturday at 7:00 PM, Eastern Standa
rd Time.
heres a handy all-purpose map. anyone can use thi
s for whatever they like.. goahead and edit it..
stuff. itd make a nice way to list sites.....
my geography teacher would cringe.
red noot
i was bored..
where can i find the finished compos?
all finishe
d compos are released in packs with a summary of
who won, etc. you
can find these on arpeggio.res.cmu.edu/incoming or
that is it..
if you have
any comments or suggestions, find me on the irc
nootropic or on
my board jive soda, 905-569-9492..
compos are every saturday at 7pm!
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