this image contains text
april 97
well, this is our third pack, and were feelin fine!
were a couple of days delayed, i mean, we couldnt
release on april the first, could we??
as you might have noticed, jellyfish is working
a lot on his new board, neurotic escape, so he has
polluted our pack with a loot of NC-adds...ugh...
whee...we got a new memba, maybe two...yop..c the
spd is working on a no.code homepage, it will be up
when this pack hits you i hope...it is not yet totaly
finish, but check it out at www.powertech.no/gabestad
this month has been sloow. yes, sloow. almost nothing
has happened. and i say almost, something has
acctually happened, *the gathering!!!* we sit
here, smashing our ears with new stunning mp3s,
in the middle of a huge boat, with 3000 other nerds
around us, its 5 a.m...and were freezing our asses
of....bbrrr.....! this is actually the first day
here, precisely 24h after our departure from
our beds.
check the rest of the pack for further
reflect was kicked becouse he ripped some asciis
by darklord/bmbshade...shame on you and off you
bizar joined as a ascii and ansi fellow...hepphepp!
stinger joined us as a no.code!vga dude....our
first vga-dude ever! welcome to you too...
light indicates the prezidents....
we are not *that* many yet, so we need YOU!
im not sure if i got with all the distros and hqs
that have been accepted this time, if i havent,
please gimme a note will ya...:
temple of darkness is up as an belgium distro...
essence is up as our second norwegian dist...
chronic organism is accepted as our uk hq...
trail blazer has changed name to too oblivious, and its
sysop has changed handle from markomarti to sagittarius
@nes...............+47 69335741..........worldhq.......24h...
demons den........+12136620971/72.....ushq..........24h...
chronic organism...+44-161-4278214.......ukhq..........24h...
minas tirith.......+4761191749...........norndist......23-07.
tha terrordrome....+49442182834..........germandist....24h...
too oblivious......+3811117611507........yugodist......24h...
blood thirst.......+55215271999..........brazildist....19-06.
temple of darkness.+32043385059........belgiumdist...24h...
spds utero has been up, it have been down, and i
dont know whats up any more...but, i think its down
soon for good, probably is...soh...well..:
the rest...
to get in contact with us, track us down on irc,
no.code is maybee a nice place to start?
or send us an email, leave a messy at a board
or whatever....
to apply, fill out tha awesome apply.now, an
appgen is coming soon, but until then, fill it
out and hand it over to da prez... NOW!
we still need a bot in our not always 24h
efnet-channel no.code...hms..jeps, were
in for a trade!
artdesign by spd
written by the prez
april 1997, the end.
april 97
well, this is our third pack, and were feelin fine!
were a couple of days delayed, i mean, we couldnt
release on april the first, could we??
as you might have noticed, jellyfish is working
a lot on his new board, neurotic escape, so he has
polluted our pack with a loot of NC-adds...ugh...
whee...we got a new memba, maybe two...yop..c the
spd is working on a no.code homepage, it will be up
when this pack hits you i hope...it is not yet totaly
finish, but check it out at www.powertech.no/gabestad
this month has been sloow. yes, sloow. almost nothing
has happened. and i say almost, something has
acctually happened, *the gathering!!!* we sit
here, smashing our ears with new stunning mp3s,
in the middle of a huge boat, with 3000 other nerds
around us, its 5 a.m...and were freezing our asses
of....bbrrr.....! this is actually the first day
here, precisely 24h after our departure from
our beds.
check the rest of the pack for further
reflect was kicked becouse he ripped some asciis
by darklord/bmbshade...shame on you and off you
bizar joined as a ascii and ansi fellow...hepphepp!
stinger joined us as a no.code!vga dude....our
first vga-dude ever! welcome to you too...
light indicates the prezidents....
we are not *that* many yet, so we need YOU!
im not sure if i got with all the distros and hqs
that have been accepted this time, if i havent,
please gimme a note will ya...:
temple of darkness is up as an belgium distro...
essence is up as our second norwegian dist...
chronic organism is accepted as our uk hq...
trail blazer has changed name to too oblivious, and its
sysop has changed handle from markomarti to sagittarius
@nes...............+47 69335741..........worldhq.......24h...
demons den........+12136620971/72.....ushq..........24h...
chronic organism...+44-161-4278214.......ukhq..........24h...
minas tirith.......+4761191749...........norndist......23-07.
tha terrordrome....+49442182834..........germandist....24h...
too oblivious......+3811117611507........yugodist......24h...
blood thirst.......+55215271999..........brazildist....19-06.
temple of darkness.+32043385059........belgiumdist...24h...
spds utero has been up, it have been down, and i
dont know whats up any more...but, i think its down
soon for good, probably is...soh...well..:
the rest...
to get in contact with us, track us down on irc,
no.code is maybee a nice place to start?
or send us an email, leave a messy at a board
or whatever....
to apply, fill out tha awesome apply.now, an
appgen is coming soon, but until then, fill it
out and hand it over to da prez... NOW!
we still need a bot in our not always 24h
efnet-channel no.code...hms..jeps, were
in for a trade!
artdesign by spd
written by the prez
april 1997, the end.
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