this image contains text
.mars 1997.
I m sorry to say that we are are a few days delayed thees month..
why? well, a lot of things happened, spds peze broke down
a few days ago + a lot of other stuff. but, here we are
anyways...and i think we are huge...hums...err...reflect
has pumped a lot of stuff in his first ncd-pack, dunno if
we got something from xpozed, jellyfish has pumped some,
spd has pumped some too i guess, not that much thees time..
shame on you me? ...but i think we survive..:
w e are sorry to say that dee jay is out there ripping again!
this time he has ripped a last caller script by crunsher/msc.
damn, i hate that guy!! somebody has to do something about
him soon, arghh...we included tha info about tha rip in
dj!rip.ans, check it out. and to you dee jay, if ya read
this, get lost!! we dont need that kind of folks in tha
W ell, thes time we are green.
as it turns out to be mars, its starting to getting green
out in the nature. eh eh...well...maybe in the troops...but
deffenetly not here...brr...but, why is this in news?? well,
we have becoma a memba in belona, soh....nah...just kidding...
well...there are not that much of news to report i guess,
but, yes, there are some, here they come:
J ellyfish life took of this month. :- He got a job, and a
girlfriend.. in addition, he also made some screens .. that man
keeps amazing us. :
s pd has becoma one year older ah...im getting old -spd
wow...he is allready 17... lets hear if he has something
he wants to say:
spds on the line:
well well...just have to say one thing, and that is that
all of ya losers out there who forgot my birthday, fuck you!
im looking forward to yer bdays, err....
but, hey, who cares, ive got seven marks on my neck after
my birthdaypaaarty...*
enough from him i guess..
d unno what happened first or last and so on, just writing
it down for yer eyes...
+ reflect has joined us as ncd!ansi and ncd!ascii fellow..
welcome to our little gang over heer...dunno if he is
with us as an coder too, well see about that later i guess..
whops!: he has changed his nick from Qvortex to tha
superm nick reflect...
- hi liquor has been kicked cause of inactivity...off ya
s oh heers our current membalist, even with email....
if ya need more info, its yer problem.
light indicates tha prezidents...
we are not THAT many yet, so come on, apply man!
we really need more artists....
W HEE! spd has finaly got up his iniq, under da superm
name utero... at this date, its only open for no.code
members, + a few others, soon it will be public. ya
could give it a try if ya think ya will get axx...
who knows? oh, a little thing, it will only be
open after 23.oo, so the folks who dont care wont
call.... yeh...thats nice...soh, it will bee our main
whq, or whq1, and @nes will be our second whq, or whq2...
you better be there man!
more info is coming, hang on...
W w got up some new boards in our board-list thees time,
mostly abroad, but also a norwegian dist...
+ shadow two is up as yugoslavian hq.
+ demons den is up as us hq
+ minas tirith is up as a norwegian distsite
+ tha terrordrome is up as a german distsite
+ trail blazer is up as a yugoslavian distsite
+ blood thirst is up as a brazilian distsite
+ kitchen is up as a german distsite
utero.............+47 69132170..............whq1...23-06.
@nes..............+47 69335741..........1....whq2...24h...
demons den.......+12136620971/72.....2....ushq...24h...
minas tirith......+47 61191749.............ndist...23-07.
tha terrordrome...+49442182834..........1...gdist...24h...
trail blazer......+3811117611507........1...ydist...24h...
blood thirst......+55215271999.............bdist...19-06.
a little note to spunkcrized sop, send spd an email
quick, it seems like we have lost all contact with ya.
T o get in contact with us, try our whq, or any other hq or
distro that the guy you are looking for is hanging around at.
to get i touch with tha prez, send us an email, or try our
whq whee.
0 ur packs will also be available at ftp.cdrom.com and
i f something is wrong up here somewhere, let us know...
T o apply, fill out the apply-form and mail it to spd...
A lso try no.code at efnet, ya might find us there.
we really need a bot there, so if ya can get us one,
please, contact us as fast as possible. soh.
infophile written feb 1997
design, art info by spd
info correction by jellyfish
.mars 1997.
I m sorry to say that we are are a few days delayed thees month..
why? well, a lot of things happened, spds peze broke down
a few days ago + a lot of other stuff. but, here we are
anyways...and i think we are huge...hums...err...reflect
has pumped a lot of stuff in his first ncd-pack, dunno if
we got something from xpozed, jellyfish has pumped some,
spd has pumped some too i guess, not that much thees time..
shame on you me? ...but i think we survive..:
w e are sorry to say that dee jay is out there ripping again!
this time he has ripped a last caller script by crunsher/msc.
damn, i hate that guy!! somebody has to do something about
him soon, arghh...we included tha info about tha rip in
dj!rip.ans, check it out. and to you dee jay, if ya read
this, get lost!! we dont need that kind of folks in tha
W ell, thes time we are green.
as it turns out to be mars, its starting to getting green
out in the nature. eh eh...well...maybe in the troops...but
deffenetly not here...brr...but, why is this in news?? well,
we have becoma a memba in belona, soh....nah...just kidding...
well...there are not that much of news to report i guess,
but, yes, there are some, here they come:
J ellyfish life took of this month. :- He got a job, and a
girlfriend.. in addition, he also made some screens .. that man
keeps amazing us. :
s pd has becoma one year older ah...im getting old -spd
wow...he is allready 17... lets hear if he has something
he wants to say:
spds on the line:
well well...just have to say one thing, and that is that
all of ya losers out there who forgot my birthday, fuck you!
im looking forward to yer bdays, err....
but, hey, who cares, ive got seven marks on my neck after
my birthdaypaaarty...*
enough from him i guess..
d unno what happened first or last and so on, just writing
it down for yer eyes...
+ reflect has joined us as ncd!ansi and ncd!ascii fellow..
welcome to our little gang over heer...dunno if he is
with us as an coder too, well see about that later i guess..
whops!: he has changed his nick from Qvortex to tha
superm nick reflect...
- hi liquor has been kicked cause of inactivity...off ya
s oh heers our current membalist, even with email....
if ya need more info, its yer problem.
light indicates tha prezidents...
we are not THAT many yet, so come on, apply man!
we really need more artists....
W HEE! spd has finaly got up his iniq, under da superm
name utero... at this date, its only open for no.code
members, + a few others, soon it will be public. ya
could give it a try if ya think ya will get axx...
who knows? oh, a little thing, it will only be
open after 23.oo, so the folks who dont care wont
call.... yeh...thats nice...soh, it will bee our main
whq, or whq1, and @nes will be our second whq, or whq2...
you better be there man!
more info is coming, hang on...
W w got up some new boards in our board-list thees time,
mostly abroad, but also a norwegian dist...
+ shadow two is up as yugoslavian hq.
+ demons den is up as us hq
+ minas tirith is up as a norwegian distsite
+ tha terrordrome is up as a german distsite
+ trail blazer is up as a yugoslavian distsite
+ blood thirst is up as a brazilian distsite
+ kitchen is up as a german distsite
utero.............+47 69132170..............whq1...23-06.
@nes..............+47 69335741..........1....whq2...24h...
demons den.......+12136620971/72.....2....ushq...24h...
minas tirith......+47 61191749.............ndist...23-07.
tha terrordrome...+49442182834..........1...gdist...24h...
trail blazer......+3811117611507........1...ydist...24h...
blood thirst......+55215271999.............bdist...19-06.
a little note to spunkcrized sop, send spd an email
quick, it seems like we have lost all contact with ya.
T o get in contact with us, try our whq, or any other hq or
distro that the guy you are looking for is hanging around at.
to get i touch with tha prez, send us an email, or try our
whq whee.
0 ur packs will also be available at ftp.cdrom.com and
i f something is wrong up here somewhere, let us know...
T o apply, fill out the apply-form and mail it to spd...
A lso try no.code at efnet, ya might find us there.
we really need a bot there, so if ya can get us one,
please, contact us as fast as possible. soh.
infophile written feb 1997
design, art info by spd
info correction by jellyfish
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