this image contains text
general information
well like usuall, im stuck writing this file once again ..but anyhow..weve
made it - yeaaa, its february and this is our 2nd release..and im glad to say
that were definintly improving with each advandcement! we decided that this
month we were going to cut the pack size and just look for quality work for
the pack..the last pack was good but as most first releases go - we had a few
problems within the group..we didnt have an art work coordinator to keep on-
top of everyone - making sure they get work in on-time help collect da work
etc..and worst of all - deathstar modding coordinator had a hard drive
failure, so we couldnt get the mods in time to put them in the 01 release....
this pack has gone a lot smoother and we have it together now.. - we bad ass
newer information
this month we have added a couple more areas to our pack releases we now
have musical toonists, music dept, vga agents vga dept much... much,
more..we are going to try to expand these areas as much as possible..we are
still looking for vga artists, music creators most of all we need a vga
coordinator! if anyones reading thru this wow and are intrested in any
of our areas but mostly the vga or music departments please let us know..
make sure to apply and return your app..we do accept ppl on a daily basis...
members information
this is very important!@ everyone is buggin me about finding out all of our
new members how to contact them etc..well what we have planed is bi-weekly
meetings on irc..etc..heres how it will go from now on..
ld members - call one of the closet member/outpost nausia boards you can for
the nausia info packlet and information etc..you MUST call one of our boards
atleast once a month and get the packlet and the new info etc..its a must...
inet irc - any of our members with irc access is required to do this!@
we have planed meetings in nausia for every other saturday..everyone must
meet in nausia every other saturday at 9:00pm eastern time..those who
do not attend will most definintly be kicked out of the group..etc...etc....
you others - people that i have not already coverd with irc access or ppl
that are ld to any of our member boards you need to call one of your local,
member boards atleast once a month to get our info packlet and other info...
..this is the point of our info packlet..genocyber who is so gracious to do
it every moth - heehe doesnt do it because it loox pretty..its to inform ya
of whats going on in nausia..it contains updates..new members..new rules....
required stuff, and etc..it is a must for all nausia members to get it, etc..
new nausia members!
durring this month we gained many new members..its hard for me to keep track
of them all so shoot - err i mean dont hehe, shoot me if i forget ya...okie?
mardukk - coder..great programer.. - your my hero, i mean zero hhahahah..
speed - ascii..good asc artist.. - your on trial, for now...
kurrupt - ansee..great pic/logos.. - we love ya man - and yes, THAT way..
fusion - music..great music/s3m.. - please help us.. mr. musik, sir
warlord - mods..good mods, logo.. - not member..distro, may merge w/ us.
well i dont have any more time for listing any more names - nor do i want to
hahaha..but i think i got most of you if not im sorry..maybe next time
nausias shout outs
well theres a lot of people i personally would like to shout out..but that
would take too much time..and maybe another 25 lines or so - hehe..so ive
decided to shout out to groups of ppl that helped make nausia what it is..
today - err whatever that is..hahah..
thanx to all of our coordinators - i know its alot of work and you da men
thanx to all of our distro sites..we apprecaite ya spreading our pax around.
thanx to all the groups that support us - you know who you guys are..yippie!
and a special shout out to inferno and genocyber who really work their ass
off to get these packs out every month..without you wed be - ahh nausia..heh
last werds ending
yess..we finnaly made it few the end.. - a few thousand sentences..about a
million werds too many snide remarks later..were here - the bottom...
nausia and megadose would just like to say to the fans:
thanx..without you wed be nothing..just a couple of computer junkies..with
no money..no friends..who sit on the corner and beg for spare change.. - ahh
nah thats not what i wanted to say..were not on the 25th anual tv awareds
but i would like to be serious and say thanx to everyone that keeps nausia
going..thanx for spreading the pack..we apprecaite ya checking out our work!
that shows that someone besides us - acutally has no life too!
but we apprecaite everyone who applies..and supports us..it helps alot to
get our shit moving..anyone with any questions regarding nausia can reach
any of our member boards easily..or if you need to talk to the foundin doods
of nausia try these s..
megadose! founder - images x bbs - 407-964-0877
inferno presdnt - lake of fire - 407-439-8872
genocybrr v. pres - minor threat - 407-433-1473
thanx alot..by the way, yes this is megadose wasting my time writing all of
this in 1 hour.. but thanx to anyone that acutally read this stuff..hehe!
t h e . e n d
well like usuall, im stuck writing this file once again ..but anyhow..weve
made it - yeaaa, its february and this is our 2nd release..and im glad to say
that were definintly improving with each advandcement! we decided that this
month we were going to cut the pack size and just look for quality work for
the pack..the last pack was good but as most first releases go - we had a few
problems within the group..we didnt have an art work coordinator to keep on-
top of everyone - making sure they get work in on-time help collect da work
etc..and worst of all - deathstar modding coordinator had a hard drive
failure, so we couldnt get the mods in time to put them in the 01 release....
this pack has gone a lot smoother and we have it together now.. - we bad ass
newer information
this month we have added a couple more areas to our pack releases we now
have musical toonists, music dept, vga agents vga dept much... much,
more..we are going to try to expand these areas as much as possible..we are
still looking for vga artists, music creators most of all we need a vga
coordinator! if anyones reading thru this wow and are intrested in any
of our areas but mostly the vga or music departments please let us know..
make sure to apply and return your app..we do accept ppl on a daily basis...
members information
this is very important!@ everyone is buggin me about finding out all of our
new members how to contact them etc..well what we have planed is bi-weekly
meetings on irc..etc..heres how it will go from now on..
ld members - call one of the closet member/outpost nausia boards you can for
the nausia info packlet and information etc..you MUST call one of our boards
atleast once a month and get the packlet and the new info etc..its a must...
inet irc - any of our members with irc access is required to do this!@
we have planed meetings in nausia for every other saturday..everyone must
meet in nausia every other saturday at 9:00pm eastern time..those who
do not attend will most definintly be kicked out of the group..etc...etc....
you others - people that i have not already coverd with irc access or ppl
that are ld to any of our member boards you need to call one of your local,
member boards atleast once a month to get our info packlet and other info...
..this is the point of our info packlet..genocyber who is so gracious to do
it every moth - heehe doesnt do it because it loox pretty..its to inform ya
of whats going on in nausia..it contains updates..new members..new rules....
required stuff, and etc..it is a must for all nausia members to get it, etc..
new nausia members!
durring this month we gained many new members..its hard for me to keep track
of them all so shoot - err i mean dont hehe, shoot me if i forget ya...okie?
mardukk - coder..great programer.. - your my hero, i mean zero hhahahah..
speed - ascii..good asc artist.. - your on trial, for now...
kurrupt - ansee..great pic/logos.. - we love ya man - and yes, THAT way..
fusion - music..great music/s3m.. - please help us.. mr. musik, sir
warlord - mods..good mods, logo.. - not member..distro, may merge w/ us.
well i dont have any more time for listing any more names - nor do i want to
hahaha..but i think i got most of you if not im sorry..maybe next time
nausias shout outs
well theres a lot of people i personally would like to shout out..but that
would take too much time..and maybe another 25 lines or so - hehe..so ive
decided to shout out to groups of ppl that helped make nausia what it is..
today - err whatever that is..hahah..
thanx to all of our coordinators - i know its alot of work and you da men
thanx to all of our distro sites..we apprecaite ya spreading our pax around.
thanx to all the groups that support us - you know who you guys are..yippie!
and a special shout out to inferno and genocyber who really work their ass
off to get these packs out every month..without you wed be - ahh nausia..heh
last werds ending
yess..we finnaly made it few the end.. - a few thousand sentences..about a
million werds too many snide remarks later..were here - the bottom...
nausia and megadose would just like to say to the fans:
thanx..without you wed be nothing..just a couple of computer junkies..with
no money..no friends..who sit on the corner and beg for spare change.. - ahh
nah thats not what i wanted to say..were not on the 25th anual tv awareds
but i would like to be serious and say thanx to everyone that keeps nausia
going..thanx for spreading the pack..we apprecaite ya checking out our work!
that shows that someone besides us - acutally has no life too!
but we apprecaite everyone who applies..and supports us..it helps alot to
get our shit moving..anyone with any questions regarding nausia can reach
any of our member boards easily..or if you need to talk to the foundin doods
of nausia try these s..
megadose! founder - images x bbs - 407-964-0877
inferno presdnt - lake of fire - 407-439-8872
genocybrr v. pres - minor threat - 407-433-1473
thanx alot..by the way, yes this is megadose wasting my time writing all of
this in 1 hour.. but thanx to anyone that acutally read this stuff..hehe!
t h e . e n d
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