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march.. 1995..
the official newsletter for the elitest area code in the country!
welcome to 413 issue 001! what is 413? well, besides being the
area code in which i live in, it is a small newsletter with the
purpose to better inform you on local happenings. so whats happened
lately? lets find out..
bbs stuff..
this month the staff at death row, which happens to be sociopath
and maestro thats me! , decided it was time for a change and
took the board down for about two weeks. well, it just recently went
back up and the result was a spectacular sight. death row is now
called elixir and has been totally revamped by maestro. new ansis
are of the essence. everything on the board was done over and by the
amount of the feedback weve been getting, the change turned out to
be a success. you can call elixir @ 4137821851.
also this month, the crypt keeper has put his board up, tales from
the crypt. hes running a heavily modified renegade board which
supports art/h/p/virii/trojans and much more. you can call tales from
the crypt @ 4137478975.
lame stuff..
if you are new to the area, or just feel like calling another board
i would highly recommend that you do not call the board mercatorious.
it is a very lame major bbs chat board which seems to attract alot of
losers and fags the sysops are prime examples of such. it is ran by
Rock and Doonga, which both happen to be big GEEKS! now why am i so
harsh? well, it seems that Rock is not what you would call a social
butterfly so any chance he gets to have someone over his house he
jumps at. well, the people he usually has come over are fellow geeks
which of course are regulars on the board. recently, he had a few
losers over that thought it would be cool to go through peoples regs
to get their voice phone numbers. once they got them, not only did
they do some pretty pathetic pranks uhh hello? uhh.. is Bob there?
pretty funny shit huh but they also proceeded to freely distribute
the numbers they received the only reason real numbers were on that
board was because it uses callback verifier. so, unless you want you
number passed around to all the local losers, dont call. oh, wait. I
forgot, you cant call right now because it seems that the board was
crashed by an ansi bomb.. well guys, to give you a taste of your
own medicine..
Rock - Terry 4135968534
Doonga - Todd 4137460966
The Traveler - Nelson 4137860126 -- hes a racist little shit!
Private Parts - Craig 4137886023
Hot Shot - Dan 4135991720
recent 413 releases..
reality 02/95, universe 02/95, cfb 002, nation 001
freak fest95..
well guys, what can i say, it will happen one day.. incidently,
the name has been changed to elixircon.
well thats all for now. if you are from the 413 area code and would
like to submit something for next issue leave me some mail somewhere.
see ya next mon.. er.. whenever my next pack comes out..
the official newsletter for the elitest area code in the country!
welcome to 413 issue 001! what is 413? well, besides being the
area code in which i live in, it is a small newsletter with the
purpose to better inform you on local happenings. so whats happened
lately? lets find out..
bbs stuff..
this month the staff at death row, which happens to be sociopath
and maestro thats me! , decided it was time for a change and
took the board down for about two weeks. well, it just recently went
back up and the result was a spectacular sight. death row is now
called elixir and has been totally revamped by maestro. new ansis
are of the essence. everything on the board was done over and by the
amount of the feedback weve been getting, the change turned out to
be a success. you can call elixir @ 4137821851.
also this month, the crypt keeper has put his board up, tales from
the crypt. hes running a heavily modified renegade board which
supports art/h/p/virii/trojans and much more. you can call tales from
the crypt @ 4137478975.
lame stuff..
if you are new to the area, or just feel like calling another board
i would highly recommend that you do not call the board mercatorious.
it is a very lame major bbs chat board which seems to attract alot of
losers and fags the sysops are prime examples of such. it is ran by
Rock and Doonga, which both happen to be big GEEKS! now why am i so
harsh? well, it seems that Rock is not what you would call a social
butterfly so any chance he gets to have someone over his house he
jumps at. well, the people he usually has come over are fellow geeks
which of course are regulars on the board. recently, he had a few
losers over that thought it would be cool to go through peoples regs
to get their voice phone numbers. once they got them, not only did
they do some pretty pathetic pranks uhh hello? uhh.. is Bob there?
pretty funny shit huh but they also proceeded to freely distribute
the numbers they received the only reason real numbers were on that
board was because it uses callback verifier. so, unless you want you
number passed around to all the local losers, dont call. oh, wait. I
forgot, you cant call right now because it seems that the board was
crashed by an ansi bomb.. well guys, to give you a taste of your
own medicine..
Rock - Terry 4135968534
Doonga - Todd 4137460966
The Traveler - Nelson 4137860126 -- hes a racist little shit!
Private Parts - Craig 4137886023
Hot Shot - Dan 4135991720
recent 413 releases..
reality 02/95, universe 02/95, cfb 002, nation 001
freak fest95..
well guys, what can i say, it will happen one day.. incidently,
the name has been changed to elixircon.
well thats all for now. if you are from the 413 area code and would
like to submit something for next issue leave me some mail somewhere.
see ya next mon.. er.. whenever my next pack comes out..
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