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MYSTiC mistik adj. ME mistik L mysticus Gr mystikos, belonging to
secret rites mysts, one initiated: see MYSTERY 1
1 of mysteries, or esoteric rites or doctrines 2 MYSTICAL 3 of obscure or
occult character or meaning mystic powers 4 beyond human comprehension
mysterious or enigmatic 5 filling one with wonder or awe 6 having magic
power n. 1 a person initiated into esoteric mysteries 2 a believer in
mysticism specif., one who professes to undergo mystical experiences and
so to comprehend intuitively truths beyond human understanding
secret rites mysts, one initiated: see MYSTERY 1
1 of mysteries, or esoteric rites or doctrines 2 MYSTICAL 3 of obscure or
occult character or meaning mystic powers 4 beyond human comprehension
mysterious or enigmatic 5 filling one with wonder or awe 6 having magic
power n. 1 a person initiated into esoteric mysteries 2 a believer in
mysticism specif., one who professes to undergo mystical experiences and
so to comprehend intuitively truths beyond human understanding
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