this image contains text
maxxtro artpack 6
joooohooo! after long and quiet period im on
air again! with lots of ascii and hirez stuff.
in this pack youll find some xtra stuff- some
icons. okay, main news:
* new domains are available! you can reach me and
my site here: http://ascii.bl.am or
http://www.maxxtro.org or directly
* you can find me at irc if im online:
network: efnet // channels: scene.ru tsrh
* i want to express my regret to:
bafh // beyond vision
Rest In Peace... nb: look over mxt-bday
and i want to continue my nice tradition :
greetings and respects!
lilithcph // coaxcablecph // kenetsaclgf //
kmx // sjhex-bv // articdfs // docjonesasc
and greetings to demoscene / crack-0day:
my team- cRo // sac // dfs // asc // cph //
secular // artc0re // tsrh // divine
www : look over news
mail : lord@maxxtro.org
ftp : not yet - want to support?
special thanks to freman // odyz
nfo updated o1.11.2oo2
maxxtro artpack 6
joooohooo! after long and quiet period im on
air again! with lots of ascii and hirez stuff.
in this pack youll find some xtra stuff- some
icons. okay, main news:
* new domains are available! you can reach me and
my site here: http://ascii.bl.am or
http://www.maxxtro.org or directly
* you can find me at irc if im online:
network: efnet // channels: scene.ru tsrh
* i want to express my regret to:
bafh // beyond vision
Rest In Peace... nb: look over mxt-bday
and i want to continue my nice tradition :
greetings and respects!
lilithcph // coaxcablecph // kenetsaclgf //
kmx // sjhex-bv // articdfs // docjonesasc
and greetings to demoscene / crack-0day:
my team- cRo // sac // dfs // asc // cph //
secular // artc0re // tsrh // divine
www : look over news
mail : lord@maxxtro.org
ftp : not yet - want to support?
special thanks to freman // odyz
nfo updated o1.11.2oo2
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