this image contains text
Motion Graphics July Edition: the Vacation Pack
In all my months in the ANSI scene, I have never seen a
group of people grow so frantic when school is finally out.
: Now, you may think that having no school would equal more
ANSIs, well unfortunately, in Motion we have characters,
and we do things a little different than the rest.
We titled this pack: The Vacation Pack, because all of our
damn members went on vacation his month. : Tripe, Blindman,
Unholy Spirit, and Stain. All of these fewlios were gone,
and therefore didnt release too much with us. That is why
we are so optimistic towards our next pack. We feel that
next month, we have the attitude, and the desire to really
show you guys what we have.
Oo / - Leaving Members
We have had a few people to leave us in the month of June.
We had a lot more people join, but well run through a short
list of who left. Grimm Apostle left for CIA, Mind Riot left
for Blade, and Killer Instinct was removed for having a poor
attitude, and little drive. The following members were
removed because we havent seen/talked to them in over 3
months: Schill, Silverfuc, BrightShadow, Cranial Illysion,
Distemper, Freelamce, and Phaser-x. All of these guys have
dropped the scene, or have wished not to talk to us any
Oo / - Joining Members
From ICE comes IcePick, a great coder who promises to have an
outstanding viewer done for next month, also, DeathNite
joins, and he is simply one of the best coders that I have
ever seen in my life. He is coding CIRRON, the BBS system of
the future, and youll be hearing a lot more about it.
Quasar comes to us from one of Swedens finest ansi groups,
and we are truly glad to have him. Psybarrape joins from
nowhere, and this guy has some amazing talent. It is always
a pleasure to see a young ansi artist in your group because
you know that these guys can ONLY get better. It is going to
be so much fun watching PR draw with us over the months to
come. Also Binary Prince joins to code demos, and loaders,
Crimson Ice, and Slave join to draw ANSIs, Cryptic
Insanity, Fractal, Coleslaw, and a whole bunch more join our
very nice ASCII dept. I suppose Unholy Spirit is new too,
but it seems as though he has been running the couriers,
forever. He has done an outstanding job this month.
Oo / - Motion News!
TCW: Sabotage has gotten tired of running a BBS, so
therefore, he has decided to give it up. Fractal jumped up,
and is now running the Whq. Thanks a lot FR, you are doing a
fantastic job thus far!
MaliceNet: we have decided to make a new mail network. The
Night Prowler approached me and it is a go, so get your
information on TCW, or The Never Land.
The Sunday Times: Paraniod Insomniac has a good idea in
which to have a sort of emag/newsletter for Motion, and the
other groups in the scene. This should be debuting next
month, so talk to PI about this new feature.
CIRRON: BBS software will be out soon. DeathNite AKA: The
Dungeon Master has asked Motion to configure/design this
software, and that is what we are going to do. We promise we
wont release this software until most of the bugs have been
worked out, and until it looks as sweet as could be.
StarNig: we have a brand new mascot called StarNig. This
little fella has captured the hearts of many, and can be
seen almost everywhere there is Motion. : Epidemic is the
creator, and he shall be eternally worshipped in this group.
Mergers: Motion was involved in 3 1/2 merger offers this
month. We approached some, and we were approached by others,
but we will never surrender our integrity. We have a family
here, and a team of artists that are committed to drawing
under the name Motion. We sincerely thank everyone who
wanted to join our groups, but we just cant give up what is
ours, and what will be ours for a long time to come. I am
hoping that my son will take over as president some day. :
Canada Day: I personally take the blame for the pack being
late. I hoped to have it out on the first, but honestly,
that was a misjudgment on my part because there was a party
going on, and everyone was invited! : Anyhow, I wouldnt
expect you to stay home, and release a pack on July the
fourth, but that is a different story. Bottom line is, its
here now, JOY:JOY! : Assaylant just got pulled over by the
cops ... dumbass. :
Oo / - Closing Thoughts
I think that about covers all the major points that we had
to talk about .. stay tuned for another Motion question, and
of course MemberView, and as always, the greets. : Its
been a wacky month, but we got by, and now its over with!
thank God! now we can concentrate on producing the best
damn pack you have ever seen: mtn-0895.zip I really hope
this rocks, because all the members in Motion do. To my
family, away from my family: you rock! : See ya next month!
Every month Motion Graphics will choose one of our artists to interview. This
is designed to give you, a better view of our on hand staff. I hope nobody
feels that we are trying to emulate that of other groups, and organizations.
I know there have been things such as this done before by other groups, and we
dont want to try and copy those groups in any way. This is strictly for enjoy-
ment, and I hope everyone agrees that this is worthwhile. I couldnt find a goo
spot for his name, but SirDeath did the wonderful face that you see before you.
This month, double 0 steps out of the lime-light, and interviews, one of the
nicest members this scene has to offer. Ladys and gentlemen, I bring you the
creator of StarNig: Epidemic!!
m o t i o n g r a p h i c s j u l y m e m b e r v i e w
d0: double 0 motion ansi god EP: Epidemic Ascii Coordinator
Oo / Oo /
d e m i c
an interview with: e p i d e m i c
this months interview is withepidemic motion ascii coordinator
epidemic epidemic duh
d0 double 0
this was my first interview, and I wasnt too sure what to ask
epidemic, but all turned out pretty well thanks epi, oh
yeah, heres a font to hold you over until I do your ansi -d0
*--* 07-01-95 - 15:41:39 *--*
d0 okay, just to inform you, epidemic, you are being interviewed for
the 07/95 motion pack, anything youd like to say before we begin?
epidemic no.. just hold on.. my parents are calling me.. :
d0 ehehe.. okay.. well start off simple. What do you do for
epidemic I am the ascii coordinator...
d0 okay, what groups have you previously been in as an ascii
epidemic damn.. hmm.. shit I forget.. umm emerge...rival...remorse...I
think that is it...
d0 thats a pretty nice lineup .. okay, and how long have you
been doing ascii art?
epidemic for only about 3-4 months...
d0 cool. 3-4 months and hes already been in emerge, rival, and
remorse, and is now the ascii co-ordinator for motion wow.. okay
now on to your personal life the good stuff.. where do you live?
epidemic well I am also a senior in hatred but thats beyond the point...
umm.. I live in a tiny town in New Jersey.. :
epidemic but new jersey does rock in art.. :
d0 oh yeah I forgot about hatred New Jersey has SMALL towns?
okay, and what area code is that?
epidemic umm.. 90ate
d0 okay, and what do you do for fun up there? besides computer
epidemic whoa.. this isnt the conventional interview..cool.. well I
usually hang out with my friends like at the mall.. pick up
chicks.. and get HIGH.. thats my purpose in life.. and to do ascii
art.. :
epidemic actually Im a little buzzed rite now..
d0 eheheh.. conventional interviews suck .. so you dont play any
sports or do the normal teenage thing? from what I have heard,
you are ALWAYS a little buzzed :
d0 then again, I guess hanging at malls and picking up girls is
epidemic hehe well not always.. : hehe oh and I play sports too.. :
umm I play basketball, football, tennis, I dont know.. about
everything.. im no computer geek trust me on that one...
d0 are you on any teams school/other organized?
epidemic I play for the school basketball team.. and a local football
d0 cool, okay NOW, back to the group talk do you run a board or
epidemic well I used to run a board until about a week ago.. when I gave it
to my frined to run... it was and still is called Neo Reality.. and
I am the co of Cidicas board.. Brand Echh...
d0 and how long about have you been in the scene?
epidemic well I have been in it for about a year.. but only got internet and
got involved like 3-4 months ago....
d0 cool.. okay well, is there anything you would like to say before we wrap
this thing up? I know you told me you didnt have all day
epidemic hmm.. well Id like to greet many people .. but dont have the
memory.. or the will to so Ill greet all muh hatred nigs like
cable, cidica, and data ruckus.. you guys have been great.. and
ummm no slams... even tho I want to.. I am too nice..
epidemic oh yeah.. one more thing...
epidemic if any of you ascii artists out there.. you thinks you are good..
well contact me or apply to hatred or motion... we are always
looking for you... dont be shy.. I wont laugh at you if you
epidemic and double zero.. finish me damn ansi.. : thats all
d0 okay, well then I guess were finished here yo. Look for epidemics work
in the 07/95 and upcoming motion paks.. hes a great artist and were
glad to have him. Thanks for taking the time to answer all my
stupid questions btw- proze made me do this :
epidemic hehe fine... : well I am out
d0 oh yeah.. your ansi
d0 okay well, that wraps it up here.. later
epidemic cough
Motion Graphics Contest!
bm.mtn ...a picture of you, when you win the contest!
Motion Graphics would like to give you an opportunity to win a free ascii,
by Epidemic. All you have to do is answer the following skill testing question,
and it is all yours free! So here we go with the first ever Motion Graphics
Ansi Contest!!
1. Please count the number of StarNigs that are on the epidemic ascii. Look
into the ascii dept, and look at EP-STAR.ASC, and count em up, and you
could be the winner of a 1995, EPIDEMIC ASCII!!!! :
p r o z e a n d a s s a y l a n t s g r e e t s / s a l u t a t i o n
Here come the greets ... Assaylant wants to get in on em, so here we go!
PS: there wont be 300 like last pack. : we already have the record
Assaylant : you are the absolute man. Noone better, you just totally rock.
and so does yer mother
double 0 : man, you stepped up to fill in for the likes of bm/tripe. SUPER!
icepikka : you are a damn stud, hear me? stud!
deathnite : well make that software of yer rock the scene.
tripe : next month big guy, next month. :
meastro : uhhm, like, you are like, ummmm, cool. huhu uhuhuhh uhhu
unholy s: you are so very very important to this group. thanks for the conf.
epidemic : starnig will live in my heart forever. Oo /
grandmah : next time i ask for potato salade, i expect some!
fractal : you are doing a super super job on tcw. you rock.
steve : join motion fore i have to get joe to kick yer azz! :
az : you are the man, and you know it!
33 : i hope you dont have any hard feelings toward me .. i have nothing toward
cable : yer the man with the master plan
odb : chillin like a villin, illan like bob dylan
trust : merger, merger, merger. :
That does it for me ... Really sorry if i owe ya a greet, but the guys over in
the other window are going to start calling for my head. so anyhow, assaylants
turn, and well see ya next month: i promise. :
proze of motion
Well here we go another release by Motion. I would just like to send
out some greets to a few people out there.
Proze : Welp buddy .. this one was a bitch. hehehe. .lets go out and pee on
someones cat. And then get some bitches and get laid!
Schizo : dudelio you da man.. now come and join motion!
Matrixx : wussup buddy.. hehehe.. here is your greet :
D0 : you still be rokn and shit.
Smooth : y0 that rip dude.. i think i peed in my pants when i looked at it..
icepick : you goddamn picker : lez go surfing!
fractal : thanx buddy .. for running the board.
deathnite : y0 wicked bbs software dudelio!
Azrael : you da man.. even know i blew up at choo..!! :
Iv : fuckn dumbass. you should have joined motion :
Maestro : wussup fewlio!! you da man..
Sabotage : you da eleeto man now :
And too all who I have not mentioned sorry, we are in a rush to get
the pack out. We got some hungry artists out there who are dien to check
out this pack. So greets to ALL!!@!@@
Motion Graphics July Edition: the Vacation Pack
In all my months in the ANSI scene, I have never seen a
group of people grow so frantic when school is finally out.
: Now, you may think that having no school would equal more
ANSIs, well unfortunately, in Motion we have characters,
and we do things a little different than the rest.
We titled this pack: The Vacation Pack, because all of our
damn members went on vacation his month. : Tripe, Blindman,
Unholy Spirit, and Stain. All of these fewlios were gone,
and therefore didnt release too much with us. That is why
we are so optimistic towards our next pack. We feel that
next month, we have the attitude, and the desire to really
show you guys what we have.
Oo / - Leaving Members
We have had a few people to leave us in the month of June.
We had a lot more people join, but well run through a short
list of who left. Grimm Apostle left for CIA, Mind Riot left
for Blade, and Killer Instinct was removed for having a poor
attitude, and little drive. The following members were
removed because we havent seen/talked to them in over 3
months: Schill, Silverfuc, BrightShadow, Cranial Illysion,
Distemper, Freelamce, and Phaser-x. All of these guys have
dropped the scene, or have wished not to talk to us any
Oo / - Joining Members
From ICE comes IcePick, a great coder who promises to have an
outstanding viewer done for next month, also, DeathNite
joins, and he is simply one of the best coders that I have
ever seen in my life. He is coding CIRRON, the BBS system of
the future, and youll be hearing a lot more about it.
Quasar comes to us from one of Swedens finest ansi groups,
and we are truly glad to have him. Psybarrape joins from
nowhere, and this guy has some amazing talent. It is always
a pleasure to see a young ansi artist in your group because
you know that these guys can ONLY get better. It is going to
be so much fun watching PR draw with us over the months to
come. Also Binary Prince joins to code demos, and loaders,
Crimson Ice, and Slave join to draw ANSIs, Cryptic
Insanity, Fractal, Coleslaw, and a whole bunch more join our
very nice ASCII dept. I suppose Unholy Spirit is new too,
but it seems as though he has been running the couriers,
forever. He has done an outstanding job this month.
Oo / - Motion News!
TCW: Sabotage has gotten tired of running a BBS, so
therefore, he has decided to give it up. Fractal jumped up,
and is now running the Whq. Thanks a lot FR, you are doing a
fantastic job thus far!
MaliceNet: we have decided to make a new mail network. The
Night Prowler approached me and it is a go, so get your
information on TCW, or The Never Land.
The Sunday Times: Paraniod Insomniac has a good idea in
which to have a sort of emag/newsletter for Motion, and the
other groups in the scene. This should be debuting next
month, so talk to PI about this new feature.
CIRRON: BBS software will be out soon. DeathNite AKA: The
Dungeon Master has asked Motion to configure/design this
software, and that is what we are going to do. We promise we
wont release this software until most of the bugs have been
worked out, and until it looks as sweet as could be.
StarNig: we have a brand new mascot called StarNig. This
little fella has captured the hearts of many, and can be
seen almost everywhere there is Motion. : Epidemic is the
creator, and he shall be eternally worshipped in this group.
Mergers: Motion was involved in 3 1/2 merger offers this
month. We approached some, and we were approached by others,
but we will never surrender our integrity. We have a family
here, and a team of artists that are committed to drawing
under the name Motion. We sincerely thank everyone who
wanted to join our groups, but we just cant give up what is
ours, and what will be ours for a long time to come. I am
hoping that my son will take over as president some day. :
Canada Day: I personally take the blame for the pack being
late. I hoped to have it out on the first, but honestly,
that was a misjudgment on my part because there was a party
going on, and everyone was invited! : Anyhow, I wouldnt
expect you to stay home, and release a pack on July the
fourth, but that is a different story. Bottom line is, its
here now, JOY:JOY! : Assaylant just got pulled over by the
cops ... dumbass. :
Oo / - Closing Thoughts
I think that about covers all the major points that we had
to talk about .. stay tuned for another Motion question, and
of course MemberView, and as always, the greets. : Its
been a wacky month, but we got by, and now its over with!
thank God! now we can concentrate on producing the best
damn pack you have ever seen: mtn-0895.zip I really hope
this rocks, because all the members in Motion do. To my
family, away from my family: you rock! : See ya next month!
Every month Motion Graphics will choose one of our artists to interview. This
is designed to give you, a better view of our on hand staff. I hope nobody
feels that we are trying to emulate that of other groups, and organizations.
I know there have been things such as this done before by other groups, and we
dont want to try and copy those groups in any way. This is strictly for enjoy-
ment, and I hope everyone agrees that this is worthwhile. I couldnt find a goo
spot for his name, but SirDeath did the wonderful face that you see before you.
This month, double 0 steps out of the lime-light, and interviews, one of the
nicest members this scene has to offer. Ladys and gentlemen, I bring you the
creator of StarNig: Epidemic!!
m o t i o n g r a p h i c s j u l y m e m b e r v i e w
d0: double 0 motion ansi god EP: Epidemic Ascii Coordinator
Oo / Oo /
d e m i c
an interview with: e p i d e m i c
this months interview is withepidemic motion ascii coordinator
epidemic epidemic duh
d0 double 0
this was my first interview, and I wasnt too sure what to ask
epidemic, but all turned out pretty well thanks epi, oh
yeah, heres a font to hold you over until I do your ansi -d0
*--* 07-01-95 - 15:41:39 *--*
d0 okay, just to inform you, epidemic, you are being interviewed for
the 07/95 motion pack, anything youd like to say before we begin?
epidemic no.. just hold on.. my parents are calling me.. :
d0 ehehe.. okay.. well start off simple. What do you do for
epidemic I am the ascii coordinator...
d0 okay, what groups have you previously been in as an ascii
epidemic damn.. hmm.. shit I forget.. umm emerge...rival...remorse...I
think that is it...
d0 thats a pretty nice lineup .. okay, and how long have you
been doing ascii art?
epidemic for only about 3-4 months...
d0 cool. 3-4 months and hes already been in emerge, rival, and
remorse, and is now the ascii co-ordinator for motion wow.. okay
now on to your personal life the good stuff.. where do you live?
epidemic well I am also a senior in hatred but thats beyond the point...
umm.. I live in a tiny town in New Jersey.. :
epidemic but new jersey does rock in art.. :
d0 oh yeah I forgot about hatred New Jersey has SMALL towns?
okay, and what area code is that?
epidemic umm.. 90ate
d0 okay, and what do you do for fun up there? besides computer
epidemic whoa.. this isnt the conventional interview..cool.. well I
usually hang out with my friends like at the mall.. pick up
chicks.. and get HIGH.. thats my purpose in life.. and to do ascii
art.. :
epidemic actually Im a little buzzed rite now..
d0 eheheh.. conventional interviews suck .. so you dont play any
sports or do the normal teenage thing? from what I have heard,
you are ALWAYS a little buzzed :
d0 then again, I guess hanging at malls and picking up girls is
epidemic hehe well not always.. : hehe oh and I play sports too.. :
umm I play basketball, football, tennis, I dont know.. about
everything.. im no computer geek trust me on that one...
d0 are you on any teams school/other organized?
epidemic I play for the school basketball team.. and a local football
d0 cool, okay NOW, back to the group talk do you run a board or
epidemic well I used to run a board until about a week ago.. when I gave it
to my frined to run... it was and still is called Neo Reality.. and
I am the co of Cidicas board.. Brand Echh...
d0 and how long about have you been in the scene?
epidemic well I have been in it for about a year.. but only got internet and
got involved like 3-4 months ago....
d0 cool.. okay well, is there anything you would like to say before we wrap
this thing up? I know you told me you didnt have all day
epidemic hmm.. well Id like to greet many people .. but dont have the
memory.. or the will to so Ill greet all muh hatred nigs like
cable, cidica, and data ruckus.. you guys have been great.. and
ummm no slams... even tho I want to.. I am too nice..
epidemic oh yeah.. one more thing...
epidemic if any of you ascii artists out there.. you thinks you are good..
well contact me or apply to hatred or motion... we are always
looking for you... dont be shy.. I wont laugh at you if you
epidemic and double zero.. finish me damn ansi.. : thats all
d0 okay, well then I guess were finished here yo. Look for epidemics work
in the 07/95 and upcoming motion paks.. hes a great artist and were
glad to have him. Thanks for taking the time to answer all my
stupid questions btw- proze made me do this :
epidemic hehe fine... : well I am out
d0 oh yeah.. your ansi
d0 okay well, that wraps it up here.. later
epidemic cough
Motion Graphics Contest!
bm.mtn ...a picture of you, when you win the contest!
Motion Graphics would like to give you an opportunity to win a free ascii,
by Epidemic. All you have to do is answer the following skill testing question,
and it is all yours free! So here we go with the first ever Motion Graphics
Ansi Contest!!
1. Please count the number of StarNigs that are on the epidemic ascii. Look
into the ascii dept, and look at EP-STAR.ASC, and count em up, and you
could be the winner of a 1995, EPIDEMIC ASCII!!!! :
p r o z e a n d a s s a y l a n t s g r e e t s / s a l u t a t i o n
Here come the greets ... Assaylant wants to get in on em, so here we go!
PS: there wont be 300 like last pack. : we already have the record
Assaylant : you are the absolute man. Noone better, you just totally rock.
and so does yer mother
double 0 : man, you stepped up to fill in for the likes of bm/tripe. SUPER!
icepikka : you are a damn stud, hear me? stud!
deathnite : well make that software of yer rock the scene.
tripe : next month big guy, next month. :
meastro : uhhm, like, you are like, ummmm, cool. huhu uhuhuhh uhhu
unholy s: you are so very very important to this group. thanks for the conf.
epidemic : starnig will live in my heart forever. Oo /
grandmah : next time i ask for potato salade, i expect some!
fractal : you are doing a super super job on tcw. you rock.
steve : join motion fore i have to get joe to kick yer azz! :
az : you are the man, and you know it!
33 : i hope you dont have any hard feelings toward me .. i have nothing toward
cable : yer the man with the master plan
odb : chillin like a villin, illan like bob dylan
trust : merger, merger, merger. :
That does it for me ... Really sorry if i owe ya a greet, but the guys over in
the other window are going to start calling for my head. so anyhow, assaylants
turn, and well see ya next month: i promise. :
proze of motion
Well here we go another release by Motion. I would just like to send
out some greets to a few people out there.
Proze : Welp buddy .. this one was a bitch. hehehe. .lets go out and pee on
someones cat. And then get some bitches and get laid!
Schizo : dudelio you da man.. now come and join motion!
Matrixx : wussup buddy.. hehehe.. here is your greet :
D0 : you still be rokn and shit.
Smooth : y0 that rip dude.. i think i peed in my pants when i looked at it..
icepick : you goddamn picker : lez go surfing!
fractal : thanx buddy .. for running the board.
deathnite : y0 wicked bbs software dudelio!
Azrael : you da man.. even know i blew up at choo..!! :
Iv : fuckn dumbass. you should have joined motion :
Maestro : wussup fewlio!! you da man..
Sabotage : you da eleeto man now :
And too all who I have not mentioned sorry, we are in a rush to get
the pack out. We got some hungry artists out there who are dien to check
out this pack. So greets to ALL!!@!@@
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