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m o t i o n g r a p h i c s j u n e p r e m i e r p a c k
Motion Graphics May Release: Presidents Comments
This information file was actually written a month ago. It was supposed to
go in the May Premier Pack, but do to reasons which I am proud to announce,
we didnt release. If any of you happen to be scanning your favorite FTP
site, or your favorite bbs, and you happen to run accross the emag called:
Evolution, please grab it and read my article on the ansi scene. I mentioned
in that article that there are too many groups that release a pack just to
release a pack due to pressures from friends, other groups, whatever, and I
made a comment like: if only groups would wait for another month before they
released, they would be so much better off. And when I was trying to decide
on wether to release an average pack, or wait for another month, I read this
article, and it was all I needed to wait. If anyone is about to release an
average pack this month, please, hold! If you like what is in this pack, it
is all due to the extra month in which we had to work with. Anyhow, buckle
down if you hate long nfo files, well, hehehe, you have come to the wrong
place. I love to talk, and I can do it forever. Well, atleast for 1003 lines
or so. :
In the lines below I promised that the June information file would be over
1000 lines. I am a man of my word, therefore, I will deliver. : So here it
goes some of the information that you will read here will be old. I am not
about to re-write 700 lines to make it seem accurate.
Motion Graphics Pre-Release Thoughts:
It is only the 25th of April as I write this I am suprising myself. I wish
I could be this tenacious in my homework, but everyone knows how that goes.
It has been over a year since the last time I have release anything on my own.
As things got more and more complicated in the scene, I left. Shiver was lookingfantastic, and I just left for no better reason than: I was bored. Obviously,
that was just a temporary situation, becuase here I am, with my brand new group called Motion Graphics! This spiffy name was taken simply becuase it is the onlycool ion left in the dictionary. : Union, Nation, Evolution, etc, were here to join the ion rank of eliteness.
I have taken small portions of other groups, and added them into our Motion
flavour. I hope that no one takes offence to this format, but I feel that if youhave all the best portions of things, it will be a better product in the end.
Above everything, I hope that what you see in the orginization of this group is enough to have you respect us. I have seen many many groups that have a 30 line
information file, in which they say: was a tough month, but well get em next
time. I hope to bring you a little bit closer to what we have here at Motion.
Our family is closely knitted, and with orginization, and a somewhat business
atmosphere, with no pressure, well have a decent product that is pleasing to
the eye each and every month.
When I was discussing the group with The Guardian earlier, two months earlier,
he told me that the scene isnt the same as it was a year ago. He was right.
Most of the great artists that were around a year ago have sinced joined
prestigious groups, and have no time for a new one. This was something that was
quite hard to take early in the days of Motion. We have been active for about
two straight months, with this month being our first release. If you read
Evolution Welcome Back Issue this month, youll see my article on groups that
release way too early. When I was trying to decide on weather I should release
or not last month, I simply had to read that article, and it gave me everything
that I needed to hold the release date off one more month. So, for once in my
life, I actually practiced what I preached.
m o t i o n m o l l y
I am very interested to know
where all of the artists came
from right at the end of the
month. We acquired artists
like Hellfire, Stain, Tripe,
Cranial Illusion, and a whole
host of others. It is too bad
that these guys didnt show
up earlier, but there work
will infact by showcased in
this months pack. All of these
artists have great talent, and wc
I look foreward to seeing what
they are made of for many
months to come. * Motion Molly welcomes all our new artists
and wishes them success with Motion. Also
Molly would like to say hi to EreetmanN.
All in all, we had a pretty exciting first two months of organization. I had
forgotten how fun it was to design your own group, and assign your own head-
quarter boards. It really was quite refreshing for about one month. And then
everything came rushing back again: the boredom, the feeling of uselessness and
sense that what you are doing has no merrit, or worthyness, but that is what I
like about this group. When we are down, the other members pick them up, and
like a good family, when I was down, I used them as a crutch to help me go on.
Perhaps my expectations were set too high, but I will not comprimise. The goals,and expectations that I have set for this organization will not be lowered, theywill be met, and then excedded.
If you are an artist who is looking to feel appreciated, trusted, and needed,
then find a Motion member to talk to, becuase with your help, we are going
places. I have absolutly no doubt that this group will get better and better,
and there will be artists from around the world joining. It may take time, but
I have patients, and I have integrity, and I will wait. There are too many
characters in this group that care about it, there is no way that I can die.
Btw, I really didnt mean to make this file so long, and if you dont want to
read it, that is fine. I am just getting warmed up to beat the record for the
longest NFO file in the world of 1001 lines. Maybe next month Ill take it. :
It has been a great two months, and I hope that it will continue for months to
come. Here is the Motion Graphics 95 information, for May:
Please feel free to skip over this section if you dont have a lot of time. If
you want to learn more about the group, and how we operate, then please read
this section. Whatever is said here is not sugar-coated. All of these words
are spoken honestly, and direct. I do not lie, and I will not lie about the
group. I will tell you what I think about each section, and if you wish to get
a close view on the group, than by all means: read on! :
Dept: Ansi
I know that many of you feel as though ansi is the most important feature of a group. I think that it is probably the most criticized, and most observed, but
I also dont think that a group should be judged solely on their ansi talents.
With an interduction like that, you know that I must have good things to say
about this department this month. : I can honestly say that I do not know what
happened with this section. If you look at our memberlist, it will show you
names where 75 of the members have been in groups like Blade, Cia, Shiver etc,
which are all great groups. And for some reason, when they came to Motion, they
didnt seem as motivated to draw. It is my fault I suppose. I am the one who
needs to motivate my artists, and I suppose I failed. I also have no doubt that
this section will improve greatly with time, and I am looking foreward to the
day when our group gets great reviews in this field. Now, dont take me wrong.
I am not dissapointed with my ansi department, I am dissapointed with their
productivity. : I am however not worried in the least. Ansi art in Motion will
be fantastic in a few months, becuase of the great talent we have here like:
double 0, Wolfchild, Blindman, Ozone, Darkfire, Tripe, Whisper, Sharpy and
Grimm Apostle. I have no doubt that if these artists become motivated, well
have a great ansi section for your viewing pleasure next month.
Dept: RIP
The RIP department was something that was put on the back burner. We have no
artists that did RIP solely. All of the RIPS that were put in this months pack
were works that were done by artists that normally do ansi as a first art.
Therefore, this section was not as strong as it will be in the future. We had
a RIP co-ordinator. Blender Head of Union wanted the job, but after only two
days with us, he left for unknown reasons.
If you are skilled in RIP, and would like to apply for this position, please
feel free to do so. I love to view RIPS, and if we have a great RIP co-ordinatorthat would only add to the pleasure I get out of viewing RIPS.
Dept: Ascii
This was one of the best sections that we had this month. We have many, many
great ascii artists for your viewing pleasure, and we would strongly advise you
to not pass judgement of this group until you have viewer this section. To see
our ascii section, simple execute the Ascview.exe file, and youll see our greattalent here. I am so very pleased with this section we have artists like
Data Ruckus, Epidemic, Darkfire, Stain, Cable. All of these guys are amazing at
ascii, and I really really look foreward to seeing what they can do. I think
that this section will suprise a lot of people, and that is exactly what we
want to see. :
Dept: Vga
I really feel as though, this may be our most talented area. We have some very
good Vga artists who can really dazzle the eye with their tricks. When you have
a good Vga section, I think it reflects the whole group, by means of loaders,
and demos that we may produce. A loader with an average Vga is an average
loader. When that same loader has a great Vga, the whole loader becomes nicer,
and smoother. I am so very proud of this section, and I hope that we can continue to improve in this section. If you happen to be talented in this area,
and you are thinking that perhaps you may want to join us, please keep in mind
our policy: we do not accept rendered, or ray traced objects. I have seen many
many of these pictures over my years, and I must say that most of them look the
same. The main reason for this decision is their size. When you accept renderingit only takes 3 pictures to make a pack 3OOK in size. And since I know The
Guardian quite well, and I know how he hates large pack, I have taken that
mentality as well. We hope to keep all of our packs under 8OOK, and with ray
traced work, that is almost impossible.
Dept: Literature
Motion Graphics is more than just pictures, and programs it is rhyme and
literature. Poetry has become all but a forgotten art in the scene. Blade has a literature section, as does Dark, and some other groups. For this I admire
them. Most groups did have literature at one time or another, and have chosen
to discontinue this section. I think that this is a terrible mistake, and that
is the reason for Motion having a literature section. If you have talent in thisfield, and you are feeling under-apreciated, talk with us, and well do all thatwe can to make you feel wanted, and respected. I myself write literature, and I
feel that it is just as important to the scene as RIP, or Ansi. Motions poetry
may not compare with the likes of Revolt, but I think that it can hold its own
ground, and I am very proud of this section of our group. Please take the time
to run NightView.exe and youll see the wonderful talent that we posses.
* NightView was NOT coded this month, but it will be coded next month.
Dept: Couriers
This is probably the most animated of all our sections. All of our couriers
have a story, and arent afraid to tell it. : I was not going to add this
section, but Scorpion almost bit me head off. Were people too you know! he
screamed. Well Scorpion, this is for you. Couriers these days are becomming
somewhat obsolete. There are fewer, and fewer couriers, but I think that the
ones that we have, are more than capeable, and most improtantly, above all:
reliant. I am yet to ask more than once for something to be done from these
guys. Wether it be Scorpion, or Sabotage, they always seem willing to want to
help the group out with their ability. For this I thank them greatly, becuase
with my phonebill, I have absolutly no access to call long distance. So, that
is the couriers there ya go Sc, and no! You cannot be a senior staff! :
Dept: Telecommunications
Unfortunatly for us, this department was formed near the end of April.
Therefore, the number of Confrences were few, and the communication of the groupwas at an all time low. Now that we have this section running, things can only
get better. There will be more confrences, and much more communication I had realized that communication in a group is the single most important feature.
It is above everything else in my opinion. If members are not being informed,
then they dont know what is going on, and they feel left out. Our communicationlevel will definatly be going up in the next month.
If you are good with telecommunications, then you are in demand. You may decide
to join other groups and that is your decision, but if you decide to come here
you will not be swamped with requests. Perhaps one confrence per month, and
the odd 800 for a board or something. That is where we are different than
other groups who demand so much from their telecom guys, that it becoms a job.
Anyhow, we would love to have anyone that can setup one confrence a month, and
a few small, jobs. Your services are invaluable, and I cant wait to utilize
your talents!
Dept: Music
Many groups have abandoned this artistic form. We have not. I belive that in a
few months, people will want to see more than just ansi art. The groups that have made the decision to become ansi only groups, will be sorry that they did
that. I hope that you enjoy this music section as much as I do, and with some luck, the files wont totally kill my 8OOK projection.
Hellfire of iCE has joined us, as well as Mind Riot of Blade, and as always
Griffon and the rest of the origional boys are here. Arsenic of Union as well.
With all this amazing talent, we are considering putting out a music disk. If
anyone has any comments or concerns toward this decision, wed love to hear
from you, becuase right now it is totally up for grabs: it could go either way.
As I stated above, I dont want a huge pack simply becuase it is akward to
download, and transfer. So leave me your feedback, and I will definatly be
happy to get a resonse here.
Dept: Coding
As always, I am quite proud of this section of the group this month. I have
never been in a group where coding did not play a major role, and I have never
been in a group where coding was a trouble spot. I will run down the programs
that we have produced this month, and I hope that you agree, Motion has quite
a good coding section, and we will continue to release interesting, original
programs, that will make you turn your head, month after month.
Coders such as Mercenary-X, Harmonic Distortion, and everyone that has said
they can do it, will make the coding of this group simply amazing. I hope
that the level of output from these guys stays the same, but so far, they
have been great, and I would like to thank them for it.
MotionVu is coded by Harmonic Distortion. Anytime that I have ever showed this
to anyone, they have given him great compliments. Harmonic Distortion is one of
the best coders I have ever seen, and he has continued to be one of the most
loyal artists I have ever worked with. Any time I call him, and ask to try and
code the viewer a little different, he never complains. Always prompt, and he
is yet to let me down. Anyhow, the viewer, as you may know, was used for the
first month or so of Shiver. Since Shiver has its own viewer now, and this one
is not being used, I thought that rather than code a whole new one, we should
just use it. It has almost everything that I could ask for, and it has few
errors. In future releases, we hope for the viewer to have RIP, Slide Show,
Sauce, and BIN support. If you choose to use some other viewer, so be it, but
compared to many of the viewers out there right now, MotionVu is rated high on
my list, and it is all thanks to Harmonic Distortion.
The Motion App is a very simple application generator. We had Wonko The Sane,
start to code one for us, and he had some big problems, not with the coding,
but with family, and other things that prevented him from completing the
generator. Thanks for the effort. Anyhow, there is nothing special here, and
please use it when you are applying to Motion. * We will not accept any new
artists that have not filled out the application generator! It only takes a
few seconds for you, and it keeps everything in total control, and order on
this side of things.
Awards 95
a r t s c e n e a w a r d s 9 5
As you may know, Motion graphics is playing an intrical part in the organis-
ation of Awards 95. Several of our artists have contributed to this cause
and for this I thank them bigtime! To anyone that doesnt know a whole lot
about Awards 95, Ill explain it a little bit.
Awards was designed to be something that everyone in the scene could do, and
so far it has gone well. It hasnt gone as well as I had anticipated, or hoped,
but it is something new, and for this reason, it is allowed to fail a little
bit before it gets good. Awards 95 is just a big party on the IRC that will
be based on votes that you and I decide on.
I have received some hard times due to the fact that the coding department
was not added in the awards celebration. I am really sorry that this dept.
wasnt added, but it just simply wasnt suggested. Had it been, certainly it
would have been there. To any coders that are offeneded I give you my total,
and sincere appolagies. It simply never dawned on my the role that coders
play in the scene: a huge one.
Also something else that people had trouble with was the section entitled:
Top 5 Jerks of the Scene. This was a mistake. I admit it now. The main reason
behind Awards 95 was to create a friendly and non competitive atmosphere,
and this catagory has created simply the opposite. I am really sorry that this
was added, and I take full blame for it, even though it was not be who made
the nominations.
If this is the first time that you are hearing about Awards 95, then please
look at the file that is included in this archive entitled: AWARDS03.ZIP and
contact The Crimson Waters with your voteing data file. It is really important
that you dont just look at the voting program, and then delete it. Get involved,and get your data file either to the Internet, or to TCW. Without your vote,
some artist is not going to get that Number 1 spot. You may be the deciding
If you cant get the data file to the Internet, or TCW, then atleast show up
for the presentations. Jone 3rd is when everything will be tallied. You have
until June 2nd to get your stuff in, and we have one day to get the votes sortedand ready to announced to the artists.
To anyone that has supported us in our efforts, I have nothing but good things
to say to you. Please dont let it die. That is the only thing that I ask of you.I fear that there will be a poor presentation, and becuase we have a really
short attention span, well just forget about having another awards night.
Dont let that happen. That is the only request I ask, from the whole scene.
This is the one chance that we have to make a difference, and we cant let it
die. Motion will continue to play a role in Awards, and I hope that other groupstake the same steps as well. :
Every month Motion Graphics will choose one of our artists to interview. This
is designed to give you, a better view of our on hand staff. I hope nobody
feels that we are trying to emulate that of other groups, and organizations.
I know there have been things such as this done before by other groups, and we
dont want to try and copy those groups in any way. This is strictly for enjoy-
ment, and I hope everyone agrees that this is worthwhile. I couldnt find a goodspot for his name, but SirDeath did the wonderful face that you see before you.
For this month we choose one of the comedians of the group: double 0. Yes, smalld and 0, instead of zero. Here we go with the first installment of MemberView
brought to you by: Motion Graphics 95!
m o t i o n g r a p h i c s m a y m e m b e r v i e w
PZ: Proze Motion President D0: Double 0 Motion Ansi
Started: April 26th 10:50pm est
PZ: double 0 ... just a bit of background, this is an interview for the
NFO file for the May relase of Motion.
d0: Fine by me.
PZ: Okay, so, you came here from cia what did you do for them?
d0: Well Im just a courier for Cia, but I was in some small group called
Vengeance run by Sudden Death of Cia but it like died or something.
Actually it never came out
PZ: I see, so you never atually drew for Cia?
d0: I showed some stuff to Tron and all, but never really persued anything
further with Cia.
PZ: Where did you learn how to draw? I have tried drawing a little bit, as
you know, I draw all his damn fonts :, and it is quite a hard trade
to learn how did you learn to draw?
d0: Well I have always loved drawing just sketching around, and some painting
but mostly spraypaint, I just picked up a copy of TheDraw a while back,
and took some stuff out of some comics I had, and started drawing them.
PZ: Have you ever tried tagging?
d0: Yes I do it here in Cincy sometimes, but dont like to make a habbit
of it.
PZ: Have you ever done any crazy tagging like where you are suspended off of
an over-pass by ropes?
d0: Hehe, no I cant say I have done anything like that, but I DID tag a
Wendys in broad daylight, if that counts.
PZ: Yeah, I would say that that counts .. : Speaking of things like that,
what do you like to do other than be a pooter nerd? :
d0: Well I have been skateboarding for like 5 years now, and LOVE snowboarding.
Thats about it really, Im not a mall rat or anything like that. I just
skate around in summer and snowboard in winter.
PZ: Where do you snowboard? Do you go to hills around your house, or do you
actually pay to get on a ski hill?
d0: I pay. There really arent all that many places to go round here, but I
make due with what Ive got. One place wont let us anymore because they
say we endanger the skiiers and that sucks, but we dont let it get to us.
PZ: Do you go like bush wacking? I hear that is where all the fun is. I dont
snowboard myself, because the first time I tried it, I almost broke my
anus, or tailbone or something. Man, that was a hard fall.
d0: Hehe, no we dont have any of that stuff out here, just hills. Not mountins, hills Ohio is flat.
PZ: Ive never been there. I hear Cincy is quite the voilent place. I live in
Ottawa, Canada, where the most voilence we get, are the twelve year olds
stealing the 25 cent chews from the Quicky Marts. : Back on to the cyber
scene: who where you favorite aritsts when you where growing up?
d0: Well Cincy is supposed to be the most liveable place in the US, and we
dont get much violence, but every once in a while we get our share. Well
my biggest influence has always been Tron of Cia. Hes showed me a lot, and
I really appreciate it.
PZ: Which is your favorite group out there in the art scene?
d0: Hmm thats a hard one Well as far as smaller groups go, Spastic is
looking REAL good. ACiD and iCE have always topped the league, and CiA is
good too. I have many favorites.
PZ: Some say that Integrity is the best group in the scene. Any thoughts on that
d0: Oh yeah them too I love their stuff. It seems like they came from no
where too.
PZ: I noticed that you put up a board recently. Would you like to tell all our
Motion fans about that? Btw: here is the perfect opportunity for a board
plug. :
d0: Hehe, yeah Im running Vision-x .99e right now. 606-635-5655 nup - d-day
sorry couldnt resist pz Uhm, not much to tell really. I need users
PZ: Ever consider getting an 800 number?
d0: Yeah, but I cant get anyone to do it hint BL, you know who you are!
PZ: Okay, well just as we close here, do you think that Motion has what it takes
to become top 10 in the next few months?
d0: Well as far as I can tell anything is possible, but I havent really seen
any of the stuff cept mine I hope so, that would be great, so well see!
PZ: Great. I thank you for the interview, and everyone reading, dont forget to
check out double 0s work in this months pack. This has been our first
installment of MotionView, and well catch you next month with another
artist and another story from the Motion Graphics team!
d0: Okay thank you.
Completed: April 26th 11:16pm est
A good interview with double 0, part of the great characted that Motion has!
Well, if you are still with us, we are on line 410. : I hope no one thinks
this is gay, well it is, but we just want to show you that we are more than
just ansis, and distros. We are people too, and we are trying to change the
ansi scene as we know it. Many people talk about how the scene is nothing
like it was two years ago, and that is true. Now it is time for a revolution,
a total change. Were hoping that we can add some fun, and a little friendly-
ness to a cold place. Should you ever be on the Internet Relay Chat system,
drop in an say hello. There is almost always a Motion member who would be
glad to see that we are getting some recognition. Just dont talk to Stain,
hes a little strange. We can be found in the channel: Motion.
Motion Graphics Contest!
bm.mtn ...a picture of you, when you win the contest!
Motion Graphics would like to give you an opportunity to win a free ansi,
by a member in Motion. All you have to do is answer the following ten
questions by the mid point of June 15th, and you have a chance of winning.
So here we go with the first ever Motion Graphics Ansi Contest!!
1. Blindman is 17 years old. Living in Sweden is he allowed to drink a beer
on the streets of his nation? Or must he wait until he is 18 before he
can do so?
2. RadMan decided on his alias becuase of the influences of: BMX Racing,
Drugs :, Becuase he was so young when he decided, or becuase, as some
people say: he is just plain RAD!
3. Find the name given to the Smoke Stacks in Sudbury Ontario where our
faithful courier Scorpion lives. These smoke stacks were designed to
take all the pollution from the Sudbury air, and move it elsewhere,
like Ottawa, where Proze lives. Find the name of these stacks:
4. Ansi was first used as a means of: Advertising Products or Services,
Advertising Bulliten Boards, Artistic Talent, Advertising Warez Groups?
5. In regards to the scene, who is Christopher Robin? :
6. Who holds the former world record for the longest NFO file in history, how long, and by which group, and month?
7. True or False: Maestro of Nation has a crappy fade-away thee point
8. Chromatik of Blade once said: Ill only leave Blade for one group:
iCE. True or False?
9. Is it True or False that Cooly, Nyc, Sharp Edge and Animal run their
computers through the use of the power of camels? CamelPower if you
1O The Guardian of Shiver lives just three blocks from where O.J. Simpson
lives, in Los Angeles? True or False.
Okay, some of these were very hard, and others were quite easy. : All in all,
it should be fun to see who the grand prize winner is. Just write up a small
textfile, and send it to anyone in Motion on the IRC. Should you fine no one
to take your application, call the Whq at: 613.746.2664 Accnt: Motion, Passw:
Motion. And then you can upload your file to us directly. Good luck, and
please think your answers before you write them down. :
MemberView Number Two
Every month Motion Graphics will choose one of our artists to interview. This
is designed to give you, a better view of our on hand staff. I hope nobody
feels that we are trying to emulate that of other groups, and organizations.
I know there have been things such as this done before by other groups, and we
dont want to try and copy those groups in any way. This is strictly for enjoy-
ment, and I hope everyone agrees that this is worthwhile. I couldnt find a goodspot for his name, but SirDeath did the wonderful face that you see before you.
This second installment of memberview consists of one of my best IRC buds out
there: BlindMan. This guy has one of the best attitudes in the scene I have
ever seen, and if you ever get the chance to talk with him, please do so. He
is a charming person, and very very nice. Motion owes so very much to him, we
cannot begin to thank him for what he has brought to this group. Well, here
it is: installment number two of MemberView from Motion Graphics!
m o t i o n g r a p h i c s m a y m e m b e r v i e w
PZ: Proze Motion President BM: BlindMan Motion Ansi
Started: May 30th 4:01pm est
PZ: Hey buddie! Can you tell us what part of the world you live in?
BM: Sweden And for you dorks that dont know where that is, it is in
PZ: What part of Sweeden do you live in?
BM: I live in our capital: Stockholm.
PZ: Hey, I live in the capital of Canada: Ottawa. : Sorry, Ill be quiet now
PZ: How is the art scene over in Sweden?
BM: Its not the best, but it has its highlights. Mostly theres just too
many crappy artists releasing indy work.
PZ: Are there any good art groups in Sweden? I havnt seen any break through.
How come the European art groups never make it overseas?
BM: Theres Stile, Error Art, hmm.. G I dunno why they dont make it
overseas. Most art groups do have couriers to take it to you. But
your art makes it overseas. Damn, I really dont know.
PZ: Yeah, its kind of a lose lose situation for you Europeans, as far as
the art scene is concerned. The demo scene, on the other hand, is very
big there is it not?
BM: Hmm, it is prety big but Ive never really checked it out. Theres
some kick ass groups though. I know a dewd who was the leader of
NOXIOUS.. that was a kick ass demo group ..
PZ: Who are some of your favorite swedish artists?
BM: My favorites would have to be, Gangstar and D-Vibe.
PZ: Have you ever called a North American board?
BM: Nopers .. :
PZ: Im coming to visit soon ... Im gunna stay at yer house, and we are
going to check out the blonde babes and stuff ... sound good?
BM: Sounds great!
PZ: Okay, its a done deal then ... Im coming to visit. : How do you think
Motion will fair after we release?
BM: Well, if we get those other artists to paint some too, then I think
well do great.
PZ: Sounds great ... Tripe is really starting to show fantastik promise as
well ... you and him should take us pretty far! :
BM: I dunno.. I havnt really seen much of his work. But thanks. Tripe
is pretty cool, and how about those others! But, you cant build a
group on two artists.
PZ: Just for the record Blindman, can you tell us what the legal drinking
age of your country is? Listen up kiddies, there is a test later .. :
BM: The legal drinking age is 18. But who cares about that!
PZ: Thanks for doing this interview bro, I owe ya one! :
BM: Sure thing ...
Completed at: 4:41pm est May 30th 1995
A bit of a hurried interview with one of my favorite artists in the world. :
Blindman lives in Sweden, and we did this on the Internet obviously, so there
was a lot of lagg and slow time. That is the reason for the interview being
so short. If you ever get the opportunity to talk to BM, by all means go for it.He is so damn nice it is not funny. And the best part is that he is devoted to Motion, so all you groups out there, dont bother. :
Anyhow, sorry for the two interviews, but they were just sitting here, and they
had to go somewhere, and they just appeared here. : Look for the next pack thatwe release, for a new fresh artist to talk a little about.
p r o z e o f m o t i o n s g r e e t s a n d s a l u t a t i o n
Okay, I have been out of the scene for the past six months. When I came back
there were a whole bunch of new people in the scene, and I had to make new
friends. : So I have about a million greets, old and new to go through, and
I only have about 200 lines left. :
Prozes Personal Greets:
Abom - It WAS you spreading the x-rated file about cASH and his dog. :
Akira - Sup hombrez? Hang tough cheif, and youll be okay.
Aphex Twin - I really appreciate your support with Awards 95.
Animal - Dude, lets get one thing straight here: YOU are MY hero. : If
you dont get back into the scene I am personally going to get
nyc, cooly, and sharpy to kick your ass! :
Animal Nitra - Wed love to have you cheif ...
Argon - Keep the Lit alive bro ...
Arsenic - It is going to be great to have someone like you around!
Assaylant - Ill give you SCuM! Right between the eyes. This was written
awhile ago, and you are finally out of the W4r3z scene. :
I knew you would come to your senses sooner or later bro. :
Blindman - Wow! What can I say: if Im ever in Sweeden, Ill kiss you!! :
You are the most valuable Motion member, and I cant see anyone
joining this group that could put more effort, or tenacity that
you have. You have done so much that I could go on forever.
thanks alot bro, you have no idea what we owe you.
Betrayer - Maybe me and you will get a chance to work together again.
And that would simply rock! :
Borian - You are simply amazing. I really hope you turn down fC for us. :Chris Robin - I love that handle. : Join Motion and we will worship you.
Cable - You are the zaniest mutha around! :
Cashew - Dis could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. :
Carnuss - Its my pleasure to work with someone like you. You are elite. :Chromatik - Im still in shock bud? Why, why, why, why ...........
Cooly - You are a really kewl guy: you the man! You are one third of
the three amigos! Cooly, Sharpy, Animaly
DarkFire - I really hope you get into the scene a little more. Youre great.Divine - Good luck with Tea, you are really going to be good someday.
Double 0 - Crazy cat! Make yer own fonts! Mine are too elite for you. :
We need somemore of that Cincy font style anyway ....
Domino - Good luch with Grip, or wherever you happen to land.
Epidemic - I have a feeling that you are going to be very important to MTN.
EvilOne - I really hope that things go well with you in Acid.
Freelance - Where the mothaheck are you!
Giant Iguana - I feel really bad right now, and I hope things get better. :
Im sure they will cuz you have an awesome attitude!
Griffon - You are part of the backbone of this group.
Grim Apostle - I cant read your damn fonts! But you rock anyway. : In the last little while you have really really been impressing me. :
Harmonic Dis - Man you are a fine coder. Yer going to make mucho moula someday.
Heat Wave - You are like simply amazing and stuff ... :
Hellfire - Rrrrrrr, you rrrrrrock!
Intox Assisn - Happy birthday to you ... Happy birthday to you! : errr
Inquisidor - Here are my lits Proze, I was in a weird mood : Good stuff.
You have a lot of character, so that is why you are the Lit
coordinator and stuff.
Killer Instn - I have talked to you twice, and that really, really, sucks. :
Mind Riot - Hey bud, really really nice stuff. Mind Crime has a good ear. :
Maestro - Next time we are playing ball, Im gunna reject your ass! :
That fade away crap aint nothing in muh house! :
Morpheus - Thanks a lot for the help with Awards 95.
Motion Molly - Hubba, hubba, hubba, you are a studda! err, that didnt work.
Msk - Keep the groovy stuff coming dude!
Nailz - Same old guy: total class and I respect you for it.
NightWidow - Gimme yer voice number cuz you rule at fonts and stuff.
Ozone - Forget Math, and Science, Motion is duh spice of life! :
Phaser-X - Put down the cronic, and draw me some ansis!
Pheadrus - Thanks for the help with Awards 95 ...
Ravaged Soul - Here comes the br... : Congrats!
Reptile - That script sounds like it is going to totally rock!
Sabotage - Couldnt have done it without you bud ... thanks a million.
Your running the Whq, and although I dont tell you most of the
time, I really appreciate it. Thanks, you are invaluable.
Schill - Hola! Nice lift for our lame ac.
Scorpion - No! You cannot be a senior staff! : You have done a really
good job bro. Nice askis too. You are going to be good! :
Source Unkno - Buddy, 240 beer bottles in a couple months? a l c o h o l i c :ShadowSorcer - SS, its good to have your experience around.
Sharp Edge - You are like, actually, uhh, a senior? : Thanks for the help!
You have done so much, and I really appreciate it ...
Spawn - I have much to thank you for! : You have done more than u know.
And maybe someday well get a chance to work together ...
Spazum - You are one first class hombrez. : If this whole group was filled with people like you, you wouldnt hear me complaining.
Splint - Damn... I knew you in the huddle, but not in the scene. :
Its a really really small world I guess
Stain - Lord who? We gots the creater of EreetmanN! and warezman :
SuperDave - If everyone had your ambition in this group, we would be great.
The Guardian - Please, please dont stroke my guinnea pig like that!
The Wizard - You are the biggest stud in the scene! Great attitude, you rock!
Keep it up and youll have your own fan club! :
Toon Goon - Thanks for everything you have done for us cheif ....
Trickster - If you would like draw, that would be amazing! :
Tripe - You are the next amazing artist. I have NEVER seen anyone
improve as fast as you have, and if you ever leave, I will
personally kick your ass. hola! 3 line greet! elite! err??
Trust - Its really too bad that we disagreed. We could have been rockin! Maybe someday well be able to connect. :
Tyrus - Good luck in Razor 1911.
Vice Lord - You bring a lot of enthousiasm and intergity with you. Welcome.
Wolfchild - Wow! You are the best talent to hit 613 since Hound. drool
Whisper - Wow ... you are just amazing. Everytime I show this pack to
someone, they remember you the most. You are one of the best I
have ever seen!
Prozes Group Greets:
Acid - Still number one ... forever, and ever.
Blade - One more month, and youll be back and going strong.
Blunt - Goodluck boys.
Cancer - Looking pretty good .. Nice Bot. :
Cia - Looking good, with more quality control, your right back in it.
Crisis - What happened?
Dark - Fantastik. I neednt say anymore.
Emerge - Not too shabby.
Evolution - Were going to rock the scene like old times.
Grip - With hard work, youll be doing just fine.
Ice - Great 1 battle going on, keep it up.
Integrity - Wow .. we are trying to follow in your footsteps.
Lapse - Tcw is a Canadian Hq for a non-existant group. :
Motion - Hey wait a second! ... doh!
Mist - Looking really really nice ...
Nation - Yeah, yer elite Ma, you know it ... we love you.
Revolt - Best Literature in the scene today.
Roc - Thems the breaks I guess.
Rival - A lot of people say some good things about you guys.
Shiver - Looking good ... Get rid of that prez though he touches me
Spastic - Too bad Errie deserted you, but youll pull through.
Tdd - You have a great leader ... I look foreward to you ever month.
Union - Thats showing em Nailz .. you are the prez, forever.
Vapor - Looks okay .. Too many logos though. :
So we did it .. I guess we have the world record for the longest NFO file ever!
If you actually read this file, I love you! : See ya next month.
motion graphics 1995 information file 1003 lines
m o t i o n g r a p h i c s j u n e p r e m i e r p a c k
Motion Graphics May Release: Presidents Comments
This information file was actually written a month ago. It was supposed to
go in the May Premier Pack, but do to reasons which I am proud to announce,
we didnt release. If any of you happen to be scanning your favorite FTP
site, or your favorite bbs, and you happen to run accross the emag called:
Evolution, please grab it and read my article on the ansi scene. I mentioned
in that article that there are too many groups that release a pack just to
release a pack due to pressures from friends, other groups, whatever, and I
made a comment like: if only groups would wait for another month before they
released, they would be so much better off. And when I was trying to decide
on wether to release an average pack, or wait for another month, I read this
article, and it was all I needed to wait. If anyone is about to release an
average pack this month, please, hold! If you like what is in this pack, it
is all due to the extra month in which we had to work with. Anyhow, buckle
down if you hate long nfo files, well, hehehe, you have come to the wrong
place. I love to talk, and I can do it forever. Well, atleast for 1003 lines
or so. :
In the lines below I promised that the June information file would be over
1000 lines. I am a man of my word, therefore, I will deliver. : So here it
goes some of the information that you will read here will be old. I am not
about to re-write 700 lines to make it seem accurate.
Motion Graphics Pre-Release Thoughts:
It is only the 25th of April as I write this I am suprising myself. I wish
I could be this tenacious in my homework, but everyone knows how that goes.
It has been over a year since the last time I have release anything on my own.
As things got more and more complicated in the scene, I left. Shiver was lookingfantastic, and I just left for no better reason than: I was bored. Obviously,
that was just a temporary situation, becuase here I am, with my brand new group called Motion Graphics! This spiffy name was taken simply becuase it is the onlycool ion left in the dictionary. : Union, Nation, Evolution, etc, were here to join the ion rank of eliteness.
I have taken small portions of other groups, and added them into our Motion
flavour. I hope that no one takes offence to this format, but I feel that if youhave all the best portions of things, it will be a better product in the end.
Above everything, I hope that what you see in the orginization of this group is enough to have you respect us. I have seen many many groups that have a 30 line
information file, in which they say: was a tough month, but well get em next
time. I hope to bring you a little bit closer to what we have here at Motion.
Our family is closely knitted, and with orginization, and a somewhat business
atmosphere, with no pressure, well have a decent product that is pleasing to
the eye each and every month.
When I was discussing the group with The Guardian earlier, two months earlier,
he told me that the scene isnt the same as it was a year ago. He was right.
Most of the great artists that were around a year ago have sinced joined
prestigious groups, and have no time for a new one. This was something that was
quite hard to take early in the days of Motion. We have been active for about
two straight months, with this month being our first release. If you read
Evolution Welcome Back Issue this month, youll see my article on groups that
release way too early. When I was trying to decide on weather I should release
or not last month, I simply had to read that article, and it gave me everything
that I needed to hold the release date off one more month. So, for once in my
life, I actually practiced what I preached.
m o t i o n m o l l y
I am very interested to know
where all of the artists came
from right at the end of the
month. We acquired artists
like Hellfire, Stain, Tripe,
Cranial Illusion, and a whole
host of others. It is too bad
that these guys didnt show
up earlier, but there work
will infact by showcased in
this months pack. All of these
artists have great talent, and wc
I look foreward to seeing what
they are made of for many
months to come. * Motion Molly welcomes all our new artists
and wishes them success with Motion. Also
Molly would like to say hi to EreetmanN.
All in all, we had a pretty exciting first two months of organization. I had
forgotten how fun it was to design your own group, and assign your own head-
quarter boards. It really was quite refreshing for about one month. And then
everything came rushing back again: the boredom, the feeling of uselessness and
sense that what you are doing has no merrit, or worthyness, but that is what I
like about this group. When we are down, the other members pick them up, and
like a good family, when I was down, I used them as a crutch to help me go on.
Perhaps my expectations were set too high, but I will not comprimise. The goals,and expectations that I have set for this organization will not be lowered, theywill be met, and then excedded.
If you are an artist who is looking to feel appreciated, trusted, and needed,
then find a Motion member to talk to, becuase with your help, we are going
places. I have absolutly no doubt that this group will get better and better,
and there will be artists from around the world joining. It may take time, but
I have patients, and I have integrity, and I will wait. There are too many
characters in this group that care about it, there is no way that I can die.
Btw, I really didnt mean to make this file so long, and if you dont want to
read it, that is fine. I am just getting warmed up to beat the record for the
longest NFO file in the world of 1001 lines. Maybe next month Ill take it. :
It has been a great two months, and I hope that it will continue for months to
come. Here is the Motion Graphics 95 information, for May:
Please feel free to skip over this section if you dont have a lot of time. If
you want to learn more about the group, and how we operate, then please read
this section. Whatever is said here is not sugar-coated. All of these words
are spoken honestly, and direct. I do not lie, and I will not lie about the
group. I will tell you what I think about each section, and if you wish to get
a close view on the group, than by all means: read on! :
Dept: Ansi
I know that many of you feel as though ansi is the most important feature of a group. I think that it is probably the most criticized, and most observed, but
I also dont think that a group should be judged solely on their ansi talents.
With an interduction like that, you know that I must have good things to say
about this department this month. : I can honestly say that I do not know what
happened with this section. If you look at our memberlist, it will show you
names where 75 of the members have been in groups like Blade, Cia, Shiver etc,
which are all great groups. And for some reason, when they came to Motion, they
didnt seem as motivated to draw. It is my fault I suppose. I am the one who
needs to motivate my artists, and I suppose I failed. I also have no doubt that
this section will improve greatly with time, and I am looking foreward to the
day when our group gets great reviews in this field. Now, dont take me wrong.
I am not dissapointed with my ansi department, I am dissapointed with their
productivity. : I am however not worried in the least. Ansi art in Motion will
be fantastic in a few months, becuase of the great talent we have here like:
double 0, Wolfchild, Blindman, Ozone, Darkfire, Tripe, Whisper, Sharpy and
Grimm Apostle. I have no doubt that if these artists become motivated, well
have a great ansi section for your viewing pleasure next month.
Dept: RIP
The RIP department was something that was put on the back burner. We have no
artists that did RIP solely. All of the RIPS that were put in this months pack
were works that were done by artists that normally do ansi as a first art.
Therefore, this section was not as strong as it will be in the future. We had
a RIP co-ordinator. Blender Head of Union wanted the job, but after only two
days with us, he left for unknown reasons.
If you are skilled in RIP, and would like to apply for this position, please
feel free to do so. I love to view RIPS, and if we have a great RIP co-ordinatorthat would only add to the pleasure I get out of viewing RIPS.
Dept: Ascii
This was one of the best sections that we had this month. We have many, many
great ascii artists for your viewing pleasure, and we would strongly advise you
to not pass judgement of this group until you have viewer this section. To see
our ascii section, simple execute the Ascview.exe file, and youll see our greattalent here. I am so very pleased with this section we have artists like
Data Ruckus, Epidemic, Darkfire, Stain, Cable. All of these guys are amazing at
ascii, and I really really look foreward to seeing what they can do. I think
that this section will suprise a lot of people, and that is exactly what we
want to see. :
Dept: Vga
I really feel as though, this may be our most talented area. We have some very
good Vga artists who can really dazzle the eye with their tricks. When you have
a good Vga section, I think it reflects the whole group, by means of loaders,
and demos that we may produce. A loader with an average Vga is an average
loader. When that same loader has a great Vga, the whole loader becomes nicer,
and smoother. I am so very proud of this section, and I hope that we can continue to improve in this section. If you happen to be talented in this area,
and you are thinking that perhaps you may want to join us, please keep in mind
our policy: we do not accept rendered, or ray traced objects. I have seen many
many of these pictures over my years, and I must say that most of them look the
same. The main reason for this decision is their size. When you accept renderingit only takes 3 pictures to make a pack 3OOK in size. And since I know The
Guardian quite well, and I know how he hates large pack, I have taken that
mentality as well. We hope to keep all of our packs under 8OOK, and with ray
traced work, that is almost impossible.
Dept: Literature
Motion Graphics is more than just pictures, and programs it is rhyme and
literature. Poetry has become all but a forgotten art in the scene. Blade has a literature section, as does Dark, and some other groups. For this I admire
them. Most groups did have literature at one time or another, and have chosen
to discontinue this section. I think that this is a terrible mistake, and that
is the reason for Motion having a literature section. If you have talent in thisfield, and you are feeling under-apreciated, talk with us, and well do all thatwe can to make you feel wanted, and respected. I myself write literature, and I
feel that it is just as important to the scene as RIP, or Ansi. Motions poetry
may not compare with the likes of Revolt, but I think that it can hold its own
ground, and I am very proud of this section of our group. Please take the time
to run NightView.exe and youll see the wonderful talent that we posses.
* NightView was NOT coded this month, but it will be coded next month.
Dept: Couriers
This is probably the most animated of all our sections. All of our couriers
have a story, and arent afraid to tell it. : I was not going to add this
section, but Scorpion almost bit me head off. Were people too you know! he
screamed. Well Scorpion, this is for you. Couriers these days are becomming
somewhat obsolete. There are fewer, and fewer couriers, but I think that the
ones that we have, are more than capeable, and most improtantly, above all:
reliant. I am yet to ask more than once for something to be done from these
guys. Wether it be Scorpion, or Sabotage, they always seem willing to want to
help the group out with their ability. For this I thank them greatly, becuase
with my phonebill, I have absolutly no access to call long distance. So, that
is the couriers there ya go Sc, and no! You cannot be a senior staff! :
Dept: Telecommunications
Unfortunatly for us, this department was formed near the end of April.
Therefore, the number of Confrences were few, and the communication of the groupwas at an all time low. Now that we have this section running, things can only
get better. There will be more confrences, and much more communication I had realized that communication in a group is the single most important feature.
It is above everything else in my opinion. If members are not being informed,
then they dont know what is going on, and they feel left out. Our communicationlevel will definatly be going up in the next month.
If you are good with telecommunications, then you are in demand. You may decide
to join other groups and that is your decision, but if you decide to come here
you will not be swamped with requests. Perhaps one confrence per month, and
the odd 800 for a board or something. That is where we are different than
other groups who demand so much from their telecom guys, that it becoms a job.
Anyhow, we would love to have anyone that can setup one confrence a month, and
a few small, jobs. Your services are invaluable, and I cant wait to utilize
your talents!
Dept: Music
Many groups have abandoned this artistic form. We have not. I belive that in a
few months, people will want to see more than just ansi art. The groups that have made the decision to become ansi only groups, will be sorry that they did
that. I hope that you enjoy this music section as much as I do, and with some luck, the files wont totally kill my 8OOK projection.
Hellfire of iCE has joined us, as well as Mind Riot of Blade, and as always
Griffon and the rest of the origional boys are here. Arsenic of Union as well.
With all this amazing talent, we are considering putting out a music disk. If
anyone has any comments or concerns toward this decision, wed love to hear
from you, becuase right now it is totally up for grabs: it could go either way.
As I stated above, I dont want a huge pack simply becuase it is akward to
download, and transfer. So leave me your feedback, and I will definatly be
happy to get a resonse here.
Dept: Coding
As always, I am quite proud of this section of the group this month. I have
never been in a group where coding did not play a major role, and I have never
been in a group where coding was a trouble spot. I will run down the programs
that we have produced this month, and I hope that you agree, Motion has quite
a good coding section, and we will continue to release interesting, original
programs, that will make you turn your head, month after month.
Coders such as Mercenary-X, Harmonic Distortion, and everyone that has said
they can do it, will make the coding of this group simply amazing. I hope
that the level of output from these guys stays the same, but so far, they
have been great, and I would like to thank them for it.
MotionVu is coded by Harmonic Distortion. Anytime that I have ever showed this
to anyone, they have given him great compliments. Harmonic Distortion is one of
the best coders I have ever seen, and he has continued to be one of the most
loyal artists I have ever worked with. Any time I call him, and ask to try and
code the viewer a little different, he never complains. Always prompt, and he
is yet to let me down. Anyhow, the viewer, as you may know, was used for the
first month or so of Shiver. Since Shiver has its own viewer now, and this one
is not being used, I thought that rather than code a whole new one, we should
just use it. It has almost everything that I could ask for, and it has few
errors. In future releases, we hope for the viewer to have RIP, Slide Show,
Sauce, and BIN support. If you choose to use some other viewer, so be it, but
compared to many of the viewers out there right now, MotionVu is rated high on
my list, and it is all thanks to Harmonic Distortion.
The Motion App is a very simple application generator. We had Wonko The Sane,
start to code one for us, and he had some big problems, not with the coding,
but with family, and other things that prevented him from completing the
generator. Thanks for the effort. Anyhow, there is nothing special here, and
please use it when you are applying to Motion. * We will not accept any new
artists that have not filled out the application generator! It only takes a
few seconds for you, and it keeps everything in total control, and order on
this side of things.
Awards 95
a r t s c e n e a w a r d s 9 5
As you may know, Motion graphics is playing an intrical part in the organis-
ation of Awards 95. Several of our artists have contributed to this cause
and for this I thank them bigtime! To anyone that doesnt know a whole lot
about Awards 95, Ill explain it a little bit.
Awards was designed to be something that everyone in the scene could do, and
so far it has gone well. It hasnt gone as well as I had anticipated, or hoped,
but it is something new, and for this reason, it is allowed to fail a little
bit before it gets good. Awards 95 is just a big party on the IRC that will
be based on votes that you and I decide on.
I have received some hard times due to the fact that the coding department
was not added in the awards celebration. I am really sorry that this dept.
wasnt added, but it just simply wasnt suggested. Had it been, certainly it
would have been there. To any coders that are offeneded I give you my total,
and sincere appolagies. It simply never dawned on my the role that coders
play in the scene: a huge one.
Also something else that people had trouble with was the section entitled:
Top 5 Jerks of the Scene. This was a mistake. I admit it now. The main reason
behind Awards 95 was to create a friendly and non competitive atmosphere,
and this catagory has created simply the opposite. I am really sorry that this
was added, and I take full blame for it, even though it was not be who made
the nominations.
If this is the first time that you are hearing about Awards 95, then please
look at the file that is included in this archive entitled: AWARDS03.ZIP and
contact The Crimson Waters with your voteing data file. It is really important
that you dont just look at the voting program, and then delete it. Get involved,and get your data file either to the Internet, or to TCW. Without your vote,
some artist is not going to get that Number 1 spot. You may be the deciding
If you cant get the data file to the Internet, or TCW, then atleast show up
for the presentations. Jone 3rd is when everything will be tallied. You have
until June 2nd to get your stuff in, and we have one day to get the votes sortedand ready to announced to the artists.
To anyone that has supported us in our efforts, I have nothing but good things
to say to you. Please dont let it die. That is the only thing that I ask of you.I fear that there will be a poor presentation, and becuase we have a really
short attention span, well just forget about having another awards night.
Dont let that happen. That is the only request I ask, from the whole scene.
This is the one chance that we have to make a difference, and we cant let it
die. Motion will continue to play a role in Awards, and I hope that other groupstake the same steps as well. :
Every month Motion Graphics will choose one of our artists to interview. This
is designed to give you, a better view of our on hand staff. I hope nobody
feels that we are trying to emulate that of other groups, and organizations.
I know there have been things such as this done before by other groups, and we
dont want to try and copy those groups in any way. This is strictly for enjoy-
ment, and I hope everyone agrees that this is worthwhile. I couldnt find a goodspot for his name, but SirDeath did the wonderful face that you see before you.
For this month we choose one of the comedians of the group: double 0. Yes, smalld and 0, instead of zero. Here we go with the first installment of MemberView
brought to you by: Motion Graphics 95!
m o t i o n g r a p h i c s m a y m e m b e r v i e w
PZ: Proze Motion President D0: Double 0 Motion Ansi
Started: April 26th 10:50pm est
PZ: double 0 ... just a bit of background, this is an interview for the
NFO file for the May relase of Motion.
d0: Fine by me.
PZ: Okay, so, you came here from cia what did you do for them?
d0: Well Im just a courier for Cia, but I was in some small group called
Vengeance run by Sudden Death of Cia but it like died or something.
Actually it never came out
PZ: I see, so you never atually drew for Cia?
d0: I showed some stuff to Tron and all, but never really persued anything
further with Cia.
PZ: Where did you learn how to draw? I have tried drawing a little bit, as
you know, I draw all his damn fonts :, and it is quite a hard trade
to learn how did you learn to draw?
d0: Well I have always loved drawing just sketching around, and some painting
but mostly spraypaint, I just picked up a copy of TheDraw a while back,
and took some stuff out of some comics I had, and started drawing them.
PZ: Have you ever tried tagging?
d0: Yes I do it here in Cincy sometimes, but dont like to make a habbit
of it.
PZ: Have you ever done any crazy tagging like where you are suspended off of
an over-pass by ropes?
d0: Hehe, no I cant say I have done anything like that, but I DID tag a
Wendys in broad daylight, if that counts.
PZ: Yeah, I would say that that counts .. : Speaking of things like that,
what do you like to do other than be a pooter nerd? :
d0: Well I have been skateboarding for like 5 years now, and LOVE snowboarding.
Thats about it really, Im not a mall rat or anything like that. I just
skate around in summer and snowboard in winter.
PZ: Where do you snowboard? Do you go to hills around your house, or do you
actually pay to get on a ski hill?
d0: I pay. There really arent all that many places to go round here, but I
make due with what Ive got. One place wont let us anymore because they
say we endanger the skiiers and that sucks, but we dont let it get to us.
PZ: Do you go like bush wacking? I hear that is where all the fun is. I dont
snowboard myself, because the first time I tried it, I almost broke my
anus, or tailbone or something. Man, that was a hard fall.
d0: Hehe, no we dont have any of that stuff out here, just hills. Not mountins, hills Ohio is flat.
PZ: Ive never been there. I hear Cincy is quite the voilent place. I live in
Ottawa, Canada, where the most voilence we get, are the twelve year olds
stealing the 25 cent chews from the Quicky Marts. : Back on to the cyber
scene: who where you favorite aritsts when you where growing up?
d0: Well Cincy is supposed to be the most liveable place in the US, and we
dont get much violence, but every once in a while we get our share. Well
my biggest influence has always been Tron of Cia. Hes showed me a lot, and
I really appreciate it.
PZ: Which is your favorite group out there in the art scene?
d0: Hmm thats a hard one Well as far as smaller groups go, Spastic is
looking REAL good. ACiD and iCE have always topped the league, and CiA is
good too. I have many favorites.
PZ: Some say that Integrity is the best group in the scene. Any thoughts on that
d0: Oh yeah them too I love their stuff. It seems like they came from no
where too.
PZ: I noticed that you put up a board recently. Would you like to tell all our
Motion fans about that? Btw: here is the perfect opportunity for a board
plug. :
d0: Hehe, yeah Im running Vision-x .99e right now. 606-635-5655 nup - d-day
sorry couldnt resist pz Uhm, not much to tell really. I need users
PZ: Ever consider getting an 800 number?
d0: Yeah, but I cant get anyone to do it hint BL, you know who you are!
PZ: Okay, well just as we close here, do you think that Motion has what it takes
to become top 10 in the next few months?
d0: Well as far as I can tell anything is possible, but I havent really seen
any of the stuff cept mine I hope so, that would be great, so well see!
PZ: Great. I thank you for the interview, and everyone reading, dont forget to
check out double 0s work in this months pack. This has been our first
installment of MotionView, and well catch you next month with another
artist and another story from the Motion Graphics team!
d0: Okay thank you.
Completed: April 26th 11:16pm est
A good interview with double 0, part of the great characted that Motion has!
Well, if you are still with us, we are on line 410. : I hope no one thinks
this is gay, well it is, but we just want to show you that we are more than
just ansis, and distros. We are people too, and we are trying to change the
ansi scene as we know it. Many people talk about how the scene is nothing
like it was two years ago, and that is true. Now it is time for a revolution,
a total change. Were hoping that we can add some fun, and a little friendly-
ness to a cold place. Should you ever be on the Internet Relay Chat system,
drop in an say hello. There is almost always a Motion member who would be
glad to see that we are getting some recognition. Just dont talk to Stain,
hes a little strange. We can be found in the channel: Motion.
Motion Graphics Contest!
bm.mtn ...a picture of you, when you win the contest!
Motion Graphics would like to give you an opportunity to win a free ansi,
by a member in Motion. All you have to do is answer the following ten
questions by the mid point of June 15th, and you have a chance of winning.
So here we go with the first ever Motion Graphics Ansi Contest!!
1. Blindman is 17 years old. Living in Sweden is he allowed to drink a beer
on the streets of his nation? Or must he wait until he is 18 before he
can do so?
2. RadMan decided on his alias becuase of the influences of: BMX Racing,
Drugs :, Becuase he was so young when he decided, or becuase, as some
people say: he is just plain RAD!
3. Find the name given to the Smoke Stacks in Sudbury Ontario where our
faithful courier Scorpion lives. These smoke stacks were designed to
take all the pollution from the Sudbury air, and move it elsewhere,
like Ottawa, where Proze lives. Find the name of these stacks:
4. Ansi was first used as a means of: Advertising Products or Services,
Advertising Bulliten Boards, Artistic Talent, Advertising Warez Groups?
5. In regards to the scene, who is Christopher Robin? :
6. Who holds the former world record for the longest NFO file in history, how long, and by which group, and month?
7. True or False: Maestro of Nation has a crappy fade-away thee point
8. Chromatik of Blade once said: Ill only leave Blade for one group:
iCE. True or False?
9. Is it True or False that Cooly, Nyc, Sharp Edge and Animal run their
computers through the use of the power of camels? CamelPower if you
1O The Guardian of Shiver lives just three blocks from where O.J. Simpson
lives, in Los Angeles? True or False.
Okay, some of these were very hard, and others were quite easy. : All in all,
it should be fun to see who the grand prize winner is. Just write up a small
textfile, and send it to anyone in Motion on the IRC. Should you fine no one
to take your application, call the Whq at: 613.746.2664 Accnt: Motion, Passw:
Motion. And then you can upload your file to us directly. Good luck, and
please think your answers before you write them down. :
MemberView Number Two
Every month Motion Graphics will choose one of our artists to interview. This
is designed to give you, a better view of our on hand staff. I hope nobody
feels that we are trying to emulate that of other groups, and organizations.
I know there have been things such as this done before by other groups, and we
dont want to try and copy those groups in any way. This is strictly for enjoy-
ment, and I hope everyone agrees that this is worthwhile. I couldnt find a goodspot for his name, but SirDeath did the wonderful face that you see before you.
This second installment of memberview consists of one of my best IRC buds out
there: BlindMan. This guy has one of the best attitudes in the scene I have
ever seen, and if you ever get the chance to talk with him, please do so. He
is a charming person, and very very nice. Motion owes so very much to him, we
cannot begin to thank him for what he has brought to this group. Well, here
it is: installment number two of MemberView from Motion Graphics!
m o t i o n g r a p h i c s m a y m e m b e r v i e w
PZ: Proze Motion President BM: BlindMan Motion Ansi
Started: May 30th 4:01pm est
PZ: Hey buddie! Can you tell us what part of the world you live in?
BM: Sweden And for you dorks that dont know where that is, it is in
PZ: What part of Sweeden do you live in?
BM: I live in our capital: Stockholm.
PZ: Hey, I live in the capital of Canada: Ottawa. : Sorry, Ill be quiet now
PZ: How is the art scene over in Sweden?
BM: Its not the best, but it has its highlights. Mostly theres just too
many crappy artists releasing indy work.
PZ: Are there any good art groups in Sweden? I havnt seen any break through.
How come the European art groups never make it overseas?
BM: Theres Stile, Error Art, hmm.. G I dunno why they dont make it
overseas. Most art groups do have couriers to take it to you. But
your art makes it overseas. Damn, I really dont know.
PZ: Yeah, its kind of a lose lose situation for you Europeans, as far as
the art scene is concerned. The demo scene, on the other hand, is very
big there is it not?
BM: Hmm, it is prety big but Ive never really checked it out. Theres
some kick ass groups though. I know a dewd who was the leader of
NOXIOUS.. that was a kick ass demo group ..
PZ: Who are some of your favorite swedish artists?
BM: My favorites would have to be, Gangstar and D-Vibe.
PZ: Have you ever called a North American board?
BM: Nopers .. :
PZ: Im coming to visit soon ... Im gunna stay at yer house, and we are
going to check out the blonde babes and stuff ... sound good?
BM: Sounds great!
PZ: Okay, its a done deal then ... Im coming to visit. : How do you think
Motion will fair after we release?
BM: Well, if we get those other artists to paint some too, then I think
well do great.
PZ: Sounds great ... Tripe is really starting to show fantastik promise as
well ... you and him should take us pretty far! :
BM: I dunno.. I havnt really seen much of his work. But thanks. Tripe
is pretty cool, and how about those others! But, you cant build a
group on two artists.
PZ: Just for the record Blindman, can you tell us what the legal drinking
age of your country is? Listen up kiddies, there is a test later .. :
BM: The legal drinking age is 18. But who cares about that!
PZ: Thanks for doing this interview bro, I owe ya one! :
BM: Sure thing ...
Completed at: 4:41pm est May 30th 1995
A bit of a hurried interview with one of my favorite artists in the world. :
Blindman lives in Sweden, and we did this on the Internet obviously, so there
was a lot of lagg and slow time. That is the reason for the interview being
so short. If you ever get the opportunity to talk to BM, by all means go for it.He is so damn nice it is not funny. And the best part is that he is devoted to Motion, so all you groups out there, dont bother. :
Anyhow, sorry for the two interviews, but they were just sitting here, and they
had to go somewhere, and they just appeared here. : Look for the next pack thatwe release, for a new fresh artist to talk a little about.
p r o z e o f m o t i o n s g r e e t s a n d s a l u t a t i o n
Okay, I have been out of the scene for the past six months. When I came back
there were a whole bunch of new people in the scene, and I had to make new
friends. : So I have about a million greets, old and new to go through, and
I only have about 200 lines left. :
Prozes Personal Greets:
Abom - It WAS you spreading the x-rated file about cASH and his dog. :
Akira - Sup hombrez? Hang tough cheif, and youll be okay.
Aphex Twin - I really appreciate your support with Awards 95.
Animal - Dude, lets get one thing straight here: YOU are MY hero. : If
you dont get back into the scene I am personally going to get
nyc, cooly, and sharpy to kick your ass! :
Animal Nitra - Wed love to have you cheif ...
Argon - Keep the Lit alive bro ...
Arsenic - It is going to be great to have someone like you around!
Assaylant - Ill give you SCuM! Right between the eyes. This was written
awhile ago, and you are finally out of the W4r3z scene. :
I knew you would come to your senses sooner or later bro. :
Blindman - Wow! What can I say: if Im ever in Sweeden, Ill kiss you!! :
You are the most valuable Motion member, and I cant see anyone
joining this group that could put more effort, or tenacity that
you have. You have done so much that I could go on forever.
thanks alot bro, you have no idea what we owe you.
Betrayer - Maybe me and you will get a chance to work together again.
And that would simply rock! :
Borian - You are simply amazing. I really hope you turn down fC for us. :Chris Robin - I love that handle. : Join Motion and we will worship you.
Cable - You are the zaniest mutha around! :
Cashew - Dis could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. :
Carnuss - Its my pleasure to work with someone like you. You are elite. :Chromatik - Im still in shock bud? Why, why, why, why ...........
Cooly - You are a really kewl guy: you the man! You are one third of
the three amigos! Cooly, Sharpy, Animaly
DarkFire - I really hope you get into the scene a little more. Youre great.Divine - Good luck with Tea, you are really going to be good someday.
Double 0 - Crazy cat! Make yer own fonts! Mine are too elite for you. :
We need somemore of that Cincy font style anyway ....
Domino - Good luch with Grip, or wherever you happen to land.
Epidemic - I have a feeling that you are going to be very important to MTN.
EvilOne - I really hope that things go well with you in Acid.
Freelance - Where the mothaheck are you!
Giant Iguana - I feel really bad right now, and I hope things get better. :
Im sure they will cuz you have an awesome attitude!
Griffon - You are part of the backbone of this group.
Grim Apostle - I cant read your damn fonts! But you rock anyway. : In the last little while you have really really been impressing me. :
Harmonic Dis - Man you are a fine coder. Yer going to make mucho moula someday.
Heat Wave - You are like simply amazing and stuff ... :
Hellfire - Rrrrrrr, you rrrrrrock!
Intox Assisn - Happy birthday to you ... Happy birthday to you! : errr
Inquisidor - Here are my lits Proze, I was in a weird mood : Good stuff.
You have a lot of character, so that is why you are the Lit
coordinator and stuff.
Killer Instn - I have talked to you twice, and that really, really, sucks. :
Mind Riot - Hey bud, really really nice stuff. Mind Crime has a good ear. :
Maestro - Next time we are playing ball, Im gunna reject your ass! :
That fade away crap aint nothing in muh house! :
Morpheus - Thanks a lot for the help with Awards 95.
Motion Molly - Hubba, hubba, hubba, you are a studda! err, that didnt work.
Msk - Keep the groovy stuff coming dude!
Nailz - Same old guy: total class and I respect you for it.
NightWidow - Gimme yer voice number cuz you rule at fonts and stuff.
Ozone - Forget Math, and Science, Motion is duh spice of life! :
Phaser-X - Put down the cronic, and draw me some ansis!
Pheadrus - Thanks for the help with Awards 95 ...
Ravaged Soul - Here comes the br... : Congrats!
Reptile - That script sounds like it is going to totally rock!
Sabotage - Couldnt have done it without you bud ... thanks a million.
Your running the Whq, and although I dont tell you most of the
time, I really appreciate it. Thanks, you are invaluable.
Schill - Hola! Nice lift for our lame ac.
Scorpion - No! You cannot be a senior staff! : You have done a really
good job bro. Nice askis too. You are going to be good! :
Source Unkno - Buddy, 240 beer bottles in a couple months? a l c o h o l i c :ShadowSorcer - SS, its good to have your experience around.
Sharp Edge - You are like, actually, uhh, a senior? : Thanks for the help!
You have done so much, and I really appreciate it ...
Spawn - I have much to thank you for! : You have done more than u know.
And maybe someday well get a chance to work together ...
Spazum - You are one first class hombrez. : If this whole group was filled with people like you, you wouldnt hear me complaining.
Splint - Damn... I knew you in the huddle, but not in the scene. :
Its a really really small world I guess
Stain - Lord who? We gots the creater of EreetmanN! and warezman :
SuperDave - If everyone had your ambition in this group, we would be great.
The Guardian - Please, please dont stroke my guinnea pig like that!
The Wizard - You are the biggest stud in the scene! Great attitude, you rock!
Keep it up and youll have your own fan club! :
Toon Goon - Thanks for everything you have done for us cheif ....
Trickster - If you would like draw, that would be amazing! :
Tripe - You are the next amazing artist. I have NEVER seen anyone
improve as fast as you have, and if you ever leave, I will
personally kick your ass. hola! 3 line greet! elite! err??
Trust - Its really too bad that we disagreed. We could have been rockin! Maybe someday well be able to connect. :
Tyrus - Good luck in Razor 1911.
Vice Lord - You bring a lot of enthousiasm and intergity with you. Welcome.
Wolfchild - Wow! You are the best talent to hit 613 since Hound. drool
Whisper - Wow ... you are just amazing. Everytime I show this pack to
someone, they remember you the most. You are one of the best I
have ever seen!
Prozes Group Greets:
Acid - Still number one ... forever, and ever.
Blade - One more month, and youll be back and going strong.
Blunt - Goodluck boys.
Cancer - Looking pretty good .. Nice Bot. :
Cia - Looking good, with more quality control, your right back in it.
Crisis - What happened?
Dark - Fantastik. I neednt say anymore.
Emerge - Not too shabby.
Evolution - Were going to rock the scene like old times.
Grip - With hard work, youll be doing just fine.
Ice - Great 1 battle going on, keep it up.
Integrity - Wow .. we are trying to follow in your footsteps.
Lapse - Tcw is a Canadian Hq for a non-existant group. :
Motion - Hey wait a second! ... doh!
Mist - Looking really really nice ...
Nation - Yeah, yer elite Ma, you know it ... we love you.
Revolt - Best Literature in the scene today.
Roc - Thems the breaks I guess.
Rival - A lot of people say some good things about you guys.
Shiver - Looking good ... Get rid of that prez though he touches me
Spastic - Too bad Errie deserted you, but youll pull through.
Tdd - You have a great leader ... I look foreward to you ever month.
Union - Thats showing em Nailz .. you are the prez, forever.
Vapor - Looks okay .. Too many logos though. :
So we did it .. I guess we have the world record for the longest NFO file ever!
If you actually read this file, I love you! : See ya next month.
motion graphics 1995 information file 1003 lines
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