this image contains text
Conquest of the Art World
Empire Artistrys Compilation 1
Compiled for the month of November, 1993
* All Artistry within this Compilation is *
* is free to be distributed in any manner *
* but is property of Empire Artistry and *
* may not be altered in any way, shape or *
* form. Thank you for downloading our art. *
Well, well, well... here we all stand at a sort of crossroads. This is our
first compilation and display of our talent ever released under the Empire
name. Its a little late but is surely up to any decent standards. We have
worked hard to bring you the best in our collection of original art pieces,
and we hope that you like and can use anything in this compilation. We do what
we do for fun, and to help people in general who need our services. We do not
charge money, and we do not require that you run a huge 999 node 6834 billion
gig super K-wares board but thats always nice... . If you need a piece of
artwork done, come to us, and we wont fill your advertisement with any sort
or personal rags against others, and we wont give you low quality.
Now that Ive finished my introductory plug, I can go on with business.
Pretty basic shit, really... Ill explain EMPiRE at present, and future plans,
Ill tell you how the group is organized, and where you fit in. If you want
to read about the past routes in Empire, I wrote a letter about it, named
MPIR1093.LTR, in which you can read all about it - exciting shit, I know. As
for the present of Empire, weve grown to be a fairly large group since our
original instatement, and I will explain the major details in just a moment.
At present we are working on bringing the public two things, firstly is
EMPiRENet, which will span most Empire affiliated systems, and any other
systems who apply... will it be just another net? Possibly... I dont know
what I can give you to make it different from every other net, beside that
Empire will be on it - youll be able to make requests quickly and easily.
We are in the planning stages of EMPiRENet right now, and we may be up and
accepting applicants by the release of our next compilation. If youre
interested, stay tuned. The second major thing-a-ma-doo-hickey is a little
big magazine called Premier. I will answer any questions as long as they
pertain to the magazine, and NOT the release date. The release date has NOT
been set, but work is being done to bring you the best possible magazine any
of our coders can possibly code. The magazine is being coded to pick up where
TRACE never started. For those of you who are not familiar with TRACE, it was
to be a magazine that helped further publicize smaller art groups out there.
I never stopped liking this idea, and when I heard of its supposed demise,
I organized a similar effort. Premier Magazine is looking for participants
currently, if you are an artist, writer, or coder, and interested in helping
out, you can contact me, ShadowSorcerer, anywhere you can best places are
EMPiRE sites, and Ill be right back to ya.
Now, on to the major details I told ya about above. One of the first things
I pulled off this month was recruiting Flick of the Switch. He creates art
in a large scale, and his work is beautiful. He is also going to pioneer the
EMPiRENet project, and keep it alive. Thanks a million, FotS. I also changed
previous organization to creater a tighter and more productive staff. Now,
there are four division coordinators, KillRaven is Ansi Coordinator, Ender
coordinates Technical stuff loaders, etc, Primordial Chowder is coordinating
the effort on the eastern front, and I am coordinating the artists in the
central US area. Primordial Chowder has been making a considerable effort to
coordinate the artists on the east coast, spending his time and money in the
process. Without the support of our Eastern Capitol, Steady Diet of Nothing,
he has to do ALL of the work himself. I commend him for his effort.
Although VectoR is not an official member, he is contributing our viewer
this month, and hes doing it in less than a day. For this he has the position
of Honorary Member forever or until he becomes a real member, whichever comes
first . Thanks for saving my life, Vector... I owe you one bigtime.
-EMPiRE Founder/Premier Magazine Sr. Editor
Ok folks, this is primordial chowder..the East Coast Coordinator for
EMPiRE. Just in case youve never heard of me which would be NO suprise to me
at all , I was an artist in iLLUSiON for one month, and before I had a chanceto really get anything decent in a pack the group died. I then went to TaG withCisco now of ACiD-good job!, and the group again died before I could get
anything in a pack. I then came to EMPiRE, and here I hope to be able to stay
for over a month-a record for me . This month I have a few things in the
pack, but I really didnt give myself much time to get it all together..as well
as improve upon some of the work and add other ansis which still need a little
work. But next month you should be seeing more by me, hopefully a lot better,
and I should have a completed ViSiON-X menu set by then..maybe two, Im not
sure. Anyway, being the East Coast Coordinator, Im looking for good artists,
as well as good boards that would like to be sites. If you are at all
interested, contact me or any other EMPiRE artist at any of the sites or Hqs
listed in this pack. Next months pack should be even better, but in the
meantime, enjoy this one.
primordial chowder
Empire East Coast Coordinator
What can I say? I probably wont be writing anything for the newsletter
ever again unless theres something important for me to say. ShadowSorcerer
would probably cover everything anyways. I do, however, feel somewhat
obliged to type up some bs since this is our first released pack...
Id just like to say that to the aspiring ANSi artists out there, dont be
afraid to apply... as ANSi coordinator, Id like to keep some of the old
UNiCoRN ideals such as helping lesser artists to become better artists,
etc., etc.. Anyways, I also dont care much about who the artist is or
about their past actions, if theyre good, fine. This means that people who
may have ripped an ANSi out of desperation at one point but otherwise do
quality work will probably be accepted ...although, there are limits and
exceptions... despite whatever ragging may occur from that... of course,
these are just some ideas not all mine... some are SSs... and are
subject to change... isnt everything? Oh well. Thats enough bs for now.
KillRaven greets: ShadowSorcerer, Dr. Stupid, ReDMaN, FotS, Ender, the
Gentile Rabbi
...and to all the other Killravens out there: Who are you?
EMPiRE ANSi Coordinator
Filename Ext FileSize Artist/Creator Brief Description
MPIR1193 NFO 11106 ShadowSorcerer Empire Information 11/93
MPIR-MUS NFO 1749 Flourescent Darkness Empire Music Information
MPIR1093 LTR 18945 ShadowSorcerer Empire NewsLetter 10/93
MPIR1193 LTR 12973 ShadowSorcerer Empire NewsLetter 11/93
MPIR1193 MEM 8851 ShadowSorcerer Empire Member/Site Listing
FS-ASICS ANS 2847 Flick of the Switch ASiCS Promotional Logo
FS-DE ANS 4328 Flick of the Switch Digital Escape Logo
FS-FF2 ANS 4284 Flick of the Switch Falling Fast Logo
FS-FF3 ANS 45299 Flick of the Switch Falling Fast Advertisement
FS-MD ANS 24513 Flick of the Switch Morbid Delusions Advertisemnt
FS-MPIR2 ANS 1593 Flick of the Switch Empire Promotional Logo
FS-MPIRE ANS 6196 Flick of the Switch Empire Promotional Logo
FS-PREM ANS 2778 Flick of the Switch Premier Magazine Promo Logo
FS-UD ANS 17544 Flick of the Switch The Unknown Division Ad.
FS-VX ANS 4205 Flick of the Switch ViSiON-X Promotional Logo
KR-BUSA ANS 24476 KillRaven Banned in the USA Advertisemt
KR-STAT ANS 3887 KillRaven Skull Status Screen
PC-CRIM ANS 5070 Primordial Chowder Crimson Couriering Promo Logo
PC-EMP ANS 1182 Primordial Chowder Empire Promotional Logo
PC-GARD ANS 10842 Primordial Chowder Sound Garden Advertisement
PC-GRIND ANS 15040 Primordial Chowder Grindstone Advertisement
PC-LOGON ANS 3327 Primordial Chowder ViSiON-X Logon Procedure
PC-TACT ANS 17139 Primordial Chowder Tactical Command Advertisemnt
SS-CHAT ANS 2870 ShadowSorcerer Empire Promotional Chat Scrn
SS-MPIRE ANS 2440 ShadowSorcerer Empire Promotional Logo
SS-PREM1 ANS 2302 ShadowSorcerer Premier Magazine Promo Logo
SZ-MTX ANS 3862 SySTEM-Z Terminator Login Matrix
SZ-TGF ANS 13090 SySTEM-Z The Game Frame Advertisement
SZ-V21 ANS 7752 SySTEM-Z ViSiON/2 Promotional Logo
SZ-V22 ANS 7784 SySTEM-Z ViSiON/2 Promotional Logo
SZ-HV GIF 11721 SySTEM-Z High Voltage Advertisement
AV EXE 10410 VectoR Empire Ansi Viewer
SZ-HV EXE 91401 SySTEM-Z/Interloper High Voltage Loader Ad.
APPLYNOW ZIP 34446 ShadowSorcerer Empire Application Procedure
IN-FSITE ZIP 139344 Interloper Forbidden Site Promo Loader
QIXSS ZIP 30042 Daemos QixSS ShadeBob Demonstration
FD-DMIND MOD 67020 Flourescent Darkness Diseased Mind
FD-JOURN MOD 85766 Flourescent Darkness Sojourn
FL-INS TXT 2034 Flatline Insanity
FL-LONGT TXT 1889 Flatline The Longest Time
FL-MAD TXT 1414 Flatline The Madness Within
FL-NGTTH TXT 2131 Flatline A Night of Thunder
FL-OBV TXT 3753 Flatline Oblivion
PC-ALIEN TXT 1085 Primordial Chowder Never Get Abucted by Aliens
PC-EARTH TXT 2375 Primordial Chowder The Growing Earth
SS-AROG TXT 1211 ShadowSorcerer Arrogance.
SS-HUNTR TXT 1115 ShadowSorcerer Hunter and Hunted.
SS-SNTY TXT 1685 ShadowSorcerer My Sanity Escapes Me...
SS-SUN TXT 1935 ShadowSorcerer Sun.
SS-TR TXT 2831 ShadowSorcerer Twisted Reality.
SS-XMPT TXT 2268 ShadowSorcerer Exempt.
ShadowSorcerers Greets:
Flick of the Switch - You are a true artist.
primordial chowder - Youre a great guy, and a hard worker. Keep thinkin
up those group names, and artworld parodies, and Ill
make sure you see them in a pack...
KillRaven - Not rags, parodies see PCs greet, so it doesnt
break your policy.
Ender - So... whens that Krad loader gonna be done?
...and how do I get ahold of ya?
VectoR - Youre some kinda hero, man.
Tempus Thales - You still dont know who I am, but Im still one of
your biggest fans.
VindicatioN - Thanks for not fitting my ACiD stereotype... oh, and
also for the interview... begging can I have leech
access on your board, PLEASE? PLEASE?
One Thumb - Im back! Im gone! Im back! Im gone! I better shut
up, that might be me someday...
Dieter - Dont you call Valley of Death anymore? Oh well, I
guess youre still the coolest guy in 408... you have
no competition!
Lord Zaru - Yeah, Ill upload when I get around to it! jk
Shihear Kallizad - did I spell it right? Whats so special about judging
other peoples ANSi? Shouldnt it be the viewer who is
the judge? Just a suggestion...
Beastie - Get it right, fool! You still gonna help with
Midnight Sorrow - I thought your board was down...
Cavalier - Wheres TRACE?
Ricochet - Wheres Adrenalin?
Hannibal Lecter - Wheres Sea-Tac? P
Soto - Wheres your brain? :-
Final Descendant - Zimmers not in THIS group... so I guess you cant
knock it.
ShadowSorcerer - Shut up you egotistical fool!
Anyone I missed - Tough shit. jk If I know you and I missed you,
scream at me... or something, I cant well name every
person I need to greet and end up with a list like
Cavaliers but I can come close .
Primordial Chowders Greets:
Cisco - Congratulations and thanks for everything.
ShadowSorcerer - Did you spell your name right? :
How that phone comin?
Fallen Angel - Ungrateful punk.
Beastie - Greetings!
To everyone else - I have a mental block! :
KillRavens Greets:
ShadowSorcerer, Doctor Stupid, ReDMaN, Flick of the Switch, Ender,
Gentle Rabbi, and to all other KillRavens out there: Who are you?
Empire Artistrys Compilation 1
Compiled for the month of November, 1993
* All Artistry within this Compilation is *
* is free to be distributed in any manner *
* but is property of Empire Artistry and *
* may not be altered in any way, shape or *
* form. Thank you for downloading our art. *
Well, well, well... here we all stand at a sort of crossroads. This is our
first compilation and display of our talent ever released under the Empire
name. Its a little late but is surely up to any decent standards. We have
worked hard to bring you the best in our collection of original art pieces,
and we hope that you like and can use anything in this compilation. We do what
we do for fun, and to help people in general who need our services. We do not
charge money, and we do not require that you run a huge 999 node 6834 billion
gig super K-wares board but thats always nice... . If you need a piece of
artwork done, come to us, and we wont fill your advertisement with any sort
or personal rags against others, and we wont give you low quality.
Now that Ive finished my introductory plug, I can go on with business.
Pretty basic shit, really... Ill explain EMPiRE at present, and future plans,
Ill tell you how the group is organized, and where you fit in. If you want
to read about the past routes in Empire, I wrote a letter about it, named
MPIR1093.LTR, in which you can read all about it - exciting shit, I know. As
for the present of Empire, weve grown to be a fairly large group since our
original instatement, and I will explain the major details in just a moment.
At present we are working on bringing the public two things, firstly is
EMPiRENet, which will span most Empire affiliated systems, and any other
systems who apply... will it be just another net? Possibly... I dont know
what I can give you to make it different from every other net, beside that
Empire will be on it - youll be able to make requests quickly and easily.
We are in the planning stages of EMPiRENet right now, and we may be up and
accepting applicants by the release of our next compilation. If youre
interested, stay tuned. The second major thing-a-ma-doo-hickey is a little
big magazine called Premier. I will answer any questions as long as they
pertain to the magazine, and NOT the release date. The release date has NOT
been set, but work is being done to bring you the best possible magazine any
of our coders can possibly code. The magazine is being coded to pick up where
TRACE never started. For those of you who are not familiar with TRACE, it was
to be a magazine that helped further publicize smaller art groups out there.
I never stopped liking this idea, and when I heard of its supposed demise,
I organized a similar effort. Premier Magazine is looking for participants
currently, if you are an artist, writer, or coder, and interested in helping
out, you can contact me, ShadowSorcerer, anywhere you can best places are
EMPiRE sites, and Ill be right back to ya.
Now, on to the major details I told ya about above. One of the first things
I pulled off this month was recruiting Flick of the Switch. He creates art
in a large scale, and his work is beautiful. He is also going to pioneer the
EMPiRENet project, and keep it alive. Thanks a million, FotS. I also changed
previous organization to creater a tighter and more productive staff. Now,
there are four division coordinators, KillRaven is Ansi Coordinator, Ender
coordinates Technical stuff loaders, etc, Primordial Chowder is coordinating
the effort on the eastern front, and I am coordinating the artists in the
central US area. Primordial Chowder has been making a considerable effort to
coordinate the artists on the east coast, spending his time and money in the
process. Without the support of our Eastern Capitol, Steady Diet of Nothing,
he has to do ALL of the work himself. I commend him for his effort.
Although VectoR is not an official member, he is contributing our viewer
this month, and hes doing it in less than a day. For this he has the position
of Honorary Member forever or until he becomes a real member, whichever comes
first . Thanks for saving my life, Vector... I owe you one bigtime.
-EMPiRE Founder/Premier Magazine Sr. Editor
Ok folks, this is primordial chowder..the East Coast Coordinator for
EMPiRE. Just in case youve never heard of me which would be NO suprise to me
at all , I was an artist in iLLUSiON for one month, and before I had a chanceto really get anything decent in a pack the group died. I then went to TaG withCisco now of ACiD-good job!, and the group again died before I could get
anything in a pack. I then came to EMPiRE, and here I hope to be able to stay
for over a month-a record for me . This month I have a few things in the
pack, but I really didnt give myself much time to get it all together..as well
as improve upon some of the work and add other ansis which still need a little
work. But next month you should be seeing more by me, hopefully a lot better,
and I should have a completed ViSiON-X menu set by then..maybe two, Im not
sure. Anyway, being the East Coast Coordinator, Im looking for good artists,
as well as good boards that would like to be sites. If you are at all
interested, contact me or any other EMPiRE artist at any of the sites or Hqs
listed in this pack. Next months pack should be even better, but in the
meantime, enjoy this one.
primordial chowder
Empire East Coast Coordinator
What can I say? I probably wont be writing anything for the newsletter
ever again unless theres something important for me to say. ShadowSorcerer
would probably cover everything anyways. I do, however, feel somewhat
obliged to type up some bs since this is our first released pack...
Id just like to say that to the aspiring ANSi artists out there, dont be
afraid to apply... as ANSi coordinator, Id like to keep some of the old
UNiCoRN ideals such as helping lesser artists to become better artists,
etc., etc.. Anyways, I also dont care much about who the artist is or
about their past actions, if theyre good, fine. This means that people who
may have ripped an ANSi out of desperation at one point but otherwise do
quality work will probably be accepted ...although, there are limits and
exceptions... despite whatever ragging may occur from that... of course,
these are just some ideas not all mine... some are SSs... and are
subject to change... isnt everything? Oh well. Thats enough bs for now.
KillRaven greets: ShadowSorcerer, Dr. Stupid, ReDMaN, FotS, Ender, the
Gentile Rabbi
...and to all the other Killravens out there: Who are you?
EMPiRE ANSi Coordinator
Filename Ext FileSize Artist/Creator Brief Description
MPIR1193 NFO 11106 ShadowSorcerer Empire Information 11/93
MPIR-MUS NFO 1749 Flourescent Darkness Empire Music Information
MPIR1093 LTR 18945 ShadowSorcerer Empire NewsLetter 10/93
MPIR1193 LTR 12973 ShadowSorcerer Empire NewsLetter 11/93
MPIR1193 MEM 8851 ShadowSorcerer Empire Member/Site Listing
FS-ASICS ANS 2847 Flick of the Switch ASiCS Promotional Logo
FS-DE ANS 4328 Flick of the Switch Digital Escape Logo
FS-FF2 ANS 4284 Flick of the Switch Falling Fast Logo
FS-FF3 ANS 45299 Flick of the Switch Falling Fast Advertisement
FS-MD ANS 24513 Flick of the Switch Morbid Delusions Advertisemnt
FS-MPIR2 ANS 1593 Flick of the Switch Empire Promotional Logo
FS-MPIRE ANS 6196 Flick of the Switch Empire Promotional Logo
FS-PREM ANS 2778 Flick of the Switch Premier Magazine Promo Logo
FS-UD ANS 17544 Flick of the Switch The Unknown Division Ad.
FS-VX ANS 4205 Flick of the Switch ViSiON-X Promotional Logo
KR-BUSA ANS 24476 KillRaven Banned in the USA Advertisemt
KR-STAT ANS 3887 KillRaven Skull Status Screen
PC-CRIM ANS 5070 Primordial Chowder Crimson Couriering Promo Logo
PC-EMP ANS 1182 Primordial Chowder Empire Promotional Logo
PC-GARD ANS 10842 Primordial Chowder Sound Garden Advertisement
PC-GRIND ANS 15040 Primordial Chowder Grindstone Advertisement
PC-LOGON ANS 3327 Primordial Chowder ViSiON-X Logon Procedure
PC-TACT ANS 17139 Primordial Chowder Tactical Command Advertisemnt
SS-CHAT ANS 2870 ShadowSorcerer Empire Promotional Chat Scrn
SS-MPIRE ANS 2440 ShadowSorcerer Empire Promotional Logo
SS-PREM1 ANS 2302 ShadowSorcerer Premier Magazine Promo Logo
SZ-MTX ANS 3862 SySTEM-Z Terminator Login Matrix
SZ-TGF ANS 13090 SySTEM-Z The Game Frame Advertisement
SZ-V21 ANS 7752 SySTEM-Z ViSiON/2 Promotional Logo
SZ-V22 ANS 7784 SySTEM-Z ViSiON/2 Promotional Logo
SZ-HV GIF 11721 SySTEM-Z High Voltage Advertisement
AV EXE 10410 VectoR Empire Ansi Viewer
SZ-HV EXE 91401 SySTEM-Z/Interloper High Voltage Loader Ad.
APPLYNOW ZIP 34446 ShadowSorcerer Empire Application Procedure
IN-FSITE ZIP 139344 Interloper Forbidden Site Promo Loader
QIXSS ZIP 30042 Daemos QixSS ShadeBob Demonstration
FD-DMIND MOD 67020 Flourescent Darkness Diseased Mind
FD-JOURN MOD 85766 Flourescent Darkness Sojourn
FL-INS TXT 2034 Flatline Insanity
FL-LONGT TXT 1889 Flatline The Longest Time
FL-MAD TXT 1414 Flatline The Madness Within
FL-NGTTH TXT 2131 Flatline A Night of Thunder
FL-OBV TXT 3753 Flatline Oblivion
PC-ALIEN TXT 1085 Primordial Chowder Never Get Abucted by Aliens
PC-EARTH TXT 2375 Primordial Chowder The Growing Earth
SS-AROG TXT 1211 ShadowSorcerer Arrogance.
SS-HUNTR TXT 1115 ShadowSorcerer Hunter and Hunted.
SS-SNTY TXT 1685 ShadowSorcerer My Sanity Escapes Me...
SS-SUN TXT 1935 ShadowSorcerer Sun.
SS-TR TXT 2831 ShadowSorcerer Twisted Reality.
SS-XMPT TXT 2268 ShadowSorcerer Exempt.
ShadowSorcerers Greets:
Flick of the Switch - You are a true artist.
primordial chowder - Youre a great guy, and a hard worker. Keep thinkin
up those group names, and artworld parodies, and Ill
make sure you see them in a pack...
KillRaven - Not rags, parodies see PCs greet, so it doesnt
break your policy.
Ender - So... whens that Krad loader gonna be done?
...and how do I get ahold of ya?
VectoR - Youre some kinda hero, man.
Tempus Thales - You still dont know who I am, but Im still one of
your biggest fans.
VindicatioN - Thanks for not fitting my ACiD stereotype... oh, and
also for the interview... begging can I have leech
access on your board, PLEASE? PLEASE?
One Thumb - Im back! Im gone! Im back! Im gone! I better shut
up, that might be me someday...
Dieter - Dont you call Valley of Death anymore? Oh well, I
guess youre still the coolest guy in 408... you have
no competition!
Lord Zaru - Yeah, Ill upload when I get around to it! jk
Shihear Kallizad - did I spell it right? Whats so special about judging
other peoples ANSi? Shouldnt it be the viewer who is
the judge? Just a suggestion...
Beastie - Get it right, fool! You still gonna help with
Midnight Sorrow - I thought your board was down...
Cavalier - Wheres TRACE?
Ricochet - Wheres Adrenalin?
Hannibal Lecter - Wheres Sea-Tac? P
Soto - Wheres your brain? :-
Final Descendant - Zimmers not in THIS group... so I guess you cant
knock it.
ShadowSorcerer - Shut up you egotistical fool!
Anyone I missed - Tough shit. jk If I know you and I missed you,
scream at me... or something, I cant well name every
person I need to greet and end up with a list like
Cavaliers but I can come close .
Primordial Chowders Greets:
Cisco - Congratulations and thanks for everything.
ShadowSorcerer - Did you spell your name right? :
How that phone comin?
Fallen Angel - Ungrateful punk.
Beastie - Greetings!
To everyone else - I have a mental block! :
KillRavens Greets:
ShadowSorcerer, Doctor Stupid, ReDMaN, Flick of the Switch, Ender,
Gentle Rabbi, and to all other KillRavens out there: Who are you?
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