this image contains text
ShadowSorcerer EMPiRE Memberlisting as of 12/31
KillRaven - ANSi Fluorescent Darkness - Music
Ender - Coding Dark Vision - West Coast
NightHawk - VGA Primordial Chowder - East Coast
ANSi Artists
Crusher Flick of the Switch The Fugitive Interloper KillRaven
Main Man Mind Rape Primordial Chowder RePlay ShadowSorcerer
VGA Artists
The Fugitive Hros Interloper NightHawk SySTEM-Z
Literary Artists
The Alchemist FlatLine The Fugitive Primordial Chowder
ShadowSorcerer Wire Fashion
Fluorescent Darkness Jellyfish
Armand Ender Interloper ShadowSorcerer SySTEM-Z
Crusader Wasted Youth
Trial Members
Strychnine The Mesmerist Deathmonger
Inactive Members
Black Sky ANSi Daemos Coder/Courier
The Unknown Soldier Courier
Menzoberranzan --- 512 --- World HQ
The Downtown Militarized Zone --- 512 --- U.S. HQ
Splendor Solis --- 705 --- Canadian HQ
Channel Zer0 --- 714 --- Courier HQ
After Dark Club --- 916 --- Western HQ
Falling Fast --- 601 --- Central HQ
Distribution Sites
Amber --- 914 216 --- Legion of Doom
Black Intrusion Countermeasures- 714 510 --- NegaTivLaNd
Bodily Harm --- 609 405 --- Private Sector
Chaotic Hysteria --- 919 609 --- The Spade
Chasm of Doom --- 904 914 --- Sound Garden
Corrosive Poison --- 516 619 --- SUSHi Bar Z
Dead Homies --- 410 215 --- Tactical Command
Deadly Intoxication --- 801 909 --- Terminal Rejection
The Death Gate --- 901 203 --- Total Chaos
De-Militarized Zone --- 414 209 --- The Ultimate Sin
The Excalibur --- 714 408 --- The Unknown Division
The Garden --- 705 206 -- USWorst Communication
Hackers Horizon --- 703 214 -Vengeance, Incorporated
Infinitys Edge --- 717 609 --- The Void
Lair of Klavikus --- 708 908 --- Warriors Realm
Member Boards
The Death Penalty --- 509 214 --- House of Insanity 2
Divine Intervention --- 714 510 --- Maze of Destiny
Final Chaos --- 512 509 --- Orgy of the Gods
The Game Frame --- 601 914 --- Steady Diet of Nothing
408 --- Valley of Death
* highlighted members/boards are new for December 1993
If any of the preceding information is invalid, please
inform a coordinator so that the error may be corrected.
If you are interested in becoming a member or site of EMPiRE,
please complete the application and upload it to an EMPiRE HQ.
For further information, please contact ShadowSorcerer or
Primordial Chowder on ToXiCNet or EMPiREnet.
ShadowSorcerer EMPiRE Memberlisting as of 12/31
KillRaven - ANSi Fluorescent Darkness - Music
Ender - Coding Dark Vision - West Coast
NightHawk - VGA Primordial Chowder - East Coast
ANSi Artists
Crusher Flick of the Switch The Fugitive Interloper KillRaven
Main Man Mind Rape Primordial Chowder RePlay ShadowSorcerer
VGA Artists
The Fugitive Hros Interloper NightHawk SySTEM-Z
Literary Artists
The Alchemist FlatLine The Fugitive Primordial Chowder
ShadowSorcerer Wire Fashion
Fluorescent Darkness Jellyfish
Armand Ender Interloper ShadowSorcerer SySTEM-Z
Crusader Wasted Youth
Trial Members
Strychnine The Mesmerist Deathmonger
Inactive Members
Black Sky ANSi Daemos Coder/Courier
The Unknown Soldier Courier
Menzoberranzan --- 512 --- World HQ
The Downtown Militarized Zone --- 512 --- U.S. HQ
Splendor Solis --- 705 --- Canadian HQ
Channel Zer0 --- 714 --- Courier HQ
After Dark Club --- 916 --- Western HQ
Falling Fast --- 601 --- Central HQ
Distribution Sites
Amber --- 914 216 --- Legion of Doom
Black Intrusion Countermeasures- 714 510 --- NegaTivLaNd
Bodily Harm --- 609 405 --- Private Sector
Chaotic Hysteria --- 919 609 --- The Spade
Chasm of Doom --- 904 914 --- Sound Garden
Corrosive Poison --- 516 619 --- SUSHi Bar Z
Dead Homies --- 410 215 --- Tactical Command
Deadly Intoxication --- 801 909 --- Terminal Rejection
The Death Gate --- 901 203 --- Total Chaos
De-Militarized Zone --- 414 209 --- The Ultimate Sin
The Excalibur --- 714 408 --- The Unknown Division
The Garden --- 705 206 -- USWorst Communication
Hackers Horizon --- 703 214 -Vengeance, Incorporated
Infinitys Edge --- 717 609 --- The Void
Lair of Klavikus --- 708 908 --- Warriors Realm
Member Boards
The Death Penalty --- 509 214 --- House of Insanity 2
Divine Intervention --- 714 510 --- Maze of Destiny
Final Chaos --- 512 509 --- Orgy of the Gods
The Game Frame --- 601 914 --- Steady Diet of Nothing
408 --- Valley of Death
* highlighted members/boards are new for December 1993
If any of the preceding information is invalid, please
inform a coordinator so that the error may be corrected.
If you are interested in becoming a member or site of EMPiRE,
please complete the application and upload it to an EMPiRE HQ.
For further information, please contact ShadowSorcerer or
Primordial Chowder on ToXiCNet or EMPiREnet.
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