this image contains text
this info file was written by bobtj and tweed.
e W s...
1 We at mOP would like to sincerly apologize for letting bedlam
so much as do anything. It wont happen again.
2 Leroy is coding jiffy view twothousand. If its not done by
next month we will become angry and overtake a small third
world country. Watch out.
3 n - aylkyl net will soon be running. This is mOPs official
net, so of course its not only a really bitchin, but
innovative, fun, and interactive.
4 mOP got lots of new members this month. Their names are
marked by an * in the memberlist.
s t Uf f ...
4 I think this space could be put to good use by mentioning that
a local 708 group, stab, is currently dead. And were not.
And bedlam is a homo.
5 This pack is late because the entire mOP senior staff was abducted
and studied by aliens for three weeks, one day and four hours.
The sneaky space monkeys also managed to corrupt our web and ftp
5 This long abduction also prevented us the senior staff from being
able to draw. On the bright side, we now posses the ability to
vaporize any matter simply by thought. Fear us you doodleboys.
so there wasnt much to
this info file.
28 is a homosexual.
this info file was written by bobtj and tweed.
e W s...
1 We at mOP would like to sincerly apologize for letting bedlam
so much as do anything. It wont happen again.
2 Leroy is coding jiffy view twothousand. If its not done by
next month we will become angry and overtake a small third
world country. Watch out.
3 n - aylkyl net will soon be running. This is mOPs official
net, so of course its not only a really bitchin, but
innovative, fun, and interactive.
4 mOP got lots of new members this month. Their names are
marked by an * in the memberlist.
s t Uf f ...
4 I think this space could be put to good use by mentioning that
a local 708 group, stab, is currently dead. And were not.
And bedlam is a homo.
5 This pack is late because the entire mOP senior staff was abducted
and studied by aliens for three weeks, one day and four hours.
The sneaky space monkeys also managed to corrupt our web and ftp
5 This long abduction also prevented us the senior staff from being
able to draw. On the bright side, we now posses the ability to
vaporize any matter simply by thought. Fear us you doodleboys.
so there wasnt much to
this info file.
28 is a homosexual.
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