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if you want to contact me e-mail at
cool.vanhout@ping.be or go on irc at mop wsmop
hysteria : 32-2-within3months - pcboard.art.oriented
+oo whitesnake - torlock pop
Yes! hysteria is coming back real soon!
This ansi was made by ws and tp for m0p nineteen ninty six!
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ this one is an oldie. It was a joint with tp long ago, we never released
it official so here it is ... I know its an old font back of 92...
and yes she has big ****!
..also I dedicate this ansi to my friend who has killed himself. I knew
cool.vanhout@ping.be or go on irc at mop wsmop
hysteria : 32-2-within3months - pcboard.art.oriented
+oo whitesnake - torlock pop
Yes! hysteria is coming back real soon!
This ansi was made by ws and tp for m0p nineteen ninty six!
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ this one is an oldie. It was a joint with tp long ago, we never released
it official so here it is ... I know its an old font back of 92...
and yes she has big ****!
..also I dedicate this ansi to my friend who has killed himself. I knew
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