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0796 member listing
m O p i n t H e 9 6
bob the janitor founder bobtj@wwa.com
tweed founder
staff members:
bedlam general coord mcgrath@wwa.com
bob the janitor rip head bobtj@wwa.com
pushead ansi head kevinf@jax.gulfnet.com
quisling vga head quisling@i1.net
number 28 gives head davepace@ix.netcom.com
abnormal ab
arrogance ack fc3@cris.com
baltazar b2 baltazar@gim.net
bedlam bm mcgrath@wwa.com
blandest b1 b1andest@freedomnet.com
bob the janitor btj bobtj@wwa.com
catbones iz not really a cs cat@rollanet.org
clark kent full ck ck@escape.ca
cold and ugly because cu cu@ice.org
corpulent cow member cc corpcow@ice.org
cpu radman cp
deaccession is a dn deac@ican.ca
embee tool. 36 conforti@csd.uwm.edu
icto io
gigglefoxes gf gf@liii.com
infernal flames if flames@rabbit.stack.ru
liithn ln
mendator md mendator@saru.ct.se
night blade nb
number 28 28 davepace@ix.netcom.com
pfez pf ansi@algo.net
pixel pusher pp neptune@dfw.net
pushead 9h kevinf@jax.gulfnet.com
quisling qs quisling@i1.net
tabaqui tq tabaqui@rollanet.org
terminal psychosis tp
tweed td
vengeance vn kadams@satellite56.com
vertiglo vl fargone@flash.net
whitesnake ws cool.vanhout@ping.be
wildcat wc wildcat@teleplex.net
winbee wb aladdin@erols.com
xedgex xe bishop@excaliber.com
hydrocephalus hc cephalus@ix.netcom.com
shivan bastard sb murray@jax.gulfnet.com
toxic403 tx kris@connect.ab.ca
vibrance vb
vital chaos vc baseg@interaccess.com
other members:
blackened courier
coffee groupie jmiller@grosseile.k12.mi.us
hack hacker hack@industry-dm.com
intensity hacker int@ix.netcom.com
mrsmiley mascot/bot
professa booty telecom professa@cybertide.com
rainmaker assassin rmaker@ice.org
redreflection stripper rreflect@dfw.net
winston groupie wfaisten@grosseile.k12.mi.us
official places:
gyromite +1708420-2049 world headquarters
the official mOp web place http://www.magpage.com/mop/
mOp ftp site wuarchive.wustl.edu
+-------------------------- mOp enterprises 1996 --------------------------+
tip: scroll upward.
m O p i n t H e 9 6
bob the janitor founder bobtj@wwa.com
tweed founder
staff members:
bedlam general coord mcgrath@wwa.com
bob the janitor rip head bobtj@wwa.com
pushead ansi head kevinf@jax.gulfnet.com
quisling vga head quisling@i1.net
number 28 gives head davepace@ix.netcom.com
abnormal ab
arrogance ack fc3@cris.com
baltazar b2 baltazar@gim.net
bedlam bm mcgrath@wwa.com
blandest b1 b1andest@freedomnet.com
bob the janitor btj bobtj@wwa.com
catbones iz not really a cs cat@rollanet.org
clark kent full ck ck@escape.ca
cold and ugly because cu cu@ice.org
corpulent cow member cc corpcow@ice.org
cpu radman cp
deaccession is a dn deac@ican.ca
embee tool. 36 conforti@csd.uwm.edu
icto io
gigglefoxes gf gf@liii.com
infernal flames if flames@rabbit.stack.ru
liithn ln
mendator md mendator@saru.ct.se
night blade nb
number 28 28 davepace@ix.netcom.com
pfez pf ansi@algo.net
pixel pusher pp neptune@dfw.net
pushead 9h kevinf@jax.gulfnet.com
quisling qs quisling@i1.net
tabaqui tq tabaqui@rollanet.org
terminal psychosis tp
tweed td
vengeance vn kadams@satellite56.com
vertiglo vl fargone@flash.net
whitesnake ws cool.vanhout@ping.be
wildcat wc wildcat@teleplex.net
winbee wb aladdin@erols.com
xedgex xe bishop@excaliber.com
hydrocephalus hc cephalus@ix.netcom.com
shivan bastard sb murray@jax.gulfnet.com
toxic403 tx kris@connect.ab.ca
vibrance vb
vital chaos vc baseg@interaccess.com
other members:
blackened courier
coffee groupie jmiller@grosseile.k12.mi.us
hack hacker hack@industry-dm.com
intensity hacker int@ix.netcom.com
mrsmiley mascot/bot
professa booty telecom professa@cybertide.com
rainmaker assassin rmaker@ice.org
redreflection stripper rreflect@dfw.net
winston groupie wfaisten@grosseile.k12.mi.us
official places:
gyromite +1708420-2049 world headquarters
the official mOp web place http://www.magpage.com/mop/
mOp ftp site wuarchive.wustl.edu
+-------------------------- mOp enterprises 1996 --------------------------+
tip: scroll upward.
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