this image contains text
mOp font by unsanE
upon your shoulders my son,
you carry the sins of my world
cc! prouctio
h o u s e o f t h e h o l y
ansi by tetanus ice
house of the holy advertisement c 1996 corpulent cow and ice advertisements
house of the holy. sysop, bigge pif. cosysops, whoever. affils, fire member
board. number, xxx-xxx-xxxx. call now. the sin of the world depends on you.
just for those of you visually impaired or for the fact that the ansi sucks,
this is supposed to be like jesus doing a pushup with the cross on his back.
so its not very clear. 80 columns wide was all i had, i didnt want a bin. :
the mop font at the top was taken from unsaneacid, and the hoth font taken
from tetanusice. thanks greatly to both, since if i didnt use theirs, i
wouldve had to display one of my godawful fonts :
upon your shoulders my son,
you carry the sins of my world
cc! prouctio
h o u s e o f t h e h o l y
ansi by tetanus ice
house of the holy advertisement c 1996 corpulent cow and ice advertisements
house of the holy. sysop, bigge pif. cosysops, whoever. affils, fire member
board. number, xxx-xxx-xxxx. call now. the sin of the world depends on you.
just for those of you visually impaired or for the fact that the ansi sucks,
this is supposed to be like jesus doing a pushup with the cross on his back.
so its not very clear. 80 columns wide was all i had, i didnt want a bin. :
the mop font at the top was taken from unsaneacid, and the hoth font taken
from tetanusice. thanks greatly to both, since if i didnt use theirs, i
wouldve had to display one of my godawful fonts :
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