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mOp! member listings 2/96
m p
artiSts: * new addition
bob the janitor btj ansi, rip bobtj@wwa.com
tweed td ansi, rip, vga bobtj@wwa.com
bedlam bm ansi, rip, vga mcgrath@wwa.com
number 28 28 ansi, rip
* catbones cs vga contributor cat@rollanet.org
* halaster hal ansi halaster@cmu.edu
* illusion x ix ansi illx@primenet.com
* mephitopeles mp ansi soe@netcom.com
* scribble bb ansi robert.chang@darkness.metronj.org
* 7 degrees 7d ansi woodtree@netside.com
* trip tr rip thrust@primenet.com
* white insanity wi ansi
miSC. mEMBers:
skadistic groupie
affiLIAted bOArds:
rusted water w0rld place
* bent canAdian place
* ground zer0 iSraeli place
* inner sanctum austrALian plaCe
* nite-lite aFrican place
* underground nation sweDIsh pLace
alderAAn eastern plACe
* the regency sOUthern place
offICIAl sites:
* achoo Member boarD
* graveyard shift m3mber boaRd
jello insanity meMber boArd
lans laughter memBer bOard
poo! membEr Board
state of euphoria membeR board
* official mOp web place www hoME page http://shoga.wwa.com/mcgrath/mop
* official mOp ftp site ftp site arpeggio.res.cmu.edu
m p
artiSts: * new addition
bob the janitor btj ansi, rip bobtj@wwa.com
tweed td ansi, rip, vga bobtj@wwa.com
bedlam bm ansi, rip, vga mcgrath@wwa.com
number 28 28 ansi, rip
* catbones cs vga contributor cat@rollanet.org
* halaster hal ansi halaster@cmu.edu
* illusion x ix ansi illx@primenet.com
* mephitopeles mp ansi soe@netcom.com
* scribble bb ansi robert.chang@darkness.metronj.org
* 7 degrees 7d ansi woodtree@netside.com
* trip tr rip thrust@primenet.com
* white insanity wi ansi
miSC. mEMBers:
skadistic groupie
affiLIAted bOArds:
rusted water w0rld place
* bent canAdian place
* ground zer0 iSraeli place
* inner sanctum austrALian plaCe
* nite-lite aFrican place
* underground nation sweDIsh pLace
alderAAn eastern plACe
* the regency sOUthern place
offICIAl sites:
* achoo Member boarD
* graveyard shift m3mber boaRd
jello insanity meMber boArd
lans laughter memBer bOard
poo! membEr Board
state of euphoria membeR board
* official mOp web place www hoME page http://shoga.wwa.com/mcgrath/mop
* official mOp ftp site ftp site arpeggio.res.cmu.edu
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