this image contains text
--whats up
Hey all, we made it to number 3. Damn... never
thought it would happen! Thanks to all the moist members
and shit like that, and keep doing hella bad ass shit! :
--this month
This month was CRAZY for us! 2 of our HQs went
down in the middle of september... and it was a bitch
it was a bitch contacting all the members... but i got my
password back on the net so, ill be seeing ya there! :
we have some new members this month.
Our new TEMPWHQ is now jaby! so all you members
MUST CALL AND REGISTERl by next month or you are out of the group.
group. I am tired ofplay mister courier man, and picking
up 160 every month. Weble has helped out GREATLY this month,
with playing jr. courier man : But anyways...
New members this month:
Dr. Freeze - AWSOME vga artist from nowhere.
in works-Tapeworm - crazy ass punk that runs stupid
hilby - our askii cord...
--right now
Right now we need, again, distros, and some more
members would also be nice : But we need a canda, north
south and a west HQs. Thanks... and moist members, when on
IRC, stay in moist, we pop in every hour or so..
--last month
Last month was a very good month for us, we all
did nice work. We really didnt forget anything last month.
But check out like 0995revu for a good laugh, i guess weble
dropped to much acid agian!
Check out pinheads work from last, then look at
his shit this month, MAJOR improvment! Good luck in the
ansi sceen pinpecker :
Oh, big sorrys to CYRTAL SKUNK for spelling his name
wrong in the members listing :
weble - its your birthday, merry christmas, happey easter..:
pinhead - you got WAY better f00lio! :
speed - where is your work niq?
phantax - no work either....blah! :
blind fury - nice board! when its up :
terminal preppie - terminal, terminal, terminal preppie!
weble blured out errors so I get my address too
--whats up
Hey all, we made it to number 3. Damn... never
thought it would happen! Thanks to all the moist members
and shit like that, and keep doing hella bad ass shit! :
--this month
This month was CRAZY for us! 2 of our HQs went
down in the middle of september... and it was a bitch
it was a bitch contacting all the members... but i got my
password back on the net so, ill be seeing ya there! :
we have some new members this month.
Our new TEMPWHQ is now jaby! so all you members
MUST CALL AND REGISTERl by next month or you are out of the group.
group. I am tired ofplay mister courier man, and picking
up 160 every month. Weble has helped out GREATLY this month,
with playing jr. courier man : But anyways...
New members this month:
Dr. Freeze - AWSOME vga artist from nowhere.
in works-Tapeworm - crazy ass punk that runs stupid
hilby - our askii cord...
--right now
Right now we need, again, distros, and some more
members would also be nice : But we need a canda, north
south and a west HQs. Thanks... and moist members, when on
IRC, stay in moist, we pop in every hour or so..
--last month
Last month was a very good month for us, we all
did nice work. We really didnt forget anything last month.
But check out like 0995revu for a good laugh, i guess weble
dropped to much acid agian!
Check out pinheads work from last, then look at
his shit this month, MAJOR improvment! Good luck in the
ansi sceen pinpecker :
Oh, big sorrys to CYRTAL SKUNK for spelling his name
wrong in the members listing :
weble - its your birthday, merry christmas, happey easter..:
pinhead - you got WAY better f00lio! :
speed - where is your work niq?
phantax - no work either....blah! :
blind fury - nice board! when its up :
terminal preppie - terminal, terminal, terminal preppie!
weble blured out errors so I get my address too
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