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g r o u p n e w s
civid -
Here is where we are comming from, the central california area code 2o9.
Groups seem to have many probs surviving here. I am doing this to keep people
interested in the underground. WE have to do somthing. I mean, GUI is poping
up all over the place. People are forget where is started. I mean, GUIs are
cool and all.. buts that all they ever know. Know one will know that storys
behind A.A.A, BaD, ACiD, RELiC, F.A.W.K, TRiBE, GOTHiC, BREED, LASPE and all of
those awsome revolutionarys that help the underground get so big. Give some
kids at your school, or work a disk with like, Telemate on it. Make a batch
file that installs for them... do whatever. Keep it alive. There is only so
much one person can do.
Anyone can join this group. But they have to meet one requirerment. They have
to care. Care about where they came from, and where the underground is going
to lead. If wareZ, phreaking, art or whatever is your thing. MAkE THE BEST
OF IT YOU CAN. If you dont were fucked.
Thanks for your time. Remember where WE came from.
civid mOist/dAMp
kid frost -
i dont know why but i just started drawing this shit. ansees... ans-eyes.
whatever you wanna call them. its kinda funny being a senior member back
in the crisis days. but thats the past. and since ive been bored on this
piece of shit computer, and since the board went down. just been fucking
around with aciddraw and shit.
i dont consider myself an artist. i consider myself someone who knows
somewhat on how to put blocks together. i mean fuck. its just like putting
them fucking legos together and shit. i cant draw worth shit anyway. just
surprises me that i can somewhat put them fucking legos together. :
kid frost
civid.keeping the 2O9 alive. thas cool. atleast someone is doing it.
im just lazy as hell ya know. :
darkforce.fool where ya been. you seen my shitty shit? its funny as
fuck huh? : me drawing/putting legos together. i mean them
damn ugly assss-ansis..
phantom-lord.once i get a fucking irc account. ill call your board telenet
or whatever. damn nexus/2 freak. :
smoke.uh, keep drawing fool. your pretty good. actually everyones better
than my ass.. the only thing i know is somewhat on how to run and
help a group. like back in the day. :
blackknight.where da fuck ya at bitch?
hunchback.man i doubt youd see this. but if you came back itd be tight.
be like crisis back in the day, rmember.
sludge.i doubt youd see this shit too. but anyway, come back to 2O9 bi-atch.
kid frost mOist?
CRiSiS.rest in peace-forever! 96
nofx -
call my bbs!! and does anyone wanna buy a halfpipe!! :
g r o u p n e w s
civid -
Here is where we are comming from, the central california area code 2o9.
Groups seem to have many probs surviving here. I am doing this to keep people
interested in the underground. WE have to do somthing. I mean, GUI is poping
up all over the place. People are forget where is started. I mean, GUIs are
cool and all.. buts that all they ever know. Know one will know that storys
behind A.A.A, BaD, ACiD, RELiC, F.A.W.K, TRiBE, GOTHiC, BREED, LASPE and all of
those awsome revolutionarys that help the underground get so big. Give some
kids at your school, or work a disk with like, Telemate on it. Make a batch
file that installs for them... do whatever. Keep it alive. There is only so
much one person can do.
Anyone can join this group. But they have to meet one requirerment. They have
to care. Care about where they came from, and where the underground is going
to lead. If wareZ, phreaking, art or whatever is your thing. MAkE THE BEST
OF IT YOU CAN. If you dont were fucked.
Thanks for your time. Remember where WE came from.
civid mOist/dAMp
kid frost -
i dont know why but i just started drawing this shit. ansees... ans-eyes.
whatever you wanna call them. its kinda funny being a senior member back
in the crisis days. but thats the past. and since ive been bored on this
piece of shit computer, and since the board went down. just been fucking
around with aciddraw and shit.
i dont consider myself an artist. i consider myself someone who knows
somewhat on how to put blocks together. i mean fuck. its just like putting
them fucking legos together and shit. i cant draw worth shit anyway. just
surprises me that i can somewhat put them fucking legos together. :
kid frost
civid.keeping the 2O9 alive. thas cool. atleast someone is doing it.
im just lazy as hell ya know. :
darkforce.fool where ya been. you seen my shitty shit? its funny as
fuck huh? : me drawing/putting legos together. i mean them
damn ugly assss-ansis..
phantom-lord.once i get a fucking irc account. ill call your board telenet
or whatever. damn nexus/2 freak. :
smoke.uh, keep drawing fool. your pretty good. actually everyones better
than my ass.. the only thing i know is somewhat on how to run and
help a group. like back in the day. :
blackknight.where da fuck ya at bitch?
hunchback.man i doubt youd see this. but if you came back itd be tight.
be like crisis back in the day, rmember.
sludge.i doubt youd see this shit too. but anyway, come back to 2O9 bi-atch.
kid frost mOist?
CRiSiS.rest in peace-forever! 96
nofx -
call my bbs!! and does anyone wanna buy a halfpipe!! :
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