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Msg : 534/538 Base: TAB Literature
Date : 04 Dec 94 21:28:03 Stat: Sent Kill
From : Tzeentch
To : All
Title: that gunk...
the last 4 posts... well, i wrote all those today whilst listening to
music... the part about the voice of god resembles that bad religion
song... it fit too... just like the circle of tears part in humanity...
one day id like to perform those. right now i HAVE to perform one of them -
my english mark relies on that. blah.
you may notice similarities to songs youve heard, i was probably listening to
it at the time...
oh well, why did i post that? i dunno.. i think merlyns message sort of
motivated me to open up a bit more.. the thoughts and ideas there are
expected i suppose by my english teacher, but i think most of them hold true
with me...
oh well.
for some weird reason i posted in the opposite order i wrote them... oh well..
Date : 04 Dec 94 21:28:03 Stat: Sent Kill
From : Tzeentch
To : All
Title: that gunk...
the last 4 posts... well, i wrote all those today whilst listening to
music... the part about the voice of god resembles that bad religion
song... it fit too... just like the circle of tears part in humanity...
one day id like to perform those. right now i HAVE to perform one of them -
my english mark relies on that. blah.
you may notice similarities to songs youve heard, i was probably listening to
it at the time...
oh well, why did i post that? i dunno.. i think merlyns message sort of
motivated me to open up a bit more.. the thoughts and ideas there are
expected i suppose by my english teacher, but i think most of them hold true
with me...
oh well.
for some weird reason i posted in the opposite order i wrote them... oh well..
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