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And here we are for one more 2019 presentation before not just the year but
the decade ticks over. We released artpacks in the 90s, took the noughties
off, released artpacks in the teens, and by gum it sure looks as though
releasing artpacks in the 20s will become unavoidable. 2019 was a big year
for milestones: not only the 25th year since our establishment, but this
year we hit the target of 2000 Instagram followers are we an influencer
yet?, achieving a total of 10 thousand artworks released in our artpacks.
Speaking of which, change of plans: for next months artpack in mid January,
were shifting gears and releasing art on themes of gallery and street art,
taking on the masters and feeding them into the digitizer! If youre piqued
by the theme, please dont hesitate to send something in! Despite a lot of
talk on the subject, we didnt quite manage to get The Complete Recordings Of
Mistigris And The 604 theyre all converted to MP3, but with unhelpful
filenames and no metadata in to Araknet and PVM radio, but maybe over the
holidays! And maybe I can put a little more work into the stalled Kithe
15, who knows. Last year we dropped a thirteenth artpack, a collection of
self-portraits. Can we squeeze in another end of year surprise? I hate to
make decisive pronouncements, so... I guess well see! Perhaps it will
surprise even me.
A big festive holiday thanks to all the artists who have shared their art
with us over the decades, especially those in for the long haul Melodia must
surely be about fed up with my shenanigans at this point. A special tip of
the Santa hat to LDA for the ugly Christmas sweater FILEID.DIZ design I
poached here for the newsletter, and a big welcome to Odd, making their
artpack debut here this month with some warm-up ANSI art. And thanks to all
our prolific purveyors of seasonal art, from the traditional Blippypixel,
Freeze64 to the transgressive Im looking at you, Theresa! Finally, cheers
to our friends and colleagues out there in the computer art space!
In conclusion, ho, ho and ... ho.
And here we are for one more 2019 presentation before not just the year but
the decade ticks over. We released artpacks in the 90s, took the noughties
off, released artpacks in the teens, and by gum it sure looks as though
releasing artpacks in the 20s will become unavoidable. 2019 was a big year
for milestones: not only the 25th year since our establishment, but this
year we hit the target of 2000 Instagram followers are we an influencer
yet?, achieving a total of 10 thousand artworks released in our artpacks.
Speaking of which, change of plans: for next months artpack in mid January,
were shifting gears and releasing art on themes of gallery and street art,
taking on the masters and feeding them into the digitizer! If youre piqued
by the theme, please dont hesitate to send something in! Despite a lot of
talk on the subject, we didnt quite manage to get The Complete Recordings Of
Mistigris And The 604 theyre all converted to MP3, but with unhelpful
filenames and no metadata in to Araknet and PVM radio, but maybe over the
holidays! And maybe I can put a little more work into the stalled Kithe
15, who knows. Last year we dropped a thirteenth artpack, a collection of
self-portraits. Can we squeeze in another end of year surprise? I hate to
make decisive pronouncements, so... I guess well see! Perhaps it will
surprise even me.
A big festive holiday thanks to all the artists who have shared their art
with us over the decades, especially those in for the long haul Melodia must
surely be about fed up with my shenanigans at this point. A special tip of
the Santa hat to LDA for the ugly Christmas sweater FILEID.DIZ design I
poached here for the newsletter, and a big welcome to Odd, making their
artpack debut here this month with some warm-up ANSI art. And thanks to all
our prolific purveyors of seasonal art, from the traditional Blippypixel,
Freeze64 to the transgressive Im looking at you, Theresa! Finally, cheers
to our friends and colleagues out there in the computer art space!
In conclusion, ho, ho and ... ho.
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