this image contains text
t h e e r
the blender mist pack
cthulu wait a sec, isnt this a mist pack?
mistigris: the
blender champs
infofile 1/2, november 1997
cthulu Thats better, I think...
w e l come
hey. mistigris has been taking part in blenders an IRC compo for quite
some time now but unlike most other groups who participate, we havent been
releasing our entries along with the rest of our art in our semimonthly
pack releases.
this has lead to the stockpiling of several megs of really cool art.
it was only until now, however, noting the lack of a november pack so far,
paired with the new responsibilities weve taken on by taking charge of all
blenders from now on from warpus dont worry, its with his blessing 8 that
we realized that wed better do something about the situation.
hence this pack.
cthulu out.
oh yeah - for those people who dont like downloading packs stuffed full
of art of questionable format, weve stuck most of the music into M-BLEND2.ZIP so if youre into that sort of thing, go out there by all means and grab it.
n e w s
seeing as this is a mist pack and some stuff has happened to us since the
release of the last pack, this is a good place to talk about it.
the coolest thing is that were in charge of blenders now, but I already said
we have a new SOUTHERN HEADQUARTERS Infinite Darkness, run by the
megalomaniac Midnight Sorrow.
also, due to other member presence in the area Neosmurf Tantilized Dreams,
run by Javist, is the new Mistigris Winnipeg Headquarters. Only for a bit,
though hes moving to the 604 area code that cool place where were based
in February.
for various reasons I cite the curse of Daemons Gate, but ask me about that
later The Jade Monkey is still acting as the effective WHQ for Mistigris, but this is only a temporary measure until more suitable facilities can be found
or constructed.
weve had some member movements...
Date: 1:49 am Sun Nov 9, 1997
From: Tincat
To : Cthulu
Subj: Hey
Thats it man. I think Im out. Take my name off the memberlist please.
Its been some fun though.
tincat Mistigris was the best group in the scene, why would I quit to join
a lesser group
platz words from the man
In other words, Tincat has dropped Mistigris and the scene as a whole.
Now, hes done similar things in the past, but it looks like this time he means
it, coming back only periodically to dump on fRGNfRUZ. What nobler motivation
could there be?
*** Topic for Mist: tell cthulu Ill be on temporary leave from mist to
explore new horizons.. - dead soul
In other words, Dead Soul has also dropped Mistigris while he plays the
status game in the ASCII scene, seeing how high he can get before burning out
and falling back to earth. Well get the honour of passing around the jar full
of his ashes.
Weve also got a few new members coming in: Mr. Wrong, Virus and
Twisted Foo, all to the ANSI department. Yay!
and thats pretty much all that weve done since the release of the last
pack our third anniversary pack. oh yeah, we released 11th e-mag issue
number one, and keep your eyes peeled for a compilation pack stuffed chock
full o work from yours truly. but because I know lit doesnt have the
drawing power it never had, theres a hook its a pack of all of my
collaborations. so go out and download get ready to read - where else will
you find Halaster, Eerie, ts, Iodine, Fire from Heaven, Tomppa, Darkforce
and Fever all releasing in the same pack?
c o n tents
for those of you titiliated only by success, the following should direct you
to all of those mistigris blender entries which won us points culminating
in our tie for first place standing at latest count:
Blender 20 - Monks / Playing Water Polo / in Venice
by Cthulu, Mavrik, Handiboy and Nitnatsnoc
MISTBLND.EXE and A hilarious ANSI-movie in true
HB-MONK.S3M Eerie form. Fun for the whole family.
It won us two points our first win
for the tag-team blender. If you only
check out one file in this pack, make
this it.
Blender 23 - Spies / Fighting / Underwater
by Handiboy
HB-MIEUW.S3M An award-winning remix of the Mission:
on disk two Impossible theme song with a blenderized twist! U2, eat your heart out!
Blender 29 - Rock and Roll / Goth Party / Encyclopedia Salesman
by Happyfish, Cthulu, Jughead and Handiboy
MIST-29.EXE and Included are an .EXE created in Pablo
CTHB-ROC.S3M showing an illustrated story in verse,
on disk two as well as a remix of Rock and Roll
by Gary Glitter.
Blender 30 - Ninja / Sweatshop / Kung-Fu Fighting!
by Happyfish, Cthulu and Handiboy
CHOPSHOP.ZIP An E-mag coded in Browser the language
Eerie created for Undergrown completely done within the 5-hour contraints of the tag-team blender which this was, winning two points in its runner-up ranking.
Check out the article which is actually
the ALT.SEX FAQ in disguise 8
Blender 33 - The Pope / Swimming / in a Pond
by Handiboy
HB-POPE.ANS This entry was done in the last half
hour of the 3-hour compo and it won.
What can we say? Handiboy rocks 8
Blender 38 - Sherlock Holmes / Dancing / at the YMCA
by Quip, Cthulu, Grinch, and Handiboy
SHERLOCK.ANS, All three of these entries were done
GRN-SH.RIP and within a three-hour period on the two
MIST-B38.S3M computers in Cthulus basement.
on disk two
Originally Warpus thought that the files were separate entries, in which case we
would have won first, second AND third
places 8
Blender 39 - Midgets / Wrestling / in Canada
by Quip and Tincat
TCQP-B39.ANS More mist members probably contributed
to this blender than to any other,
Cthulu, Geekboy, Happyfish, Dead Soul,
Haquisaqs TWO entries, as well as
Quip and Tincat and well, this is the
cream of the crop. No, Im not trying
to sound sexy.
o t h ersof not e
TEXTGAME.ZIP - By Cthulu, Skrubly and Merlyn. A complete text
game in the Adventure Game Toolkit metalanguage, which Kithe Issue 14 was also coded in done in
the five hours of this tag-team blender.
Its a bit slow at the beginning, but if you make it to the end, you should be falling out of your
chair with laughter. Ask us for hints 8
MA-BLND1.ZIP - By Mavrik. The first game submitted as a
blender entry, using the words E.T. / scared
/ stonehenge. This may sound tame, but
consider the alternate title: No more Mr. Nice
Alien. You get to fry tourists at Stonehenge
with his glowing finger. yES@!!
MIST-B35.ANS - Story by Skrubly and Cthulu, illustrations by
Happyfish and Jughead. Truly a great epic of
sacrifice in legoland, chronicling the war of the vegetables versus the vegans.
What can I say? We were robbed 8.
GRN36.ZIP - QBasic loader incorporating Elvis, Batman, AND
a funky sound clip. It must be experienced. By
Grinch, the funk man himself.
HB-RVOLT.S3M - The official background music of foam boffing,
and it was brought to Crash 97 specifically for
that purpose. The fact that we ended up boffing to the accompaniment of whistles and tap dancing
is irrelevant 8
ELVIS!.ANS - A story by Quip, illustrated by Dead Soul and
Happyfish, theorizing how Warpus and Hennifer
would spend their summer afternoons, terrorizing
Elvis as he barbecues sausages in his backyard!
But soon the tables are turned and it is they who learn the true meaning of the word terror!
Directed by Sam Raimi. Coming soon to a theatre
near you.
PT22G33K.ANS - This mistigris team two entry which didnt do
quite as well as team 1 - but thats
understandable considering that they spent almost half the time trying to contact authorities in
Toronto regarding a suicide threat from
Platinum, g33kb00bz and Catch22 is more than a
little messed up, but check out the angsty
spelling in the Ninfu Sweatshop logo.
SHERLOCK.ANS - This file has already been mentionned above, but
I have to make clear that the construction worker iSNT wEARING aNY pANTS!@!
And the people who drew it didnt think that
there was anything wrong with that! Eek!
But hey, Im not gonna tell you what they were
wearing when they drew it in my basement 8
TE-BEAN.ANS - This is the very FIRST submission from any mist
member to any blender. Also, the most surreal.
NEOPHYTE.LIT - Second-oldest, second-most-surreal 8.
cause these are just the ones I could think up
witty coments about. and dont forget the music
disclaime r
Yeah, you might have noticed that there are a few entries which seem to be,
well, incomplete. Consider these a sort of bonus... in most cases, this is
the first and only release theyll ever see. In the rest of them, its almost certainly the LAST release theyll know 8
Files fitting this warning include HB-B35.LIT but surely you could have
guessed that 8, the second Serial Killers entry, Cthulus song for Blender
33, and US-HUGE.JPG hey, the file was corrupt in the official blender
archive, and none of the contributing artists have the original file anymore.
Eh. Still, dont let the presence of these files prevent you from having a
thoroughly enjoyable blender experience 8
b y e
the 49th blender will be held: the 50th blender will be held:
sunday, december 7th sunday, december 14th
4:30pm - 7:30pm pst 4:30pm - 9:30pm pst
7:30pm - 9:30pm est 7:30pm - 11:30pm est
blender on EFnet blender on EFnet
please join us.
t h e e r
the blender mist pack
cthulu wait a sec, isnt this a mist pack?
mistigris: the
blender champs
infofile 1/2, november 1997
cthulu Thats better, I think...
w e l come
hey. mistigris has been taking part in blenders an IRC compo for quite
some time now but unlike most other groups who participate, we havent been
releasing our entries along with the rest of our art in our semimonthly
pack releases.
this has lead to the stockpiling of several megs of really cool art.
it was only until now, however, noting the lack of a november pack so far,
paired with the new responsibilities weve taken on by taking charge of all
blenders from now on from warpus dont worry, its with his blessing 8 that
we realized that wed better do something about the situation.
hence this pack.
cthulu out.
oh yeah - for those people who dont like downloading packs stuffed full
of art of questionable format, weve stuck most of the music into M-BLEND2.ZIP so if youre into that sort of thing, go out there by all means and grab it.
n e w s
seeing as this is a mist pack and some stuff has happened to us since the
release of the last pack, this is a good place to talk about it.
the coolest thing is that were in charge of blenders now, but I already said
we have a new SOUTHERN HEADQUARTERS Infinite Darkness, run by the
megalomaniac Midnight Sorrow.
also, due to other member presence in the area Neosmurf Tantilized Dreams,
run by Javist, is the new Mistigris Winnipeg Headquarters. Only for a bit,
though hes moving to the 604 area code that cool place where were based
in February.
for various reasons I cite the curse of Daemons Gate, but ask me about that
later The Jade Monkey is still acting as the effective WHQ for Mistigris, but this is only a temporary measure until more suitable facilities can be found
or constructed.
weve had some member movements...
Date: 1:49 am Sun Nov 9, 1997
From: Tincat
To : Cthulu
Subj: Hey
Thats it man. I think Im out. Take my name off the memberlist please.
Its been some fun though.
tincat Mistigris was the best group in the scene, why would I quit to join
a lesser group
platz words from the man
In other words, Tincat has dropped Mistigris and the scene as a whole.
Now, hes done similar things in the past, but it looks like this time he means
it, coming back only periodically to dump on fRGNfRUZ. What nobler motivation
could there be?
*** Topic for Mist: tell cthulu Ill be on temporary leave from mist to
explore new horizons.. - dead soul
In other words, Dead Soul has also dropped Mistigris while he plays the
status game in the ASCII scene, seeing how high he can get before burning out
and falling back to earth. Well get the honour of passing around the jar full
of his ashes.
Weve also got a few new members coming in: Mr. Wrong, Virus and
Twisted Foo, all to the ANSI department. Yay!
and thats pretty much all that weve done since the release of the last
pack our third anniversary pack. oh yeah, we released 11th e-mag issue
number one, and keep your eyes peeled for a compilation pack stuffed chock
full o work from yours truly. but because I know lit doesnt have the
drawing power it never had, theres a hook its a pack of all of my
collaborations. so go out and download get ready to read - where else will
you find Halaster, Eerie, ts, Iodine, Fire from Heaven, Tomppa, Darkforce
and Fever all releasing in the same pack?
c o n tents
for those of you titiliated only by success, the following should direct you
to all of those mistigris blender entries which won us points culminating
in our tie for first place standing at latest count:
Blender 20 - Monks / Playing Water Polo / in Venice
by Cthulu, Mavrik, Handiboy and Nitnatsnoc
MISTBLND.EXE and A hilarious ANSI-movie in true
HB-MONK.S3M Eerie form. Fun for the whole family.
It won us two points our first win
for the tag-team blender. If you only
check out one file in this pack, make
this it.
Blender 23 - Spies / Fighting / Underwater
by Handiboy
HB-MIEUW.S3M An award-winning remix of the Mission:
on disk two Impossible theme song with a blenderized twist! U2, eat your heart out!
Blender 29 - Rock and Roll / Goth Party / Encyclopedia Salesman
by Happyfish, Cthulu, Jughead and Handiboy
MIST-29.EXE and Included are an .EXE created in Pablo
CTHB-ROC.S3M showing an illustrated story in verse,
on disk two as well as a remix of Rock and Roll
by Gary Glitter.
Blender 30 - Ninja / Sweatshop / Kung-Fu Fighting!
by Happyfish, Cthulu and Handiboy
CHOPSHOP.ZIP An E-mag coded in Browser the language
Eerie created for Undergrown completely done within the 5-hour contraints of the tag-team blender which this was, winning two points in its runner-up ranking.
Check out the article which is actually
the ALT.SEX FAQ in disguise 8
Blender 33 - The Pope / Swimming / in a Pond
by Handiboy
HB-POPE.ANS This entry was done in the last half
hour of the 3-hour compo and it won.
What can we say? Handiboy rocks 8
Blender 38 - Sherlock Holmes / Dancing / at the YMCA
by Quip, Cthulu, Grinch, and Handiboy
SHERLOCK.ANS, All three of these entries were done
GRN-SH.RIP and within a three-hour period on the two
MIST-B38.S3M computers in Cthulus basement.
on disk two
Originally Warpus thought that the files were separate entries, in which case we
would have won first, second AND third
places 8
Blender 39 - Midgets / Wrestling / in Canada
by Quip and Tincat
TCQP-B39.ANS More mist members probably contributed
to this blender than to any other,
Cthulu, Geekboy, Happyfish, Dead Soul,
Haquisaqs TWO entries, as well as
Quip and Tincat and well, this is the
cream of the crop. No, Im not trying
to sound sexy.
o t h ersof not e
TEXTGAME.ZIP - By Cthulu, Skrubly and Merlyn. A complete text
game in the Adventure Game Toolkit metalanguage, which Kithe Issue 14 was also coded in done in
the five hours of this tag-team blender.
Its a bit slow at the beginning, but if you make it to the end, you should be falling out of your
chair with laughter. Ask us for hints 8
MA-BLND1.ZIP - By Mavrik. The first game submitted as a
blender entry, using the words E.T. / scared
/ stonehenge. This may sound tame, but
consider the alternate title: No more Mr. Nice
Alien. You get to fry tourists at Stonehenge
with his glowing finger. yES@!!
MIST-B35.ANS - Story by Skrubly and Cthulu, illustrations by
Happyfish and Jughead. Truly a great epic of
sacrifice in legoland, chronicling the war of the vegetables versus the vegans.
What can I say? We were robbed 8.
GRN36.ZIP - QBasic loader incorporating Elvis, Batman, AND
a funky sound clip. It must be experienced. By
Grinch, the funk man himself.
HB-RVOLT.S3M - The official background music of foam boffing,
and it was brought to Crash 97 specifically for
that purpose. The fact that we ended up boffing to the accompaniment of whistles and tap dancing
is irrelevant 8
ELVIS!.ANS - A story by Quip, illustrated by Dead Soul and
Happyfish, theorizing how Warpus and Hennifer
would spend their summer afternoons, terrorizing
Elvis as he barbecues sausages in his backyard!
But soon the tables are turned and it is they who learn the true meaning of the word terror!
Directed by Sam Raimi. Coming soon to a theatre
near you.
PT22G33K.ANS - This mistigris team two entry which didnt do
quite as well as team 1 - but thats
understandable considering that they spent almost half the time trying to contact authorities in
Toronto regarding a suicide threat from
Platinum, g33kb00bz and Catch22 is more than a
little messed up, but check out the angsty
spelling in the Ninfu Sweatshop logo.
SHERLOCK.ANS - This file has already been mentionned above, but
I have to make clear that the construction worker iSNT wEARING aNY pANTS!@!
And the people who drew it didnt think that
there was anything wrong with that! Eek!
But hey, Im not gonna tell you what they were
wearing when they drew it in my basement 8
TE-BEAN.ANS - This is the very FIRST submission from any mist
member to any blender. Also, the most surreal.
NEOPHYTE.LIT - Second-oldest, second-most-surreal 8.
cause these are just the ones I could think up
witty coments about. and dont forget the music
disclaime r
Yeah, you might have noticed that there are a few entries which seem to be,
well, incomplete. Consider these a sort of bonus... in most cases, this is
the first and only release theyll ever see. In the rest of them, its almost certainly the LAST release theyll know 8
Files fitting this warning include HB-B35.LIT but surely you could have
guessed that 8, the second Serial Killers entry, Cthulus song for Blender
33, and US-HUGE.JPG hey, the file was corrupt in the official blender
archive, and none of the contributing artists have the original file anymore.
Eh. Still, dont let the presence of these files prevent you from having a
thoroughly enjoyable blender experience 8
b y e
the 49th blender will be held: the 50th blender will be held:
sunday, december 7th sunday, december 14th
4:30pm - 7:30pm pst 4:30pm - 9:30pm pst
7:30pm - 9:30pm est 7:30pm - 11:30pm est
blender on EFnet blender on EFnet
please join us.
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