this image contains text
mistigris memberlist october 2014
The following individuals have contributed to this collection:
Bah, Kasha! looked back at her historical contributions to Mistigris artpacks
and wrote a response to them. Her identity has been feebly obfuscated to
protect the innocent.
Bryan aka haquisaq somehow made it through the last 20 years alive. His more
recent creative efforts include composing hardware-oriented chip music under
the still equally stupid moniker bryface. Notably, he has had the rare
privilege of performing his music at chip music festivals around the world -
including places like Japan, Europe, and Australia - alongside many of the
global chip scenes foremost musicians.
He also ekes out his days as a web developer for a creative agency, bikes and
plays volleyball in his spare time, and eats three meals a day, sometimes four.
bryface.bandcamp.com / soundcloud.com/bryface / @bryfacetron
Cthulu warns: Dont get me started! After the computer artscene wound down, I
took up performance poetry with the early poetry slam scene. My poetic voice
was one of discontent and the persona was not healthy to maintain on a long-
term basis, so I switched streams back to music and will have been fronting
the jug band of the damned on an unruly accordion for 10 years come January.
reluctance.livejournal.com / videogamecomicads.blogspot.com / @unwashedmass
The very month Hallucigenia wrapped, Etana launched Keyframe Online, a
a tremendous animation resource. Red Haired Girl is part of her 100 Faces
portrait painting challenge at her homepage at tiltedwindmills.com
Fille of Galza has been in the Mistigris sphere since the summer of 1999 --
that is, too late to ever share creative work with us, until now. Cthulu made
a guest visit to the 22nd Galza artpack earlier this year and now Fille gets
a chance to return the favour. Find him on Twitter as @filipdehaes
Kevin Bryce wasnt there then, but he is here now. Hear more at
Livewire hasnt written a babble story like this one since Als House of Meats
closed up shop, but hes still got that wacky knack.
Were thrilled to have successfully tracked down our elusive Australian member
Maeve Wolf, a versatile visual artist with a portfolio at dashsharon.tumblr.com
Nearly a Mist member back in the day, we were fellow travellers with
Mattmatthew in TeklordZ. His guest art has represented Mistigris for years on
Wikipedia, and we are pleased to share his unfortunate piece with Blocktronics.
Melodia of Digitallusions was a sole proprietor music manufactory concern. In
this release we are pleased to present lit from her for the first time in
addition to two songs -- and keep your ears open for much more!
Logoist extraordinaire, Platinum fought the gods of computer security to set us
up a telnet BBS to act as a WHQ. House odds are typically on the gods.
Better known in a Mist context working in a different medium under different
handles, Psidream now releases drum n bass under the Nightfall imprint.
Publius Emeritus II is a onetime Mist member who isnt hiding that effectively.
Founder of EuphoniX, Sentience has given the music a rest and is resuming his
explorations into every other creative medium.
Formerly known as Silver Angel, Tillie continues to live and write in the 604
area. Shes been published in Salacious Magazine, and will be featured in the
upcoming Dirty Queer Anthology. Balancing being a queer, polyamourous feral
leatherwoman and handling donations at a church/homeless shelter, Tillie can be
found at @echnoidsymmetry on Twitter and on the book of face.
Eds note: Tillie is currently crowdfunding to be trained as a doula. I just
wanted to mention it because it very likely is something that has never been
said in an artpack before. If you wanted to support the campaign, that would
be cool also.
Tarot violated Finnish law in order to present us his submission, a remix of an
ANSI from 1997, replacing F3 blocks with hot, burning fire combusting through
a ceramic matrix. Thats what we like to refer to as extreme textmode art.
He can be found at facebook.com/joakimraaka
Another music machine, Theodoric got a little confused when the scene shifted
rocking the Amiga, his scene got rocked a little earlier than the PC kids,
but shaking his head he picked himself back up and has kept on keeping on.
Find more of his compositions at soundcloud.com/theorica
A former Mist member in disguise, Whazzit graces us with an ANSI-illustated
story... and a Gus. No, Gus is not the mascot of the Gravis Ultrasound.
Another former Mistigris member from the very beginning, WI has been jazzed to
discover that we didnt all go away forever. As are we, one supposes!
Zinc, aka J-Ray, has been active in many different art forms since his Kosmic /
Impulse Tracker days. After experimenting with rock and folk music, he formed
a three-piece live electronic band called Catscam, and continued making music
using live instruments. He pursued a career in Graphic Design, and dabbles in
visual art, slam poetry, calligraphy, and even dance. J-Ray is now a
competitive dodgeball player, part of the Vancouver Asian Film Festival
executive, studying Korean, and obsessing over ampersands.
www.j-ray.com / soundcloud.com/catastrophic-error / Instagram @DesignInVan
Thanks to our guests for the use of the fabulous Mist logos they made for us
before the full scope of our torpor was widely understood: header by Grymmjack
of Polyester, footer by rz and tr, and the fabulous salvaged FILEID.DIZ by
Thanks also to the following folks for emerging from retirement to join us,
if not in submitting artwork to this release, at least to act as moral support.
Heres hoping we get a chance to thrust more of their work to prominence again
sometime soon!
Adri, Ay Lektriq, Coyote, Crowkeeper, Da Vinci, Eoanya, Eto, The Extremist,
Flyingfish, Foolish Bird, The 4th Disciple, Freaq, Genocide Kitten,
God Among Lice, Hacker Joe, Halaster, Happyfish, Ice Cream Emperor,
The Itchy Swordsman, Jake Blues, Konami, Kyo, Mavrik, Melkor, Mr. Flibbles,
Mr. Wrong, Nitnatsnoc, Otnoo Ishphoo, Ozero, Pannekoekologist, The Pope,
Sephiroth, Soul Blazer, Talonswift, Tincat, Tzeentch and Weird...
... And everyone else we couldnt reach or mobilize in time! Hopefully we can
find a way to work together again someday! If you were part of Mist in the
past or wished you had been! please dont hesitate to look us up!
OK, what else do we include in these things?
mistigris distribution sites
youre kidding, right?
The Screaming Tomato ITS DOW-NNOW
The Jade Monkey RIP BBS-SING
Dreams of Dark, Enchanted Lizards WON TAW-AKEN
Canopic Jars NEV ERL-IVED
Greets to Blocktronics, Galza, and ... OK, Ill bite -- who else is releasing
artpacks in the new millennium? Hats off to TABNet on their 21st: almost dead,
but impossible to kill!
Cheers to all -- anyone who sees this has got to be all right by us, you
rz tr
M istigris funk 98!
mistigris memberlist october 2014
The following individuals have contributed to this collection:
Bah, Kasha! looked back at her historical contributions to Mistigris artpacks
and wrote a response to them. Her identity has been feebly obfuscated to
protect the innocent.
Bryan aka haquisaq somehow made it through the last 20 years alive. His more
recent creative efforts include composing hardware-oriented chip music under
the still equally stupid moniker bryface. Notably, he has had the rare
privilege of performing his music at chip music festivals around the world -
including places like Japan, Europe, and Australia - alongside many of the
global chip scenes foremost musicians.
He also ekes out his days as a web developer for a creative agency, bikes and
plays volleyball in his spare time, and eats three meals a day, sometimes four.
bryface.bandcamp.com / soundcloud.com/bryface / @bryfacetron
Cthulu warns: Dont get me started! After the computer artscene wound down, I
took up performance poetry with the early poetry slam scene. My poetic voice
was one of discontent and the persona was not healthy to maintain on a long-
term basis, so I switched streams back to music and will have been fronting
the jug band of the damned on an unruly accordion for 10 years come January.
reluctance.livejournal.com / videogamecomicads.blogspot.com / @unwashedmass
The very month Hallucigenia wrapped, Etana launched Keyframe Online, a
a tremendous animation resource. Red Haired Girl is part of her 100 Faces
portrait painting challenge at her homepage at tiltedwindmills.com
Fille of Galza has been in the Mistigris sphere since the summer of 1999 --
that is, too late to ever share creative work with us, until now. Cthulu made
a guest visit to the 22nd Galza artpack earlier this year and now Fille gets
a chance to return the favour. Find him on Twitter as @filipdehaes
Kevin Bryce wasnt there then, but he is here now. Hear more at
Livewire hasnt written a babble story like this one since Als House of Meats
closed up shop, but hes still got that wacky knack.
Were thrilled to have successfully tracked down our elusive Australian member
Maeve Wolf, a versatile visual artist with a portfolio at dashsharon.tumblr.com
Nearly a Mist member back in the day, we were fellow travellers with
Mattmatthew in TeklordZ. His guest art has represented Mistigris for years on
Wikipedia, and we are pleased to share his unfortunate piece with Blocktronics.
Melodia of Digitallusions was a sole proprietor music manufactory concern. In
this release we are pleased to present lit from her for the first time in
addition to two songs -- and keep your ears open for much more!
Logoist extraordinaire, Platinum fought the gods of computer security to set us
up a telnet BBS to act as a WHQ. House odds are typically on the gods.
Better known in a Mist context working in a different medium under different
handles, Psidream now releases drum n bass under the Nightfall imprint.
Publius Emeritus II is a onetime Mist member who isnt hiding that effectively.
Founder of EuphoniX, Sentience has given the music a rest and is resuming his
explorations into every other creative medium.
Formerly known as Silver Angel, Tillie continues to live and write in the 604
area. Shes been published in Salacious Magazine, and will be featured in the
upcoming Dirty Queer Anthology. Balancing being a queer, polyamourous feral
leatherwoman and handling donations at a church/homeless shelter, Tillie can be
found at @echnoidsymmetry on Twitter and on the book of face.
Eds note: Tillie is currently crowdfunding to be trained as a doula. I just
wanted to mention it because it very likely is something that has never been
said in an artpack before. If you wanted to support the campaign, that would
be cool also.
Tarot violated Finnish law in order to present us his submission, a remix of an
ANSI from 1997, replacing F3 blocks with hot, burning fire combusting through
a ceramic matrix. Thats what we like to refer to as extreme textmode art.
He can be found at facebook.com/joakimraaka
Another music machine, Theodoric got a little confused when the scene shifted
rocking the Amiga, his scene got rocked a little earlier than the PC kids,
but shaking his head he picked himself back up and has kept on keeping on.
Find more of his compositions at soundcloud.com/theorica
A former Mist member in disguise, Whazzit graces us with an ANSI-illustated
story... and a Gus. No, Gus is not the mascot of the Gravis Ultrasound.
Another former Mistigris member from the very beginning, WI has been jazzed to
discover that we didnt all go away forever. As are we, one supposes!
Zinc, aka J-Ray, has been active in many different art forms since his Kosmic /
Impulse Tracker days. After experimenting with rock and folk music, he formed
a three-piece live electronic band called Catscam, and continued making music
using live instruments. He pursued a career in Graphic Design, and dabbles in
visual art, slam poetry, calligraphy, and even dance. J-Ray is now a
competitive dodgeball player, part of the Vancouver Asian Film Festival
executive, studying Korean, and obsessing over ampersands.
www.j-ray.com / soundcloud.com/catastrophic-error / Instagram @DesignInVan
Thanks to our guests for the use of the fabulous Mist logos they made for us
before the full scope of our torpor was widely understood: header by Grymmjack
of Polyester, footer by rz and tr, and the fabulous salvaged FILEID.DIZ by
Thanks also to the following folks for emerging from retirement to join us,
if not in submitting artwork to this release, at least to act as moral support.
Heres hoping we get a chance to thrust more of their work to prominence again
sometime soon!
Adri, Ay Lektriq, Coyote, Crowkeeper, Da Vinci, Eoanya, Eto, The Extremist,
Flyingfish, Foolish Bird, The 4th Disciple, Freaq, Genocide Kitten,
God Among Lice, Hacker Joe, Halaster, Happyfish, Ice Cream Emperor,
The Itchy Swordsman, Jake Blues, Konami, Kyo, Mavrik, Melkor, Mr. Flibbles,
Mr. Wrong, Nitnatsnoc, Otnoo Ishphoo, Ozero, Pannekoekologist, The Pope,
Sephiroth, Soul Blazer, Talonswift, Tincat, Tzeentch and Weird...
... And everyone else we couldnt reach or mobilize in time! Hopefully we can
find a way to work together again someday! If you were part of Mist in the
past or wished you had been! please dont hesitate to look us up!
OK, what else do we include in these things?
mistigris distribution sites
youre kidding, right?
The Screaming Tomato ITS DOW-NNOW
The Jade Monkey RIP BBS-SING
Dreams of Dark, Enchanted Lizards WON TAW-AKEN
Canopic Jars NEV ERL-IVED
Greets to Blocktronics, Galza, and ... OK, Ill bite -- who else is releasing
artpacks in the new millennium? Hats off to TABNet on their 21st: almost dead,
but impossible to kill!
Cheers to all -- anyone who sees this has got to be all right by us, you
rz tr
M istigris funk 98!
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