this image contains text
t h e
e r
blender in the mist
Cthulu eYE aM nOT a fISH!
w e
l c o m e
quip whos in charge of this months M
iSTiGRiS pac
k release wanted me
to write an article about mists standings in the
Blender competition.
I figured, what better way to illustrate our prowress
than this?
n e
w s
having finally amassed enough points to pull strongly
ahead of our longtime
tie with serial, mist is now
three points ahead of its next closest
competitor, fire, notably as ser
ial recently bit the big one and isnt
viable competition. still, a tag-team group blender
is coming up with a
new point system! where the winner gets 4 po
ints, so fire still has a claim
at our gold. theyre not going to get it, however 8
t h
r e e i d e a s
it seems that a disproportionate amount of the words
which end up being
used come from mist members. is this beca
use so many of us participate in
the blender? perhaps our words are merely
of a higher calibre. the mind
p a
r t i c i p a n t s
in the beginning only one or two mist members partici
pated in blenders -
notably the extremist and neophyte
now quip. this changed after
20 - the first tag team blender and our firs
t win, after which a mist
presence was an assumed part of the festivi
ties. the record for mist members
participating in one blender is I think nine
representing the three teams
mist forwarded in the second tag-team blender. ha
ppyfish, handiboy and cthulu
working on the second-placing e-mag ent
ry gNOME, rage and kyo
working on the
high resolution submission and platinum,
catch22 and g33kb0y on an ansi
m i
s s i n g ?
the entry from mistteamtwo from blend
er 20 - the first tag-team blender -
has still not surfaced to this day. it is clear that
it was unfinished after
the five hour deadline, and that it consisted of vario
us fragments - sea
monkeys from happyfish, an .HSC
-format song by sylphid and other
such snippets
seemingly unrelated. those of us in the prize-winning
mistteamone know
really that they just didnt release cause they knew
that they couldnt
top our entry 8
w i
n n e r s
in the most recent blender, number 38, t
he first place winners were:
cthulu, grinch, handiboy
and quip representing misti
we submitted an ansi of Sherlock Holmes doing the
C in the YMCA while
a policeman, pantless construction worke
r and a sailor spelled out the rest
of the letters behind him. handiboy, q
uip and grinch worked on the ansi.
in addition, the four of us worked on an all-too-accur
ate remix of the famous
Village People song, with a bit of Holmes-y m
usic tacked on to the beginning.
to finish off with, our entry also included a .
RIPscrip file from grinch.
our entries were impressive on their own, unbeatable t
ogether, and the fact
that only nine people participated that week clinched
our win.
furthermore, all three files were created in my baseme
nt on two computers,
in the company of g33kb0y, zamfir worsh
ipper, sentience and zinnia kra
after the blender meet, we all went to Vanier Park to
see shooting stars.
in addition to our heap of first place wins, if the ne
w point calculation
scheme ever comes into effect, we will be buoyed upwar
ds by our large
collection of second and third placements as well.
i m
p o r t a n t
mistigris is proud that all of its entries have always
been relevant to the
words and created exclusively for the blender without
relying on pre-created
work. we have on occasion made use of routin
es and programs to facilitate our
creative visions - everything from Eeries
Browser scripting language to Eto
BIN2EXE to sound systems - but
in all cases the relevant code / information
has been created spontaneously during the course of th
e blender itself.
t h e b l e n d e r
h a l l o f f a m e
a r t i s t s O T W
s t a n d i n g s
20. handiboy, mavrik
, cthulu, mis
tigris- 2 points
mistigris : 8
23. handiboy mistig
ris no one else is
29. cthulu, handiboy
, happyfish, m
istigris worth mentionning
jughead 8
30. cthulu, handiboy
, happyfish mistigris
- 2 points
33. handiboy m
38. cthulu, g
rinch, handiboy,
quip mistigris
p a r t i c i p a n t s
18 * handiboy -
the only people with more participation
s than him are
hennifer and mel farr suppastar
, with 19 each, and warpus
with his 22 blender appearances. Ou
t of those 18, he has
won or been part of a winning team in 6
of them, or fully
14 archangel a third
of the time.
13 * cthulu -
participated in three blenders not as a mi
stigris member
but as one of the serial killers!
10 skrubly - won
several blenders on the strength of his stories alon
and was invited into mist and accepted
based on his
blender wins 8
9 happyfish - le
arned to use and apply the Browser scri
pting language
within a 5 hour period to code the s
econd-place winning
e-mag ChopShop! for blender 3
7 kyo - was in
vited into mist based on his appearances in blenders.
* quip
6 rage
5 * grinch
* text
4 mavrik - res
ponsible for the only interactive game ever released
3 dead soul a blender pack
- the infamous return of E.T. the Extra-
2 geekboy Terrestrial!
cue ominous horns
menace - a self-proclaimed
non-blender-er, he has still somehow
gotten mixed up in it twice.
nitnatsnoc - though he is of
ficially out of the scene, we have still
thanatos managed to drag a few entries
out of him when he stops
tincat by my house.
1 gnome
neosmurf - was invited into m
ist based on past blender appearances.
patrick monahan - participate
d in the blender completely by accident.
platinum happned by my house while I
was in the middle of it.
schtroumpf he wanted me to look for so
mething in the last few
minutes so I made him finish the st
ory Id been
working on. We didnt place very high 8
about this list
this list keeps track of how many times a certain p
erson has participated,
not how many entries he/she has submitted.
- winners are highlighted in bright green
like so.
- this weeks participants have a red star
* beside their name.
total participants : 24
total participations : 125
any further calculations can be done by
warpus and his calculator. we all know how
much he likes doing math. er... in space.
b y
the 39th blender will be held:
the 40th GROUP blender
will be held:
wednesday, august 20th
wednesday, august 27th
7:00pm - 9:30pm est
7:00pm - 9:30pm est
blender on EFnet
on EFnet
please join us. questions
? comments? email me:
well wipe up the floor with you
but itll be fun 8 tbroniew@uwater
t h e
e r
blender in the mist
Cthulu eYE aM nOT a fISH!
w e
l c o m e
quip whos in charge of this months M
iSTiGRiS pac
k release wanted me
to write an article about mists standings in the
Blender competition.
I figured, what better way to illustrate our prowress
than this?
n e
w s
having finally amassed enough points to pull strongly
ahead of our longtime
tie with serial, mist is now
three points ahead of its next closest
competitor, fire, notably as ser
ial recently bit the big one and isnt
viable competition. still, a tag-team group blender
is coming up with a
new point system! where the winner gets 4 po
ints, so fire still has a claim
at our gold. theyre not going to get it, however 8
t h
r e e i d e a s
it seems that a disproportionate amount of the words
which end up being
used come from mist members. is this beca
use so many of us participate in
the blender? perhaps our words are merely
of a higher calibre. the mind
p a
r t i c i p a n t s
in the beginning only one or two mist members partici
pated in blenders -
notably the extremist and neophyte
now quip. this changed after
20 - the first tag team blender and our firs
t win, after which a mist
presence was an assumed part of the festivi
ties. the record for mist members
participating in one blender is I think nine
representing the three teams
mist forwarded in the second tag-team blender. ha
ppyfish, handiboy and cthulu
working on the second-placing e-mag ent
ry gNOME, rage and kyo
working on the
high resolution submission and platinum,
catch22 and g33kb0y on an ansi
m i
s s i n g ?
the entry from mistteamtwo from blend
er 20 - the first tag-team blender -
has still not surfaced to this day. it is clear that
it was unfinished after
the five hour deadline, and that it consisted of vario
us fragments - sea
monkeys from happyfish, an .HSC
-format song by sylphid and other
such snippets
seemingly unrelated. those of us in the prize-winning
mistteamone know
really that they just didnt release cause they knew
that they couldnt
top our entry 8
w i
n n e r s
in the most recent blender, number 38, t
he first place winners were:
cthulu, grinch, handiboy
and quip representing misti
we submitted an ansi of Sherlock Holmes doing the
C in the YMCA while
a policeman, pantless construction worke
r and a sailor spelled out the rest
of the letters behind him. handiboy, q
uip and grinch worked on the ansi.
in addition, the four of us worked on an all-too-accur
ate remix of the famous
Village People song, with a bit of Holmes-y m
usic tacked on to the beginning.
to finish off with, our entry also included a .
RIPscrip file from grinch.
our entries were impressive on their own, unbeatable t
ogether, and the fact
that only nine people participated that week clinched
our win.
furthermore, all three files were created in my baseme
nt on two computers,
in the company of g33kb0y, zamfir worsh
ipper, sentience and zinnia kra
after the blender meet, we all went to Vanier Park to
see shooting stars.
in addition to our heap of first place wins, if the ne
w point calculation
scheme ever comes into effect, we will be buoyed upwar
ds by our large
collection of second and third placements as well.
i m
p o r t a n t
mistigris is proud that all of its entries have always
been relevant to the
words and created exclusively for the blender without
relying on pre-created
work. we have on occasion made use of routin
es and programs to facilitate our
creative visions - everything from Eeries
Browser scripting language to Eto
BIN2EXE to sound systems - but
in all cases the relevant code / information
has been created spontaneously during the course of th
e blender itself.
t h e b l e n d e r
h a l l o f f a m e
a r t i s t s O T W
s t a n d i n g s
20. handiboy, mavrik
, cthulu, mis
tigris- 2 points
mistigris : 8
23. handiboy mistig
ris no one else is
29. cthulu, handiboy
, happyfish, m
istigris worth mentionning
jughead 8
30. cthulu, handiboy
, happyfish mistigris
- 2 points
33. handiboy m
38. cthulu, g
rinch, handiboy,
quip mistigris
p a r t i c i p a n t s
18 * handiboy -
the only people with more participation
s than him are
hennifer and mel farr suppastar
, with 19 each, and warpus
with his 22 blender appearances. Ou
t of those 18, he has
won or been part of a winning team in 6
of them, or fully
14 archangel a third
of the time.
13 * cthulu -
participated in three blenders not as a mi
stigris member
but as one of the serial killers!
10 skrubly - won
several blenders on the strength of his stories alon
and was invited into mist and accepted
based on his
blender wins 8
9 happyfish - le
arned to use and apply the Browser scri
pting language
within a 5 hour period to code the s
econd-place winning
e-mag ChopShop! for blender 3
7 kyo - was in
vited into mist based on his appearances in blenders.
* quip
6 rage
5 * grinch
* text
4 mavrik - res
ponsible for the only interactive game ever released
3 dead soul a blender pack
- the infamous return of E.T. the Extra-
2 geekboy Terrestrial!
cue ominous horns
menace - a self-proclaimed
non-blender-er, he has still somehow
gotten mixed up in it twice.
nitnatsnoc - though he is of
ficially out of the scene, we have still
thanatos managed to drag a few entries
out of him when he stops
tincat by my house.
1 gnome
neosmurf - was invited into m
ist based on past blender appearances.
patrick monahan - participate
d in the blender completely by accident.
platinum happned by my house while I
was in the middle of it.
schtroumpf he wanted me to look for so
mething in the last few
minutes so I made him finish the st
ory Id been
working on. We didnt place very high 8
about this list
this list keeps track of how many times a certain p
erson has participated,
not how many entries he/she has submitted.
- winners are highlighted in bright green
like so.
- this weeks participants have a red star
* beside their name.
total participants : 24
total participations : 125
any further calculations can be done by
warpus and his calculator. we all know how
much he likes doing math. er... in space.
b y
the 39th blender will be held:
the 40th GROUP blender
will be held:
wednesday, august 20th
wednesday, august 27th
7:00pm - 9:30pm est
7:00pm - 9:30pm est
blender on EFnet
on EFnet
please join us. questions
? comments? email me:
well wipe up the floor with you
but itll be fun 8 tbroniew@uwater
log in to add a comment.