this image contains text
oSoSo oSo .oo. oSo .oo. oo
. oSo .oo.
. o
ooo sss oooxpe!96oo
Mistigris 1996 - Lost but not forgotten.
. 1. Big enough? And how big is TOO bi
g? .
: The thought may strike you
as you peruse this pack :
+.. that it is quite a humdinger. Espe
cially considering that ..+
. we still dont have an issue of Kithe ready
to release to .
you. In that respect, we do have some
thing cooking for
..+ next month, but for now were keeping it on the
back +..
. burner. It is as such that we offer unto you an
: unusually informative infofile. Informatio
n in the :
+.. infofile? What a novel concept...
In any event, these ..+
. parentheses are getting tedious so I should
cut to the .
. The pack measures up as our second-largest p
ack .
: release to date, dwarfed only by the January
1996 pack on :
+.. which four times as many months wer
e spent amassing art. ..+
. The size is partially accountable for variou
s factors - .
our returning practise of including the a
..+ generator in the pack, our lengthy file seperato
rs, and, +..
. oh yeah, Foolish Birds half-meg song 8. We assure
you .
: however that the size reflects the quality o
f the work :
+.. presented, and while the music and
high resolution may ..+
. make the archive size bigger and transfer ti
me longer it .
is also well worth listening to and looki
ng at,
..+ respectively. It is as such that I will urge yo
u not to +..
. overlook this pack merely because of the size.
+.. 1a. Propaganda in the form of a sli
p in logic. ..+
This fails to take into account o
f course the
..+ fact that you would not be reading this infofile
had you +..
. not downloaded the pack 8. If you do think that it
was .
: worth the precious seconds drained away from
your :
+.. lifespan, please reccommend it to y
our brethren, spread ..+
. it around to BBSes and FTP sites, or even co
ntribute to .
it in the form of a guest artist or yea,
even a member.
: 2. News of the group? Group of the news?
Fruit of the Loom? :
. This pack represents the full awaken
ing of our .
promising new members Neophyte, Weird, T
rinity as well
..+ as the final promenades of some old favorites M
avrik, +..
. KesTrel, Lord Maximoff and finally some unexpected
guest .
: cameo appearances from former Legend, Integr
ity, and :
+.. Mistigris member Questor and from l
it tycoon ..+
. extraordinaire Schtroumpf of Cenobite, as we
ll as a quite .
expected guest appearance from Fire membe
r and former
..+ Mistigris member The Extremist from when he sta
yed at my +..
. house at the terminus of his cross-Canada hitchhikin
g .
: trip. We all enjoyed our summer thoroughly,
aside from :
+.. that little incident when that fier
y rift opened up in the ..+
. earth and swallowed Nitnatsnoc, Silent Knigh
t and Genocide .
Kitten whole to work out their difference
s. Were sure
..+ that given time, and a few pick-axes, theyll be
come the +..
. best of buddies. .
+.. I cant reveal too much of
our other affairs ..+
. without disclosing the contents of the pendi
ng Kithe .
issues, but I can tell the music-lovers o
ut there to watch
..+ out for our TRACKERFIX 96 music disk release o
fun. +..
. Useful utils of all sorts are coming close to fruiti
tion, .
: so be sure to pluck them before they go all
soft and :
+.. bruisy. Things may be slowing down
a bit as we all get ..+
. back to school and goofing off on someone EL
SEs time, but .
our fantabulous TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY pack
is coming up and
..+ we hope to make it quite a special little archiv
e indeed. +..
. If anyone feels like helping me make it special plea
se .
: contact me. And no, we dont need anyone t
o come out of :
+.. the cake - we already got Mage to d
o it. He figured that ..+
. after us using his cake for two years he may
as well get .
some milage out of it as well.
. 2a. Bibble. .
+.. As I am writing this, I hav
e not had any sleep for ..+
. 42 hours. Gee, how could we tell? This m
ay at least .
partially explain the unusual lucidity of
the contents of
..+ this letter. +..
: 2b. Is this lame or what? :
. As Mistigris will be celebrating the
2nd .
anniversary of its first release, so even
sooner will The
:.+ Screaming Tomato be celebrating its big two at t
he end of +.:
.. August. Any art for this wonderful boar
d would assuredly ..
: be appreciated. And other members wanting a
rt for their :
+.. boards will of course simply have t
o leave subtle hints ..+
. contained within their works. I write the i
nfofile, I .
get to abuse the privelige 8
. 3. The Member, and How to Swing it. .
+.. note: gee, that seems eve
n more appropriate. I ..+
. should use more Tom Jones-related bulletin h
eaders. It .
seems to work well. Then again, anything
involving Tom
..+ Jones is destined to succeed. Hey, does this me
an that +..
. were going to get underwear thrown at us? .
+.. Ahem. What follows will be
as precise a list as ..+
. possible of current Mistigris members. Wher
e applicable, .
we will display their e-mail addresses ne
xt to their
..+ names. Handy, huh? +..
: A disclaimer would also be in order to the
word :
+.. that although having your name om
itted from this list does ..+
. not constitute expulsion, you certainly have
nt been at the .
front of Cthulus mind recently and that
perhaps you should
..+ do something to remedy the situation. +.
: lEGEND mentors people who care in
bLUE. :
+.. and can and will do anything abou
t it ..+
. ANSI .
..+ Babyface +..
. Cereal Killer .
: Cybercool :
+.. Destro ..+
. Etana .
Maeve Wolfmwolf@sv.net.au
..+ Neophyteneophyte@unix.dsoe.com
. Rage .
: Sentience :
..+ Publius Enigma +..
. The Iconoclastjleigh@direct.ca .
: Trinitytrin@bbs.dsoe.com
+.. Weird fungj@luther.cbbs.org
. Wishbringer .
..+ LIT +..
: Anakin :
+.. angst ..+
. Bastet AudreyYap@mindlink.bc.ca
Big BrotherBig.Brother@sciboard.spdlan
..+ Crowkeeper crowkeep@imag.net +.
. Cthulu cthulu@infomatch.com .
: Grateful Dead :
+.. Flying Fish ..+
. frazZle .
Jake Blues
..+ Remorhaz +..
. Sentience .
: Zamfir Worshipper :
+.. Zinnia Rockjanderse@max-net.com
. Etana .
: Jake Blues :
+.. Sentience .
. Thanatos thxmist@ix.netcom.com
The Wanderer wanderer@upstate.net
. MUSIC ..
+.. Fritz ..+
. Foolish Bird foolbird@intergate.bc .
Jake Blues
..+ Sentience +..
. Sylphidsylphid@infomatch.com .
: The Pope :
. CODE: .
:.+ Candide +..
.. Dr. CPU drcpu@vcn.bc.ca .
: Eto :
+.. Mavrik ..+
. Maxwellmaxwell@apci.net .
..+ Sylphidsylphid@infomatch.com
. Xavierxavier@jumppoint.com .
+.. INTERNET: ..+
..+ Dr. CPUdrcpu@vcn.bc.ca +.
: 4. The Site, and How to Swing it.
. no, that doesnt work anywhere as w
ell. Lets .
try that again.
. 4a. Its not Unusual to be Loved by any Site. .
+.. thats marginally better.
Here is a listing of last months
sites. There
..+ are more now but due to paperwork, bureaucracy,
red tape +..
. and entirely too much sunny weather we havent manag
ed .
: to get their information officially typed up
. We assure :
+.. you that once the sun tucks itself
away for its 10 month ..+
. leave of absence, the infofiles will be much
more current .
and uninspired. Hey, you take the good w
ith the bad.
. SITES: .
+.. http://www.geopages.com/Athens/175
8/mist.html ..+
fantastically old WWW page, soon to be g
:.+ shiny. honest +..
: +WThe Screaming Tomato 604 430-8805
Nitty/Cthulu :
+.. +CC1ty iZ Burning 418
841-3410 The Extremist ..+
. +UThe Regency tregency.res.cmu.edu H
alaster .
+KDaemons Gate 604 948-03
63 Mavrik
..+ +THarvest Moon 216 951-7059 Qur
An +..
. -pThe Undiscovered Point604 PRI-VATE Dr. CPU
: Shades of a Shade 604 540-7968 Ghost
Writer :
+.. The Fuzzy Doorknob 604 943-46
26 Sylphid ..+
. The Neon Jesus 604 942-3074 Genoc
ide Kitten .
Entrance to Obscurity 604 525-2767 Eto
..+ Malpractise 604 down dow Trinity
. Skull Duggery 502 n down d Grim Reaper
: The Fifth Moon 604 520-9519 frazZ
le :
+.. Dreams of Dark, E. L. 604 525-65
19 Etana ..+
. Biproducts 408 372-7712 neoNE
Power Station 353 041-32568 Mad
: 5. Whats new Pussycat, Woah-oh-oh.
. I decided that if I was going to go
to all the .
trouble of writing a REAL newsletter that
I may as well
..+ pull out all the stops and do one of these
. semi-conventional numbered-list-style ones. You sho
uld .
: be happy to note that we have refrained from
the use of :
+.. any fractions, decimals, and irrati
onal numbers in the ..+
. sequence of events. .
..+ 52. Whoops. Guess I blew it. +..
: Dont those squiggles on the side st
art to get :
+.. irritating after line 250 or so? T
hanks to Publius ..+
. Enigma anyway for drawing this whole frame f
or me to .
spew verbal diarrhea into. He had some g
reets in the
:.+ original version which are neatly tucked away in
to +.:
.. black-on-black text at the bottom, so if
you suspect ..
: that he was trying to sneak a hidden message
to you, :
+.. youre liable to find it there.
6. Poo. Ive run out of Tom Jones refer
:.+ Guess Im not a true fan. +..
: If youve made it to the bottom of t
his textfile :
+.. without getting sick of the terribl
e puns and copious ..+
. in-jokes you deserve some sort of metal. He
re, take .
Lead. So big and unweildy, never did muc
h with it anyway.
.. You deserve some sort of joke or
something for .
: having persevered to the end of this rant.
Lessee... :
. OK. A man walks into a bar. OW! .
Hee hee. James Brown - OOOOooW!
.. All right, thats enough silliness. I s
hould go now. ..
+. Mistigris 1996 - putting the scen
e pack into scintillating. .+
. actually, its still pretty darned silly, but oh
well... .
o. -cthulu JOINmist
oSoSo oSo .oo. oSo .oo. oo
. oSo .oo.
. o
ooo sss oooxpe!96oo
Mistigris 1996 - Lost but not forgotten.
. 1. Big enough? And how big is TOO bi
g? .
: The thought may strike you
as you peruse this pack :
+.. that it is quite a humdinger. Espe
cially considering that ..+
. we still dont have an issue of Kithe ready
to release to .
you. In that respect, we do have some
thing cooking for
..+ next month, but for now were keeping it on the
back +..
. burner. It is as such that we offer unto you an
: unusually informative infofile. Informatio
n in the :
+.. infofile? What a novel concept...
In any event, these ..+
. parentheses are getting tedious so I should
cut to the .
. The pack measures up as our second-largest p
ack .
: release to date, dwarfed only by the January
1996 pack on :
+.. which four times as many months wer
e spent amassing art. ..+
. The size is partially accountable for variou
s factors - .
our returning practise of including the a
..+ generator in the pack, our lengthy file seperato
rs, and, +..
. oh yeah, Foolish Birds half-meg song 8. We assure
you .
: however that the size reflects the quality o
f the work :
+.. presented, and while the music and
high resolution may ..+
. make the archive size bigger and transfer ti
me longer it .
is also well worth listening to and looki
ng at,
..+ respectively. It is as such that I will urge yo
u not to +..
. overlook this pack merely because of the size.
+.. 1a. Propaganda in the form of a sli
p in logic. ..+
This fails to take into account o
f course the
..+ fact that you would not be reading this infofile
had you +..
. not downloaded the pack 8. If you do think that it
was .
: worth the precious seconds drained away from
your :
+.. lifespan, please reccommend it to y
our brethren, spread ..+
. it around to BBSes and FTP sites, or even co
ntribute to .
it in the form of a guest artist or yea,
even a member.
: 2. News of the group? Group of the news?
Fruit of the Loom? :
. This pack represents the full awaken
ing of our .
promising new members Neophyte, Weird, T
rinity as well
..+ as the final promenades of some old favorites M
avrik, +..
. KesTrel, Lord Maximoff and finally some unexpected
guest .
: cameo appearances from former Legend, Integr
ity, and :
+.. Mistigris member Questor and from l
it tycoon ..+
. extraordinaire Schtroumpf of Cenobite, as we
ll as a quite .
expected guest appearance from Fire membe
r and former
..+ Mistigris member The Extremist from when he sta
yed at my +..
. house at the terminus of his cross-Canada hitchhikin
g .
: trip. We all enjoyed our summer thoroughly,
aside from :
+.. that little incident when that fier
y rift opened up in the ..+
. earth and swallowed Nitnatsnoc, Silent Knigh
t and Genocide .
Kitten whole to work out their difference
s. Were sure
..+ that given time, and a few pick-axes, theyll be
come the +..
. best of buddies. .
+.. I cant reveal too much of
our other affairs ..+
. without disclosing the contents of the pendi
ng Kithe .
issues, but I can tell the music-lovers o
ut there to watch
..+ out for our TRACKERFIX 96 music disk release o
fun. +..
. Useful utils of all sorts are coming close to fruiti
tion, .
: so be sure to pluck them before they go all
soft and :
+.. bruisy. Things may be slowing down
a bit as we all get ..+
. back to school and goofing off on someone EL
SEs time, but .
our fantabulous TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY pack
is coming up and
..+ we hope to make it quite a special little archiv
e indeed. +..
. If anyone feels like helping me make it special plea
se .
: contact me. And no, we dont need anyone t
o come out of :
+.. the cake - we already got Mage to d
o it. He figured that ..+
. after us using his cake for two years he may
as well get .
some milage out of it as well.
. 2a. Bibble. .
+.. As I am writing this, I hav
e not had any sleep for ..+
. 42 hours. Gee, how could we tell? This m
ay at least .
partially explain the unusual lucidity of
the contents of
..+ this letter. +..
: 2b. Is this lame or what? :
. As Mistigris will be celebrating the
2nd .
anniversary of its first release, so even
sooner will The
:.+ Screaming Tomato be celebrating its big two at t
he end of +.:
.. August. Any art for this wonderful boar
d would assuredly ..
: be appreciated. And other members wanting a
rt for their :
+.. boards will of course simply have t
o leave subtle hints ..+
. contained within their works. I write the i
nfofile, I .
get to abuse the privelige 8
. 3. The Member, and How to Swing it. .
+.. note: gee, that seems eve
n more appropriate. I ..+
. should use more Tom Jones-related bulletin h
eaders. It .
seems to work well. Then again, anything
involving Tom
..+ Jones is destined to succeed. Hey, does this me
an that +..
. were going to get underwear thrown at us? .
+.. Ahem. What follows will be
as precise a list as ..+
. possible of current Mistigris members. Wher
e applicable, .
we will display their e-mail addresses ne
xt to their
..+ names. Handy, huh? +..
: A disclaimer would also be in order to the
word :
+.. that although having your name om
itted from this list does ..+
. not constitute expulsion, you certainly have
nt been at the .
front of Cthulus mind recently and that
perhaps you should
..+ do something to remedy the situation. +.
: lEGEND mentors people who care in
bLUE. :
+.. and can and will do anything abou
t it ..+
. ANSI .
..+ Babyface +..
. Cereal Killer .
: Cybercool :
+.. Destro ..+
. Etana .
Maeve Wolfmwolf@sv.net.au
..+ Neophyteneophyte@unix.dsoe.com
. Rage .
: Sentience :
..+ Publius Enigma +..
. The Iconoclastjleigh@direct.ca .
: Trinitytrin@bbs.dsoe.com
+.. Weird fungj@luther.cbbs.org
. Wishbringer .
..+ LIT +..
: Anakin :
+.. angst ..+
. Bastet AudreyYap@mindlink.bc.ca
Big BrotherBig.Brother@sciboard.spdlan
..+ Crowkeeper crowkeep@imag.net +.
. Cthulu cthulu@infomatch.com .
: Grateful Dead :
+.. Flying Fish ..+
. frazZle .
Jake Blues
..+ Remorhaz +..
. Sentience .
: Zamfir Worshipper :
+.. Zinnia Rockjanderse@max-net.com
. Etana .
: Jake Blues :
+.. Sentience .
. Thanatos thxmist@ix.netcom.com
The Wanderer wanderer@upstate.net
. MUSIC ..
+.. Fritz ..+
. Foolish Bird foolbird@intergate.bc .
Jake Blues
..+ Sentience +..
. Sylphidsylphid@infomatch.com .
: The Pope :
. CODE: .
:.+ Candide +..
.. Dr. CPU drcpu@vcn.bc.ca .
: Eto :
+.. Mavrik ..+
. Maxwellmaxwell@apci.net .
..+ Sylphidsylphid@infomatch.com
. Xavierxavier@jumppoint.com .
+.. INTERNET: ..+
..+ Dr. CPUdrcpu@vcn.bc.ca +.
: 4. The Site, and How to Swing it.
. no, that doesnt work anywhere as w
ell. Lets .
try that again.
. 4a. Its not Unusual to be Loved by any Site. .
+.. thats marginally better.
Here is a listing of last months
sites. There
..+ are more now but due to paperwork, bureaucracy,
red tape +..
. and entirely too much sunny weather we havent manag
ed .
: to get their information officially typed up
. We assure :
+.. you that once the sun tucks itself
away for its 10 month ..+
. leave of absence, the infofiles will be much
more current .
and uninspired. Hey, you take the good w
ith the bad.
. SITES: .
+.. http://www.geopages.com/Athens/175
8/mist.html ..+
fantastically old WWW page, soon to be g
:.+ shiny. honest +..
: +WThe Screaming Tomato 604 430-8805
Nitty/Cthulu :
+.. +CC1ty iZ Burning 418
841-3410 The Extremist ..+
. +UThe Regency tregency.res.cmu.edu H
alaster .
+KDaemons Gate 604 948-03
63 Mavrik
..+ +THarvest Moon 216 951-7059 Qur
An +..
. -pThe Undiscovered Point604 PRI-VATE Dr. CPU
: Shades of a Shade 604 540-7968 Ghost
Writer :
+.. The Fuzzy Doorknob 604 943-46
26 Sylphid ..+
. The Neon Jesus 604 942-3074 Genoc
ide Kitten .
Entrance to Obscurity 604 525-2767 Eto
..+ Malpractise 604 down dow Trinity
. Skull Duggery 502 n down d Grim Reaper
: The Fifth Moon 604 520-9519 frazZ
le :
+.. Dreams of Dark, E. L. 604 525-65
19 Etana ..+
. Biproducts 408 372-7712 neoNE
Power Station 353 041-32568 Mad
: 5. Whats new Pussycat, Woah-oh-oh.
. I decided that if I was going to go
to all the .
trouble of writing a REAL newsletter that
I may as well
..+ pull out all the stops and do one of these
. semi-conventional numbered-list-style ones. You sho
uld .
: be happy to note that we have refrained from
the use of :
+.. any fractions, decimals, and irrati
onal numbers in the ..+
. sequence of events. .
..+ 52. Whoops. Guess I blew it. +..
: Dont those squiggles on the side st
art to get :
+.. irritating after line 250 or so? T
hanks to Publius ..+
. Enigma anyway for drawing this whole frame f
or me to .
spew verbal diarrhea into. He had some g
reets in the
:.+ original version which are neatly tucked away in
to +.:
.. black-on-black text at the bottom, so if
you suspect ..
: that he was trying to sneak a hidden message
to you, :
+.. youre liable to find it there.
6. Poo. Ive run out of Tom Jones refer
:.+ Guess Im not a true fan. +..
: If youve made it to the bottom of t
his textfile :
+.. without getting sick of the terribl
e puns and copious ..+
. in-jokes you deserve some sort of metal. He
re, take .
Lead. So big and unweildy, never did muc
h with it anyway.
.. You deserve some sort of joke or
something for .
: having persevered to the end of this rant.
Lessee... :
. OK. A man walks into a bar. OW! .
Hee hee. James Brown - OOOOooW!
.. All right, thats enough silliness. I s
hould go now. ..
+. Mistigris 1996 - putting the scen
e pack into scintillating. .+
. actually, its still pretty darned silly, but oh
well... .
o. -cthulu JOINmist
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