this image contains text
Greetings all and welcome to the infofile of another Mistigris artpack! Its
our first whole-group undertaking since our May release, which you may have
missed entirely due to its relative untextiness. I would advise you to
check it out -- MIST0522 -- as worthwhile regardless, but then I would,
wouldnt I? Since then we not only presented Darkman Almightys texty solo
TREK2022 ANSI artpack, but also littlebitspaces astounding texty
LBS-TAROT, a complete solo deck of PETSCII Tarot card designs... AND the
untexty teletext MATTI60 celebration, so its not like weve been sitting
on our thumbs since May -- we need a break from all this taking a break,
maintaining a release pace like this is exhausting! But enough about the
past: this pack here before you is unthemed, full of the creative odds and
ends that members of our community have been working on for their own
purposes since our last unthemed pack back in February of this year.
Hats off to a few artists appearing in this collection for the first time in
any artpack anywhere -- SysOps AdeptApril and Codefenix, and the mysterious
Shi-Akuma ... also, Psykoz graces us with his first artpack appearance this
century after making an unbelievable splash, for better or for worse, on the
IRC. Additionally wed like to thank The Knight of Lazarus for making a
guest appearance here with his essential FILEID.DIZ artwork. The header to
this infofile was drawn by Pixeldud, and the memberlist is CoaXCables
distinctive handiwork. Thanks for helping to make it happen, everyone!
Though it is unthemed, there are a few currents to keep your eyes open for in
this artpack: it contains several images that ran on the big screen in recent
demoparty competitions, including works by Illarterate, AdeptApril and
several pieces by CoaXCable. Additionally, this artpack contains a few
demonstration works Adel Faure created in his new Pixboard: a simple
keyboard-only raster graphics editor with a semi-graphic input mode,
bridging a gap between the textmode and pixelart worlds. If youd like to
try it out for yourself, you can take it for a spin at
Thats about it for this artpack, but stay tuned for more upcoming from the
famous Mistigris Skunkworks! Were slow-cooking an experiment on our
networked Moebius server at completelynonintegrable.ca, and we have another
themed artpack upcoming on the topic of food and eating, so get your recipes
illustrated and bring something to the potluck! No, not more hummus, East
Van has that covered! I would say that such a release was unprecedented,
but the 11th, Cookbook issue of our Kithe electronic magazine 26 years ago
in September of 1996 -- browser-adapted at mistigris.org/kithe/kithe11.htm if
youd like to get caught up -- was entirely concerned with this subject
also. Weve been sitting on BBS-captured materials for its successor,
Imbibe, for over a quarter-century now, and this may be the opportunity for
those freeze-dried shelf-stable literary snacks to finally be served to an
unsuspecting audience.
And of course I need to make an obligatory mention here, since it will never
appear in a Lazarus infofile, that another Blender improvised art compo is
coming up the weekend of October 22-23, details at
mistigris.org/blender/blend.html . Ill go them one further and hype a date
from their internal calendar that is unlikely to appear in one of their
artpacks in time: the Lazapalooza meet-up takes place in Downtown Toronto
August 26-29. Mist Classic, being intensely locally-based, hosted tons of
meets -- as you can glean from the photo gallery in M-9808 -- but our revival
has proven so decentralized and distributed across the planet that trying to
get any number of us in the same place at the same time would be sheer
folly. Despite which, we havent tried it!
I think that just about covers it, but undoubtedly anything I missed will be
touched on at great length in our daily Mistigram posts to social media, so
if youre not yet hooked up, consider following us! Otherwise, anything that
doesnt get covered here will just be seed starter for the next packs
infofile, fear not. See you then!
Greetings all and welcome to the infofile of another Mistigris artpack! Its
our first whole-group undertaking since our May release, which you may have
missed entirely due to its relative untextiness. I would advise you to
check it out -- MIST0522 -- as worthwhile regardless, but then I would,
wouldnt I? Since then we not only presented Darkman Almightys texty solo
TREK2022 ANSI artpack, but also littlebitspaces astounding texty
LBS-TAROT, a complete solo deck of PETSCII Tarot card designs... AND the
untexty teletext MATTI60 celebration, so its not like weve been sitting
on our thumbs since May -- we need a break from all this taking a break,
maintaining a release pace like this is exhausting! But enough about the
past: this pack here before you is unthemed, full of the creative odds and
ends that members of our community have been working on for their own
purposes since our last unthemed pack back in February of this year.
Hats off to a few artists appearing in this collection for the first time in
any artpack anywhere -- SysOps AdeptApril and Codefenix, and the mysterious
Shi-Akuma ... also, Psykoz graces us with his first artpack appearance this
century after making an unbelievable splash, for better or for worse, on the
IRC. Additionally wed like to thank The Knight of Lazarus for making a
guest appearance here with his essential FILEID.DIZ artwork. The header to
this infofile was drawn by Pixeldud, and the memberlist is CoaXCables
distinctive handiwork. Thanks for helping to make it happen, everyone!
Though it is unthemed, there are a few currents to keep your eyes open for in
this artpack: it contains several images that ran on the big screen in recent
demoparty competitions, including works by Illarterate, AdeptApril and
several pieces by CoaXCable. Additionally, this artpack contains a few
demonstration works Adel Faure created in his new Pixboard: a simple
keyboard-only raster graphics editor with a semi-graphic input mode,
bridging a gap between the textmode and pixelart worlds. If youd like to
try it out for yourself, you can take it for a spin at
Thats about it for this artpack, but stay tuned for more upcoming from the
famous Mistigris Skunkworks! Were slow-cooking an experiment on our
networked Moebius server at completelynonintegrable.ca, and we have another
themed artpack upcoming on the topic of food and eating, so get your recipes
illustrated and bring something to the potluck! No, not more hummus, East
Van has that covered! I would say that such a release was unprecedented,
but the 11th, Cookbook issue of our Kithe electronic magazine 26 years ago
in September of 1996 -- browser-adapted at mistigris.org/kithe/kithe11.htm if
youd like to get caught up -- was entirely concerned with this subject
also. Weve been sitting on BBS-captured materials for its successor,
Imbibe, for over a quarter-century now, and this may be the opportunity for
those freeze-dried shelf-stable literary snacks to finally be served to an
unsuspecting audience.
And of course I need to make an obligatory mention here, since it will never
appear in a Lazarus infofile, that another Blender improvised art compo is
coming up the weekend of October 22-23, details at
mistigris.org/blender/blend.html . Ill go them one further and hype a date
from their internal calendar that is unlikely to appear in one of their
artpacks in time: the Lazapalooza meet-up takes place in Downtown Toronto
August 26-29. Mist Classic, being intensely locally-based, hosted tons of
meets -- as you can glean from the photo gallery in M-9808 -- but our revival
has proven so decentralized and distributed across the planet that trying to
get any number of us in the same place at the same time would be sheer
folly. Despite which, we havent tried it!
I think that just about covers it, but undoubtedly anything I missed will be
touched on at great length in our daily Mistigram posts to social media, so
if youre not yet hooked up, consider following us! Otherwise, anything that
doesnt get covered here will just be seed starter for the next packs
infofile, fear not. See you then!
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